According to a report dated 10 March 2023 by International Energy Agency (IEA) one out of seven cars sold globally is EV. Global sales of electric cars increased by about 60% in 2022.
Market share of electric cars in selected countries are given below.
Norway 88%
Sweden 56%
Netherlands 35%
Germany 31%
China 30%
USA 7%
In India Tata leads in EVs with 86% of the market share. EV market grew in India by 223% in 2022. EV market of India was valued at USD 1.45 billion in 2021. It is projected to grow by USD 113.99 billion by 2029.
As per available information there are 21 crores two wheelers and 7 crores four wheelers registered in India. Out of these 5,44,643 are electric two wheelers and 54,252 are electric four wheelers.
As per information India's import of Petroleum, Crude and it's Products in 2022 is valued at 12 trillion rupees which is 98% more than the previous year in comparison. Under this circumstances the following are submitted for evaluation of the educated community of the country.
1. The government may allow suitable number of car and two wheeler manufacturers in India to manufacture EVs and sell those in the international market and in India. We may also go for electric heavy vehicles too. If these can be tagged with an attractive prices both in the local market as well as in the international market, India may soon have a monopoly on Electric Cars and Two Wheelers in the world (The present prices of electric cars in India cannot be afforded by an average buyer). This will fetch a good amount of foreign currency to the country. It will also help to bring down the huge payment towards crude imports.
2. When petrol/diesel vehicles are replaced by electric vehicles the prices of almost all commodities will terribly come down and make the huge population consisting of poor and middle class happy. Every section of people will enjoy this change.
3. Another significant aspect would be that the atmospheric pollution shall come down considerably. This will keep the people more energetic m
Since this arrangement does not cost anything to the government on one hand, will fetch huge sum to the exchequer on the other hand.
The qualified section of the society, the educated youth (many of them shall get deployed if this is well implemented) and the media is requested to support this proposal earnestly and forward to the government with proper recommendations. We cannot afford to spend much time for taking a decision as the delay may make our opportunity lost.
K V George
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