There is no human ever lived in the world who knew all about his own body. It's a miraculous construction, and very intelligent one too. Just have a look.
Humans are the only animal with chins.
If they are laid end to end, all of the blood vessels in the human body would encircle the earth four times.
Scientists are not exactly sure why we yawn, but it may help regulate body temperature.
Finger nails will not grow after one is dead.
As you breathe, most of the air is going in and out of one nostril. Every few hours, the work load shifts to the other nostril.
Blood makes up about 8% of total body weight.
The human nose can detect about 1 trillion smells.
Skin is the largest body organ and can comprise 15% of body weight.
The tongue is made up of eight interwoven muscles, similar in structure to an elephant's trunk or an octopus's tentacle.
On a genetic level, all human beings are more than 99% identical.
The foot is one of the most ticklish part of the body.
Extraocular muscles in the eye are the body's fastest muscles. They allow both eyes to flick in the same direction in a single 50-millisecond movement.
A surgical procedure called a selective amygdalohippocampectomy removes half of the brain's amygdala-and with it, the patient's sense of fear too goes away.
Hair grows about 6 inches per year. The only other thing that grows faster is bone marrow.
No one really knows what fingerprints are for, but they might help wick water from our hands, prevent blisters, or improve touch.
The heart beats more than 3 billion times in the average human life span.
Blushing is caused by a rush of adrenaline.
(Indebted to an article by Kat Long dated 19 March 2019)
K V George
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