TIME is divine. Time has no beginning and no end. No form and not perceptible. Spread every where within the universe and beyond. Equality for every one, every thing and every where. Can not be destroyed and not even harmed. Whatever may happen around, never change the entity. Called by different names by different people but, is one for all.

Time is also change. Time remains still if change do not take place.

Time is divided into three zones; past, present and future with constantly changing boundaries. Past is definite and experienced, a passed reality. While closer is the happenings the brighter they are and farther and farther become darker and darker.

Future is indefinite and is nothing but a hope. Not experienced but remain as a wish always. Future is a thrill. From the earliest one, man ever wished to have a glimpse of the future.

Present is considered as our time, a reality. This is the one we experience. While past and future are mere thoughts present is the one, we think, as existing.

If I say, present is not a reality but a sheer illusion, how many of you may agree with me? Yes, it is true, there is nothing like present. When we say present year, it has a past and a future also in it. So are the present month, day or the hour. If we take a second, it too has a past and future in it. Further we divide it into a nano second, a nano past and a nano future too are int it. We can not keep on dividing it for an answer because it is infinite. So the duration of present is infinite rather a near non existing or incomprehensible one. Present what we think as a reality is, therefore, an illusion. Past is a reality as we are living in it. What we see from closest to the eyes also become past when we perceive the vision. So are the cases with other senses too.

As we say time is divine there is another one, in which all the descriptions of time is well fitted. That is space. When descriptions of qualities or characters of  one fit into another, both can be considered as equal or same. There is a third one that too fit into the same descriptions. That is dark matter. Much is not talked about this late entrant. When force is applied from one matter to the other there should be a medium to convey. When magnet pulls iron in vacuum space it can be safely presumed that, that vacuum space is not strictly vacuum. There is something in the vacuum that convey the forces and that 'something' is dark matter. Science say 80% of the constituents of this universe is dark matter. Is it not 100%?

This universe is composed by four elements; time, space, dark matter and magnetic force. These components may interfere with each other and create new dimensions. When space interferes, zonal boundaries of time get changed. Past become present or future and future become present or past. Let us imagine that some one is now getting a closer view of earth from a planet situated hundred light years away. When he looks at India he can see freedom struggle and Mahatma Gandhi in action. If another one is sitting in a planet 2000 light years away, he would be seeing Jesus Christ and the disciples preaching. Past are present for these two onlookers. May be some of the stars we gaze above are collapsed and vanished long back, much before our birth, but they are still in existence for us.

In another case let us imagine that some one is watching our earth from a place 'minus' thousand light years away. He would be seeing the happenings on earth in AD 3000. {This is a different subject. We shall discuss it later.}

If someone is moving away from earth in a special vehicle at light speed, he would be constantly seeing the gathering came to see him off. Even after many years he would be seeing those people in the same posture unmoved at the same place. The onlooker here remains in one zone of time.

Considering all these it can be safely concluded that as to which zone of time one is planted is determined by the space.

                                       NOTE:            Readers should not construe anything from this as a scientific principle. It is sheer imagination

K V George


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