There are about ten thousand active religions in the world. Over four thousand out of these are available in India. Each one of this has its own independent God. Fortunately all of them are invisible. Otherwise we would be meeting a few of them every day. All the believers, both teachers as well as learners know that there is only one God in the whole universe. However, according to the individual theory of each one of them, they all, strongly rather adamantly believe that theirs is the right God. Rest of them are considered as duplicate gods. And that makes fight between people representing different religions. Since long we have been watching this fight. Since science or mathematics or history cannot interfere in this subject a uniform solution may not be possible. Therefore, ideologically subjugated disputes may continue forever.
However some answers to this can be found in Hindu and Christian religious books. The Sanskrit word Tat tvam asi (Thou Art That ) found in Chandogya Upanishads is the most adaptable synonym for God. In this Upanishad Sage Uddalaka and his son Shwetaketu in a conversation use this word a number of times. Almost a similar expression can be found in the Bible too. "You have never heard His voice, nor have you beheld his appearance." (John 5:37). "I am in the Father and the Father is in me." (John 14:10). "No one ever saw God, the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He Himself has described Him " (John 1:18)
K V George
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