According to a CNN report the arctic winter storm of the past year has spread havoc in United States. 22 people have already been died. Over three lakhs houses spent their Christmas without power. Food supply has been interrupted at different parts. Snow has been mounted on houses, roads and market places.
Burning of fossil fuel, destruction of forests and the warming up by greenhouse gases are pointed out by climatologists as the prime causes for climate change on earth. According to a global study about 45% warming up has happened in the past few decades. While 4% of warming takes place caused by the whole African continent and one third of the world warming is caused by China alone.
The wild fire of the past year in Hawaii killing large number of people is also reported to have caused by the climatic change. The ongoing flood in various parts of India is also the after effects of climatic change. We may have to study the matter in depth and find the causes. Whatever is caused by man should be numbered and strict preventive measures should be taken on top most priority. United Nations may nominate a committee consisting of few resourceful countries to take the lead.
Let us not havoc the nature but try to do necessary rectification.
K V George
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