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Who are you? No one can give the right answer to this question. Instead of answering this question one may comment on others like this; 'he is bad', 'he is useless' etc. With what knowledge and under what authority one makes such comments? He himself cannot answer.                   ************* There they identified a big black rock. They brought a good sculptor to carve an idol for the temple. He carved the rock into the desired shape and placed in the temple for worship. Then some of the remaining rock was cut into shape as foot steps at the entrance of the temple. The remaining rock was used to make a public toilet in the temple. It is the part of the same single rock that is placed for three different purposes. We too are like the same. One may be a ruler of a country, other may be a scavenger or a trader or police man or a thief or with umpteen other brands name.                    **************" There are many people bought land in Moon, Mars e


The following countries are beyond reachable level for we Indians. Our political leaders, without any reluctance, go to the extent of promulgating our achievements. Now, let us compare those 'would be' achievements with the realities in many countries in the world. Let us think whether we can ever reach those. Highest GDP per capita income:  Luxembourg has the highest GDP per capita income in the world $1,28,820 (Rs 1,04,34,420) One crore four lakhs thirty four thousand four hundred twenty rupees per capita income for we Indians can only be possible in dreams. Lowest poverty: Iceland  has the lowest poverty rate in the world. In 2017 it reached 0% and in 2021 it came upto 4.9% India ranks 111 out of 125 in Global Hunger Index 2023. No crime and no cops Netherlands is a country unimaginable for we Indians.  There are no cops, no jail and no jail staff because there are no crimes and no prisoners. On 31.12. 2021 there were 5,54,034 prisoners in India. We have 1306 pri


    In  order to learn more about plants, one goes to the teachers of Botany, for machinary to the Mechanical Engineers and to know about our own body, we go to the appropriate Doctors. Surprisingly, to learn about the Almighty God, the Creator of everything in this universe we go generally to an illiterate or an unconcerned person. Most of us do not know much about a mosquito or an ant. Many of us do not know about our own body system. Highly qualified Psychologists and Neuroscientists cannot say much about human mind. Despite these facts, when it comes to God, anyone may speak everything about God, as if they know all about God. It is because God is so simple for them. For those, religion is the science of God. In modern India, those who have political status is considered as the authorised one to speak about God and religion. We Indians have a treasure of knowledge stored in the four Vedas and the ten principal Upanishads from the 108 books. These great books tell about


          (Image courtesy -                  Dreamstime.  com) Literacy rate of India in 2022 is said to be 77.7% whereas it is 96.2% in Kerala. We may try to find the truth behind these claims. As per the census records of 2011 graduates in India is a mere 8.15% (98.6 million) Countries with highest literacy in the world are Lithuania (99.82), Tajikistan (99.80) and Azerbaijan (99.79) Though the rate of literacy looks to be slightly above the rate of literacy in Kerala, the faculties between them are considerably different. While our standard of literacy is just reading and writing of one's name, theirs are far superior. We must immediately come out of the present idiotic concept of literacy rating and should recast the literacy standard. Currently the literacy standard in India is that of the LKG. Every two years we must upgrade it, i.e. after two years we must fix it to UKG and then to class 1, 2, 3 etc and finally it should reach the graduation level. After reaching


Just think about  There is only truth in this world; no half truth or untruth. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ ഈ ലോകത്ത് സത്യം മാത്രമേയുള്ളൂ, ഇവിടെ അർദ്ധസത്യങ്ങളും അസത്യങ്ങളുമില്ല. K V George 


          (Images of Supernova) After death, tiny man on earth and the  gigantic star have something common. In order to make it more clear the spirits of both seem to be acting similarly. Birth of a star can be attributed to the clouds of dust scattered around most of the galaxies. Turbulance deep within the clouds gives rise to knots with sufficient mass that the gas and dust can begin to collapse under it's own gravitational pull. As long as the inward force of gravity and the outward force generated by the fusion reactions are equal, the star remains stable. The clouds are called nebulae and those are spread across many light years and contains enough mass to make several thousands stars as big as our sun. There cannot be much in common with the birth of a man and the birth of a star. However, in both cases there can be one thing that can be said nearly common. The birth take place in both from debris of earlier generation formed into new mat


(Image courtesy - Pinterest) According to Hinduism one is rewarded or punished as per his deeds in this life. In any faith, one needs a physical body and senses either to suffer the punishment or enjoy the reward. As such punishments and rewards given in this very world either in this life or in a life after this. In the Bible, according to Mathew 7:1 it is said, "Do not judge, so that you may not be judged." It is like this. We misbehave with other one and hurt him much. But God do not punish us instantly. The Merciful One give us oppertunity to repent on our doing. However, during this time we find one misbehave with our close one. And he happily moves around. We then tell God, "Look at him , Oh God! After hurting my people you are allowing him to live happily. Why don't you punish him?" In this instance, we get our punishment instantly for our earlier similar doings, because we are telling God that misbehaviour deserve instant punishment. The Supr


For 77 years India is an independent country but most of the Indians are yet to attain freedom. Because most of us do not have our self. We do not think and act independently, but think and act the outdated meanless and aimless politics only.  Our politicians, for quite sometime, loudly announce the great achievements of our country. Now we may see here what the people have gained. In the international ranking on the safety of women in the world,  our country holds lowest ranking in safety of women. India is one of the most dangerous country in the world as far as safety of women is concerned. According to Georgetown Institute Women Peace and Security Index 2023 placed India in 128 among 177 countries. The report indicates that the crime rate against women in India went upwards from 64.5 per lakh in 2021 to 66.4 in 2022. As a whole India remains one of the most dangerous countries in Asia. As per the report of NCRB, 4,45,256 crimes were registered across the country against


Blue  House Pub in Sunderland Hendon, London is a 167 years old Bar in England. Abnormal visitors are coming here for quite sometime. Recently the owner of the bar Darla Anderson, the service bobyys and the customers present there had a shivering surprise. A machine is installed there for filling beer in the glass. When asked  the customer, the service boy pick the glass, place in the filling spot and put the switch on and fill the glass. Contrary to this, a few days back, when a customer asked for beer, the glass moved self to the filling point and got the beer fillled without anyone's help. Similar incident took place 20 years back when the present owner's aunty was running the pub. A few days back a spiritualist came to the bar and said that he felt the presence of a spirit there. The former owner also says that he too had such experience a few times. In his time the glasses were moving by itself and falling down to the floor and broken. In the absence of any cct


Exchange rate in 1947 was 1 rupee = 1 US Dollar. Since then though it never gone to that level, both remained in close range.  However since the devaluation of Indian rupee in 1992 it kept falling continuously. Today's exchange rate is 1 US$ = Rs 81.96 Now, Indian economy is fairly doing well but our rupee is not picking up at that level. On the other hand, while US economy is not making any quantum leap the exchange rates of USD is keep mounting versus almost all other currencies. It is because of its demands world over. Currency exchange rate is decided like the price of essential commodities under demand and supply theory. If Rupee can reach more heights that will reduce the dependency on the dollar considerably and on the other hand it will provide us better bargaining power.  When this can reduce the cost of export and bring in more earning from international trade. Since this can appreciate the demand of rupee there will be less risk of purchase price of goods. It


Valentina Vassilyev and her husband Feodor Vassilyev hold the world record for maximum number of children a couple have produced. Valentina gave birth to a total of 69 children. These were 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets. These children were born in 27 births during the period between 1725 and 1765. In the case of most number of children delivered in a single birth, the Guinness Book of World Records is held by Halima Cisse from Mali. The 25 years old mother had eight children in a single birth in 2009. K V George


Just think about While arriving at a new country we all know where from and what for we have come. But when reaching this world we do not have these information. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ നമ്മൾ ഒരു പുതിയ രാജ്യത്തു വരുമ്പോൾ  നമുക്കറിയാവുന്ന കാര്യങ്ങളാണ് എവിടുന്നു വന്നെന്നും എന്തിനു വന്നെന്നുമുള്ളത്. എന്നാൽ നാം ഈ ഭൂമിയിൽ വരുമ്പോൾ ഇതൊന്നും നമുക്കു അറിഞ്ഞുകൂടാ. K V George 


Just think about  Having believed in any religion you need not go anywhere to please God. Wherever you look around, you find God there. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  നിങ്ങൾ ഏതു മതത്തിൽ വിശ്വസിക്കുന്നവരും ആയിക്കൊള്ള ട്ടെ, ദൈവത്തെ പ്രീതിപ്പെടുത്താൻ എവിടെയും പോകണമെന്നില്ല. നിങ്ങൾ എവിടെ നോക്കിയാലും കാണപ്പെടുന്നത് ദൈവം മാത്രമാണ്. K V George 

WANT PETROL @ Rs 02.12 per Litre?

        Oil field in Venezuela  According to available information the average price of Petrol in 2024 in Venezuela is 2 Pence (GBP). This South American country has the lowest price for petrol in the world. The last  reported price was Rs 02 12 in Indian currency. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. The government is also giving huge subsidies to oil. However due to sanction imposed by America and some other countries in 2005 they could not sell oil in the world market. Consequent upon lifting certain sanction in the oil sector India made huge buying from Venezuela from December 2023. Surprisingly this could not make any positive impact in prices in the retail market of our country. As per available information Reliance Industries have received approval to buy oil from Venezuela. A group of Indian youth who can afford to raise funds may think in this direction. They may take necessary approval from Government of India as well as from the Government of USA.


   (Image courtesy to Unsplash) India has witnessed 7,500 rich Indians leaving the country in 2022. According to Henley Private Wealth Migration Report (2023) India is expected to witness a net outflow of 6,500 ultra-rich. These ultra-rich is High Net-Worth Individuals (HNWI) who have an investable wealth of US$1 million or more (Rs 8.2 crores at current rate). The outflow of 2023 will make India the second worst performer in losing HNWIs after China. The top five destinations projected for these outflow in 2023 will be Australia, Singapore, UAE, USA and Switzerland. The largest expected outflow of these millionaires are from China, India, UK, Russia and Brazil. India was among the ten richest countries in 2022 with the population of HNWIs. India has 3,44,600 HNWIs, 1,078 centi-millionaires (those with wealth exceeding $100 millions), 123 billionaires (those with wealth exceeding $1 billion or  Rs 8,200 crores). China has 7,80,000 HNWIs and 285 billionaires. US has 52,70,00


Just think about  Excess food and excess wealth are equally destructive. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  അമിത ഭക്ഷണവും അമിത ധനവും ഒരുപോലെ വിനാശകരമാണ്. K V George 


All  put together, there is only one man in the world, taking all living and dead. It is neither a fantasy nor an imagination but a truth. According to Hinduism sage Manu was the first man came into this world. Matsya Purana says that Lord Brahma had union with Goddess Shatrupa (Saraswati) and out of the union of them Manu was born. And he is believed to be the first man created on earth as per Hinduism. As per Old Testament, God created the first man on earth was Adam.  "And then the Lord God formed man from the clay of the earth, and He breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul " (Genesis 2:7).  "... And he called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." (Genesis 5:2) Modern science says something totally different about the formation of the world and whatever in it. The universe began as just a single point, then it is expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now, and it is still stretching. Duri


Many people may come up with a positive answer to this question, but I feel hardly anyone can love others. Love is something that is to give only, not to expect anything back; even love. Normally our love for any person contains at least an element of selfishness, greed or ego. Can we love someone who is abusing us with filthy language or one who is severely beating us? I don't think that we can love such a person. Hence our love become conditional. We may act as loving them back to those who are acting as loving us. Love is divine. God alone can love all of us unconditionally. Despite our incapability, if we realise the truth and pray the Supreme One, He may help us to have genuine and everlasting love. K V George  


According to PEW Research Centre, using  data has estimated that in 2021 there were  134 million people in India had income of $2 or below per day. Another report by Sr Sai Manish of Business Standard updated on April 17, 2020 stated that as per the World Bank bench mark of poverty line $3.2 per day, 60% of Indian population or 812 million people are below poverty line in India. If these figures are right, the so called poor have only one question to ask to the governments one after the other. "Why we are not given opportunity to work and earn for our food and wellbeing?" Every successive government that ruled the country right from independence, except the first four or five governments, is bound to answer this question. Despite having adequate resources to feed them stomach full, leaving them hungry is serious error by our rulers one after the other. Instead of rectifying the errors we only try to find the faults of the earlier government


Just think about  When point the finger towards another person, one should know that it would become dust one day and people shall walk on it. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  മറ്റൊരാളുടെ നേർക്ക് വിരൽ ചൂണ്ടുമ്പോൾ ഒന്നോർക്കുക, നാളെ ഈ വിരൽ മൺ പൊടിയായി വഴിയിൽ കിടക്കുമ്പോൾ ധരാളം പേർ അതിൽ ചവുട്ടി നടക്കും. K V George 


May it be any religion,  the purpose of praying for the departed souls are the same. It is a prayer to the God to forgive their sins and to grant them joyful living in the heaven. Whatever may be the style and language of the prayers, the One who listens to all these is the same. According to almost all religious teachings,  the prayer for the departed souls is a request to God to exempt them from punishment. Before moving further, we must know about punishments. In a divine term it cannot be called punishment but it is refinement. According to Bhagavad Gita everything in this universe is originated from Krishna. "aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate iti matva bhajante man budha bhava samanvitah"    _ Bhagavad Gita Ch 10 Verse 8 (I am the source of all spiritual and material world. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.) Everything including man are originated f


Just think about  At the beginning of time had we been there, the sun and stars could have been held in our palms. The great people around us today could have put in our laps little ago. If we do the right things at the the appropriate time the results shall be unbelievably great. Whenever we mingle with young children we must do the best possible to get them moulded to a perfect charector. K V George 


What are all happening in our country  is something quite uncommon. In fact at some parts of the coutry, may be a wider part, women are treated worse than even animals. According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) in 2022 UP topped the country in crime against women (such as rape, murder, kidnapping, murder after rape and gang rape). The record shows 65,743 such cases in 2022 compared with 56,083 in 2021 and 49,385 in 2020. These things are happening throughout our country. If we take the annual figures of the women attacked and killed in our country it would be more than the female population of many countries of the world. We should be ashamed of what is happening in our country.  So far we have not taken any effective, result oriented steps to save our own mothers, sisters and daughters from these wild beasts. The entire humanity around the world have to bow their heads over the pathetic conditions of the women of India. Finally the West Bengal government has taken


Just think about  We don't have stock of happiness. We have to buy it from the poor and helpless ones. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  സന്തോഷം നമ്മിൽ ശേഖരിച്ചു വച്ചിട്ടില്ല. നിർദ്ധനരിലും നിസ്സഹായരിലും നിന്നും അതു വില കൊടുത്തു വാങ്ങേണ്ടി വരും. K V George 


Most of us travel a lot. Many of us travel extensively on assignments. When we are sent somewhere on assignments, some informations are inevitably held by us. Those are, where we have come from, what is our task there, how long we are to remain there and where we have to go from there. These are the essential information in every journey. Contrary to this and surprisingly, we don't hold any such information in our journey to this world. More than 750 cores people are now living in this world. Many fold of this came and returned from here. None of them know this basic information. Does this mean that  those who have sent us here do not want to reveal these informations to us, for reason best known to Him. Therefore, until now, no one who came to this world never knew that where they have come from, what for they have come here, how long they have to be here or where they have to go back from here . K V George  


        Shooting site of Hindi movie  Malayalam  cinema holds a reputed name in the artistic and cultural front in the world. While our country itself is notorious in the ranking of safety of women in the world, Kerala is equally an unsafe place for women irrespective of age. Until now we had the impression, despite staines here and there, cinema is a work field of the cultured people. Of course we cannot escape from our politically inherited culture. Let us not forget that our country is the one which seen a woman on the original form of God Aadi Parashakti. However, of late, the political situation of our country, irrespective of any particular party brought the people into an indisciplined state. Politics have crept into every field of human life. It is injected into the people that anyone can escape after committing crime if one has political support and money in the pocket. And that has encouraged even well known people of the film field to commit such crimes as Justic


Just think about  We have never seen God. Each one of us shape, colour and fill capability and competence somewhere and that is our God. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  ദൈവത്തെ നമ്മളാരും ഇതുവരെ കണ്ടിട്ടില്ല. എവിടെയോ ഒരു രൂപം മെനഞ്ഞു അതിനു നിറവും കഴിവും കൊടുത്തു നാം ഓരോരുത്തരും ദൈവത്തെ കാണുന്നു. K V George 


We  all quite frequently say that I know him very well. We say that we are so conversant to him, know all about his family and we are so well versed about his character. In fact do we know what we utter? Not at all must be the answer. Now let us turn back to ourselves and ask the same question. Do we know ourselves? If so to what extent? Our answer may be so paltry and too petty because we do not know anything about ourselves but pretend to know all about others. It is the same thing that makes us to curse others and praise ourselves. All that others do are wrong and all that we do are right. Almost all human beings are suffering from this mental trauma. It is nothing but an idiotic state of mind. We do not know about ourselves is the truth, but we are reluctant to admit it. We act as if we know all about ourselves. And that befool us. We keep on playing foolish games in front of others and also with ourselves. Let us now admit the truth that we do not know anything about o


Gathering in a Political meeting (Image courtesy to the Hindustan Times) We  Indians must be the only people in the world who are not conscious of one's own priorities. We seem to have only two things centred in our lives and those are politics and God. Both these are not acquired from any systematic learning but through haphazard manner. If someone ask, what for these are learnt, there may not be any valid answer. Yet we think we are one of the most knowledgeable ones in the world. If someone tells them that their priorities are, eradication of poverty, ward off corruption, ensure safety of women, attain cent percent literacy, accrue the income of the people etc, they may say it is none of their business, but the government to do these things. Despite having all the resources, how we manage each thing  can be found when we compare ourselves with other countries. As we have discussed earlier our neighbour Sri Lanka has GDP per capita income about double the amount than


A view of Luxembourg - the richest country in the world by pci  Just think about: The large population of India is a plus point for us. If we can properly use this strong manpower to exploit our natural resources, we can stand  among the richest countries in the world. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ഈ വലിയ ജനസംഖ്യ വേണ്ട വിധം ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ സാധിച്ചാൽ അതു രാജ്യത്തിനു വലിയ ഒരു അനുഗ്രഹമായിതീരും. ഈ മനുഷ്യ ശക്തി ഉപയോഗിച്ച് നമ്മുടെ പ്രകൃതിവിഭവങ്ങൾ വേണ്ട വിധം പ്രയോജനപ്പെടുത്തിയാൽ നാം ലോകത്തിലെ സാമ്പത്തികോന്നതി നേടിയ രാജ്യങ്ങളുടെ ഗണത്തിൽ പെടും. K V George 


Mamata Dalai, 6 years old girl with her 7 years old sistar Asanti of Kendrapara district of Odisha were taking bath in a pond near to their house. Suddenly a crocodile appeared in the water. Within no time the six feet long animal caught hold of Asanti's feet. Facing the most dangerous situation in her life Mamata never lost her presence of mind. She immediately caught her sister with all her power and never allowed the animal to pull her down. The loud scream made by the children attracted the people from near by houses. All of them came there and pulled out Asanti from the mouth of the crocodile. Later the  animal was taken away by the forest officials. Later, National Bravery Award was received by the courageous girl Mamata Dalai in 2017. K V George


(Woman at a dinning table of a luxury hotel eating expensive food) We may find here some costly food items around the world. Jawa coffee per cup in Hawaii: $4.98 (Rs 418/-) Donkey milk in India per litre: Rs 2000 to 7000 Costliest tea: Da Hong Pao the legendary Big Red Robe is steeped in history and rarity. (This tea is from the mist of the Wuyi Mountains of China) Price per Kilogram, $1.2 million (Rs 8,66,87,000) Price per cup, $2,400 (Rs 2,01,344) Baccarrat Hotel, New York  Breakfast  Eggs and Caviar (eggs of fish) $240 (Rs 20,135/-) Snacks  Yubari Melon (Exclusively sold in Japan) SGD $ 34,000 (Rs 20,96,927) Meals  Paco Roncero Restaurant Ibiza, Spain: Rs 23,280 Fish Curry At 'Samundari Khazana' an Indian Restaurant in London is known for the costliest curry in the world. Seafood curry, £ 2,000 (Rs 2,21,689/-) Most expensive food in the world is : Almas Caviar, made from the female beluga sturgeon. It is harvested from the South Caspian sea. It must be from a bel


      (Close up photos of Moon) Many  people from different countries have so far bought land in Mars and Moon. Good number of Indians too have made such land purchases over the years. In 2020 a man from Ajmer, Rajasthan gifted 3 acres land in moon to his wife on their eighth wedding anniversary. Ever since late Sushant Singh Rajput, Shah Rukh Khan and other celebrities have  bought good extend of land in moon,  many people purchased smaller pieces from them. Sea of Tranquility is the most sought after region in the moon. The existing price per acre is US $37.50 (₹2775/-) which may be varied on either side depending upon other agencies. A Software Engineer employed in an engineering firm in NOIDA was awarded with one acre land in Moon by his employer in recognition of his hard work. There seem to be more Indians who have purchased land in other planets. However, anyone venture into making any deals in extraterrestrial real estate should know that any such claims


Kerala is a tiny state in the southern part of India with the current population of 35.97 millions. The sex ratio of the state is 1084 female per 1000 male whereas the national sex ratio is 1020 female per 1000 male (2023). The literacy rate of the state is 99.31% against the national average 85.94% as per the prediction of 2024. While the median age of Kerala is 35 years that of India is 28 years. When the per capita income of Kerala in 2022-23 is Rs 2,63,945, it is in the 11th position among other Indian states. Beyond the human factors, nature have blessed the state with unending natural beauty. And that made this part of the country as God's own country. Time magazine announced in 2022 that Kerala is the one of the fifty must visit tourist spot in the world. National Geographic Traveller magazine in 2012 named Kerala as one of the ten paradise of the world. All said and done, we could not market our tourism in the world. While USA earned US$ 1.8 trillion


Recently a retired official from the government sector said that he had some pain in the chest. He immediately visited a known private hospital and consulted a cardiologist. The doctor, after detailed examination suggested an Angioplasty surgery. Cost of the surgery would be Rs 1.5 lakhs, was the advice by the doctor. Our cardiac patient left the reputed private hospital and went straight to a district hospital and consulted the cardiologist there. After detailed examination our patient got admitted there and remained there for few days. The doctor then told him that he was fully cured and was discharged. The total expenditure in the hospital was said to be Rs 6,000/- plus. This may not be an isolated incident. In the case of Angioplasty the private hospitals in Kerala charges around Rs 1.2 to Rs 1.6 lakhs. The surgery takes about 30 minutes to 2 hours. Depending upon the health condition of the patient the recovery may take about two weeks time. The DGHS has proposed to br


Despite possessing immense natural resources and large manpower to exploit we Indians prefer to be called a poor country. We make no attempt to become the richest country in the world. We still maintain about one fourth of our population below poverty line in international standard. Our successive rulers find no shame in this. Corruption is rampant in our country. Not even a feeble attempt is made to eradicate this cancerous vice from our society. If a government earnestly wishes we can make this country corruption free within thirty days. But who is there to wish! Now, if India really want to target  economic and social development of international level, our prime attempt should be to eradicate politics from schools and colleges. If anyone is adamant to learn politics both theoretically and practically let there be  few political universities. All there practical experiments should be strictly confined within their college campus. Under no circumstances they should be all


Just think about: When we realise our ignorance, we are certainly on the route of knowledge. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ : നമ്മുടെ അജ്ഞത തിരിച്ചറിഞ്ഞാൽ നാം ജ്ഞാനത്തിന്റെ പാതയിൽ എത്തിയിരിക്കും. K V George 


There  is a story about a knowledgeable young man lived in a prosperous country. The king of that country could learn about this man. One day the king called him to the palace. During the talk the king found that this man possesses good knowledge. The king decided to help him to acquire more knowledge from different people and places. The king sent him to a very beautiful island inhabited by many intellectuals. The island had wide variety of animals, birds and trees. There were many rivers, lakes, hills and green valleys. The king asked him to stay there and enjoy for about an year. Sufficient money was given to him for his needs and was sent. After an year the man returned. The king called him to the palace and asked him what good things he had seen and learnt from there and how did he spent his time in the island for one year.  The man replied, "I took a furnished good house and appointed some servants and two cooks. They were making very good food for me. I used to


We  all in our young ages might have said that after sometime we too will have children. Husband and wife say soon after marriage that they would have beautiful daughter or a handsome son. Almost everyone nurture their children before they take birth in this world. Such children have no shape, colour, sex or intelligence. These are imaginary humans only. Then comes the real physical man with body, shape, colour, intelligence and status. This is the real man. Then comes the dead ones. They have different imaginary images for different onlookers. They all lived here for different periods and held different status. Now they all have imaginary shape, colour, intelligence and status. Some are good for some and some are not so good for some. While the prebirth and post death are not real ones they are in the minds of many. The real living ones do not think that they are falling into the imaginary world any time. Our existence in this world is like a rain drop falling from the sky


Just think about  It is we to answer our own prayers. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  നമ്മുടെ പ്രാർത്ഥനകൾക്ക്‌ ഉത്തരം നൽകേണ്ടത് നമ്മൾ തന്നെയാണ്. K V George 


People  who are working on different fronts can be primarily categorised into two groups. One is those working for the sake of work, nothing more than that. The other is those who want satisfac1tion for their doing. Such ones, if do not get satisfaction shall leave the work and move away. The former category shall continue to work until the scope of work is left. Whatever efforts we may put on something, but if it does not fetch any contentment, many of us may not be able to continue with it. Hence contentment is an essential return expected by many who put their efforts for anything. There are another category of people whose ultimate aim is not contentment alone but they find something more by sharing their contentment with the near and dear ones. And what they attain from this is happiness. Happiness is, therefore, derived from sharing our contentment with others. It is a state of ECSTASY. Then comes peace. Peace is not man made, it is divine. While many are


Man is on the look out for our fellow beings in other planets for quite sometime. NASA has special programmes towards this direction. MIT astronomer Sara Seager putting all available resources to find another earth somewhere. Space telescope is looking for the availability of oxygen and water vapour in siblings of our earth. MIT physics professor Sara Seager is trying to find some possible chemical combination that can signal alien life. NASA is trying to develop new telescope technology. Altogether, if everything goes well, by 2030 - 2040 our anxiety may lead to some answer. Scientific community believe that there are more intelligent life beings and more advanced civilizations can be found elsewhere. If we ask an average American about extraterrestrial life beings the answer will be a big 'yes' . Such is their expectations! However our imagination is confined to life forms what we have seen on earth. That may or may not come true. Because we cannot imagine or targ