Our concept of God is mainly fed by the religion we belong to. We are generally taught by the age old theories of God clubbed with a long list of laws which are strictly to be adhered to. Our success in obeying the laws lead us to heaven and the failure to comply those may throw us to hell is the prime teaching of almost all religions. Charector formation of human beings must be the principle aim of the religious teachings. If we closely follow our own paternal religion we can find that much effort is not provided to link man with God. This however make man to keep a distance away from the Supreme One.
Now, if we make an independent pursuit of the Almighty One, may be after a prolonged quest we shall certainly reach in ourselves. The moment we realise that the Almighty One is within ourselves we will have a strong feeling of love and compassion in us and we are within the eternal truth. The moment we realise that God is reachable for us, will be the greatest moment in life. And that moment provide us a link between the Almighty One and ourselves.
Primarily we must know the fact that man cannot understand the God well. The Everliving One cannot be contained in the tiny human brain. When we cannot even conceive the size of the universe, it would be unwise for us to put efforts to find its Creator. We can also envisage the Supreme One by placing Him in everything. Under this concept everything in the universe put together forms the God. As we said earlier, if we immerse ourselves in the Shapeless One what we may feel would be love, compassion and truth. And that must be God!
K V George
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