According to the book, Corruption in India, written by Professor Bibek Debroy and Laveesh Bhandari Rs 921 billion or 1.26% of our GDP is transacted through corruptive means. Corruption in India is not just born overnight. It is prevailing here for long and finally our billion population have admitted it as part of their life. Even the most poor one while going to a government office for any service carry something in his pocket.
Why corruption is rampant in our country? Don't we have adequate laws to prevent corruption? Is there any lenience in those meant for picking the offenders? All these put together must be the reason for the growth of corruption in our country. In fact the successive governments are not taking result oriented measures to prevent corruption in our country.
When our generation has totally failed to eradicate corruption from our country let us at least make the way clean for our descendents. A large percentage of poverty in our country, underdeveloped state of many parts of our country, people do not get proper services from many government departments, lack of equality in a democratic nation, insecurity for women of our country etc are the after effects of corruption.
Let us find an end to this. The first thing we should do is all about corruption should be included in the school syllabus from class 4 to class 12. The subject corruption should be shifted from the government to the supreme judiciary of each state. Anyone found to have involved in Corruption even for a rupee should be dismissed from service for ever. The corrupt amount should be recovered immy. A minimum penalty of three times of the amount involved should also be recovered. A substantial jail term also should be made compulsory. If these could be done, from the very day of implementation of the order itself corruption shall be vanished from our country.
But, who bell the cat!
(Indebted to web sources also)
K V George
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