We are the proud owners of many prestigious possessions in this world. It is like we become an owner of a very big company or the president of a big country in one of our dreams. Not even hair of ours can be said our own. Today we maintain it the best possible way and keep it as our prestigious symbol. Tomorrow when we go to the hair salon it will be cut and removed and people will walk over it. That is the case with our own body. Then think about the gold, the rupee note, the large garden and mansion we have. When we read a well written novel, we also live in a big house, travel in a posh car and eat good food. When we finish the book, we return to ourselves without house, car and food. Our life is also like this.
During our school days, the teacher sometimes ask us to go and play for a while and come when the handbell sounds. During that playing time we may sometimes hurt others, love and say good words to some others. Some of us go and water the plants. Some go and sit alone on the cement chairs. During this time some children, if develop some attachments to the plants they have watered, some to the chairs they sat, some to the ball they have played. Our life is also like this. During our life in this world.
Everyone of us live in this imaginary world. When one says that large stretch of land and big mansion here belongs to him, it is like saying that the 'moon and sun are mine'. Our parents, brothers and sisters, wife and children, relatives and friends are not truly ours. Even our own physical body, the heart, eyes and ears do not be ours after a day. Then what is ours?Can we say the self, life or soul is ours?
K V George
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