Juvenile crime in India has downward tendency during the period between 2013 and 2022 when the number of crimes committed by the young ones came down from 43506 to 30555. We see that countries like Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Netherlands etc have the lowest rate of juvenile crime in the world. Why our youngsters sent out freely to commit crime? Can we not prevent them from doing crime?
Excessive politics is one of the prime factors that prompt children to commit crime. In order to avoid this all types of political activities should be banned from all educational institutions. This decision should be taken by the parents and teachers together and should be implemented strictly by the state and central governments.
Another important aspect to consider to bring down crime in our country is deployment of cent per cent youth. In other words, make the unemployment rate to zero. In order to make it happen we must exploit as much natural resources as possible. This will straight away create employment. We must explore all crude deposits and tap all possible deposits. Retain those for tomorrow may not be worth.
Another thing that instigate crime in children as well as grown up in the society is free flow of narcotics in our country. Though there are enough law to check the flow of narcotics in our country the widespread corruption in our country and the unquenchable thirst for money in our people do not allow to prevent the demand for narcotics in our country. Alongwith the existing system to prevent narcotics in our country we may, on a trial basis, appoint about 100 qualified and energetic youth on trial basis, say as apprentice. There duty should be to find out the source of incoming, place and people involved in trading, any type of corruption involved in this, regular users and such related information about narcotics should be gathered and instantly communicated to nominated police and excise officials and a judge of the High Court.
We must also think about an open jail for the starters of the narcotics. There should be medical treatment for them as well as daily classes by experts to reform them. Those in this jail should be restricted from public contacts as much as possible.
And ofcourse, the most important is that the school education should be made compulsory upto class 12. And the school syllabus should be should be suitably changed incorporating all the major problems we face today like the unbearable corruption in our country, widespread use of narcotics all over bthe country,safety of women, excessive politics, road accident (3714 people were killed in road accidents in 2024, 4080 in 2023 and 4317 in 2022. 54743 people were injured in road accidents in 2024) Poor road conditions, road blocking by political parties, driving under intoxication etc cause road accidents. Education has significant role to play in bringing down road accidents as well as all other problems we face today.
K V George
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