A leading daily of Kerala came out with a news bit sometimes back alongwith a photo of Collector of Pathanamthitta speaking in a film festival. Some people have taken it like an unforgivable crime committed by her. In fact what is wrong with it? Film festival itself is an entertainment matter. She was neither presenting an annual budget of the country nor delivering a welcome speach to honour a great foreign personality.
Let us try to learn to ignore what is to be ignored. All unwanted subjects should not be bundled and put on the head and supply to others. It can only stink all. This is nothing but the short coming in our educational syllabus in school. Let us formulate a proper syllabus for our coming generations.
If we cannot teach our children properly our tomorrows are certainly going to be bad and beyond correction. Whatever bad is happening today in our whole country is the outcome of our ancestors misdirections yesteryears. And most unfortunately the worst things are repeating on and on. My dear fellow beings, all the negative actions taking place in our country cannot be rectified by political speeches. The extreme poverty in our country, the highest amount of corruption, the extremely pathetic state of women of our country etc are some of the wretched things continuously happening for decades. Proper education to our coming generations can only change the heinous acts in our country. It should be well organised by the people with their competitive knowledge.
K V George
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