Kerala is a tiny state in the southern part of India with the current population of 35.97 millions. The sex ratio of the state is 1084 female per 1000 male whereas the national sex ratio is 1020 female per 1000 male (2023). The literacy rate of the state is
99.31% against the national average 85.94% as per the prediction of 2024. While the median age of Kerala is 35 years that of India is 28 years. When the per capita income of Kerala in 2022-23 is Rs 2,63,945, it is in the 11th position among other Indian states.

Beyond the human factors, nature have blessed the state with unending natural beauty. And that made this part of the country as God's own country. Time magazine announced in 2022 that Kerala is the one of the fifty must visit tourist spot in the world. National Geographic Traveller magazine in 2012 named Kerala as one of the ten paradise of the world. All said and done, we could not market our tourism in the world. While USA earned US$ 1.8 trillion in 2023 the highest ever earning from tourism of Kerala stands at Rs 40,000/-crores.That is the difference in management efficiency of two people. While USA is the the number one in earning from tourism in the world India ranks  39th in World Economic Forum's Travel and Tourism Development Index.

More important is safety of women in our country. According to Georgetown Institute Women Peace and Safety Index 2023 India ranks 128 among 177 countries.There are widespread crime taking place in our country. Kerala is not at all a safe state for women. Above all high amount of corruption is taking place in Kerala at almost all levels. Even in the much focused Malayalam cinema field women are reported to be seen as entertainment equipment. Finally the judiciary have to interfere to provide justice to the weaker section. Behind protection of criminals, according to various reports, there is always an element of politics is there irrespective of the name of any particular party.

Unemployment rate of Kerala in 2023 (Oct-Dec)8.9% (men 7.1% and women 12.8%). Despite having well qualified youth, one of the best infrastructure of the country and scope of adequate funds the people could not be deployed properly within the state and therefore, a good number of youth are moving out of the country.
Though Kerala is said to be a literate state, the outcome of literacy is below par. With excellent infrastructure and man power the successive governments could no t bring to zero unemployment and high rate of per capita income. The prime income of the state after taxes, it seems, are from sale of liquor and sale of lottery tickets. Over Rs two lakhs crore is the annual remittance to the state from NRIs. All the brightness one see in the state is with this money. Now there is a trend of diminishing the inflow of this large sum. Many of those who remit this money have disposed off the assets in the state and took their parents to the new country where they are working. No any remittance can be expected from them henceforth. The immediate highlights of this would be, the number of vehicles on the road will come down sharply, the long queue in front of the liquor shops will be shortened, many jewellery shops, high cost fashion shops etc may be closed. Building works may come down creating large unemployment. Travel may be reduced and high cost food outlets may find it tough to survive. Bribe takers may become more but givers may become less. All the crimes are injected to the people by the large consumption of alcohol and narcotics in the state. Narcotics are supplied even in schools to children upto class seven. The state of Kerala has pathetic bearings from all these. All the wrongs are created amongst this fairly educated people by the perverted politics of the state. Different political philosophies have been injected into this most careless and over ambitious people. They think that these political parties together will make them the richest in the world. For instance,  Communism created by Karl Marx could rule about 42 countries in the world. But they could not prove that Communism can provide any economic prosperity for any country. Communism is now left in two mixed governments in Vietnam and Laos. China has left Communism and become a Capitalist country. Only the name Communist and the red flag only are left there to disallow the freedom of the people. However, the so called literate people of Kerala who are terribly intoxicated in politics do not know what is happened and being happened in China, Cuba, Russia and even in India.

Finally the economic collapse of Kerala may force the people to change their minds and throw away all political parties from the state of Kerala. Subsequently the youth of the state will form a corruption free government and the economic quantum leap will be instant. In a short span of time all people of the state will be deployed and will have enough income. All families will have decent houses, vehicles etc. And the economy of Kerala will reach to the level of the rich countries of the world. All these will  be closely and enviably watched by the people of all other states of India. Finally all states and the nation itself will follow Kerala and soon and politics  may perish here for ever India may become one of the richest countries of the world.
(Courtesy, various websites for the above data)

K V George 

*Casting couch. Justice Hema commission report 


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