If India wishes to have an all-round improvement of the coming generations, our first priority should be to recast the school syllabus. Whether it is state sponsored schools or CBSE or any other mode of management the syllabus from Pre KG to Class 12 should be common for the whole country. The following subjects should be included in all classes from Class 4 to 12 according to the capabilities of students of each class. However in the case of state syllabus the concerned states may be allowed to add inevitable subjects if any without leaving any of the following. However when NCERT prepares the syllabus they may draft the lessons at 100% extra; for instances if 50 lessons are compulsorily taught they may prepare 100 lessons or more. Let each state and other management bodies may pick the required fifty from NCERT's syllabus list.
1. What to do and what not during pregnancy. Also what to eat and what not during pregnancy. This should be prepared in such a way that we may have physically and mentally strong future generations.
2. How the parents should nurture their children.
3. Preservation of flora and fauna.
4. Waste disposal.
5. Environmental protection.
6. Tourism development.
7. Democracy and politics
8. Bribery and corruption.
9. Public disciplines
10. Pros and cons of alcoholic drinks.
11. Dangers of narcotic use.
12. How to give dignity and esteem to women.
13. Promotion of art and culture.
14. Neatness and cleanliness all over.
15. Respect all religions.
16. Extreme punishments for homicides.
17. How to bring down road accidents.
18. Refinement of our political concepts.
19. Safety of women and children.
20. Political reformation needed.
Experts in various fields can include more essential subjects if needed.
If these could be included in the syllabus of tomorrow we can certainly expect a better India and contented Indians. India should not be built as a political house, but as a home of contented people.
K V George
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