If we take up this matter, whether our dead ones come to us any time during our life, especially at the time of our death, scientifically the answer would be a big no. Because there is no scientific theory to substantiate this. In our day to day life many of us might have confronted with true stories of communication with spirit. The body and mind prepare themselves for death before it actually takes place. We will not have an urge for food or drink. This must be a  preparation to conserve as much energy as possible. Pain is another symptom when death nears. This is followed by shortness of breath. There are many stories about the spirits of the near and dear ones coming to the dying one at this moment.

CEO of a Palliative care unit said once that he had studied dying moments of 63 people. 52 out of them had more dreams during the last days. It was not like the normal dreams. They were talking, smiling and laughing in faint voice as if they were together with their dear ones. Paranormal investigators call these events "crisis apparitions" and say these take many forms. To skeptics, such description could verge on the paranormal - the types of other worldly experiences that make for supernatural thrillers in film or literature. Or they might wonder if patients are delirious from pain or medication and thus babbling in confusion. What is described in research that was published in 2014, based on interviews with patients at the Centre for Hospice & Palliative Care, located in a Buffalo, New York, suburb are something different. The patients are interviewed about dreams they had while asleep, visions they had while awake and things they saw or sensed while in the blurry state between sleep and wakefulness that is common during final days and weeks.

Maurice S. Rawlings, an American Cardiologist  and author of Christian books on near death experience, mentioned a case in his book - Beyond the Death Door. A young man who had met with a road accident was brought to the hospital. After examination the doctors confirmed that he had his last breath. Immediately the message was passed to his relatives. Soon some of them came there and had look of the body. After having the official formalities they had arranged an ambulance to take the body home. In the meantime few more relatives came there. The body of the dead was brought outside and placed in the ambulance. Suddenly a slight movement of eyelids were noticed and immediately brought the body back into the emergency room. After a few days the 'dead man' became normal. And here comes the surprise! When he was lying 'dead',  he could recall all those who came to him and wept, including the colour of their dress. This shows that the soul could see, recognise and hold in memory.

K V George


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