(How the education will be in 2030s)

Consequent upon continuous evolution educational system reached the current form. In India, during the Vedic era, we had Gurukuls. This was the earliest form of public school. Residential in nature, the students lived with the teacher in the same house irrespective of their social standings. No fee was payable to the teacher, but were funded by public donations. The students were to help the teacher in his day to day life including washing cloths, cooking etc.Gurukuls like Sree Swamy Narayana Gurukul, ISKON Gurukulas are still existing in India.. In ancient Greece, during Hellenistic period, only wealthy families could afford a teacher. The students learned to read, write, sing, play a musical instrument and were also given athletic training for military service.

Now, starting from Kindergarten or Montessori school of thoughts education is specialised to the core on culmination. Nothing left for further bifurcation in most branches. It is not too far when technology will assume charge of education the world over. Probably by next decade the educational system in the entire world may undergo drastic changes.

There shall not be schools and colleges! There shall not be students and teachers! No books and no teaching!No labs and no experiments! Only clinics, educational clinics!

It all starts around the age of 11 when the brain reaches the optimum growth. The student gets admitted to the clinic manned by mainly IT professionals, subject experts, computer managers, neurologists and psychiatric specialists. There shall be computers with allied devices and specially prepared CD's. Proper wires are connected to the brain of the student from the computer and other devices. Impulses are then sent to all five receptive centers of the brain at the required velocity. This process continued for hours. The duration may vary from person to person. This is the first stage. This stage is generally for the basics of languages, mathematics, physics and other social sciences. The student is then discharged. After an interval of few months the student is readmitted to the clinic for further expanded programme of the first stage. Discharged again on completion of the second stage. The third stage is important as the specialised programmes like engineering, medical science, financial management etc commence here. The basics of this may run to three or four stages. each time with similar intervals. After this the final stages consisting three or four shall be for the most advanced feeding. The whole process may take a couple of years. On completion of the required number of stages the student come out of the clinic as doctor, engineer or financial expert. who can compete with the best in the world.

The whole process is like this. What is perceived normally by the brain through the five senses are supplied from the pre recorded devices through artificial impulses. During each stage of recording done in neurons the student feels like seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Feels like traveling through different countries of the world, the arctic and antarctic region, the bottom of the pacific ocean, the top of the Everest, the African wildlife sanctuaries and so on! The student almost actually conduct experiments in the best labs of the world, exchanges views with renowned  scholars, see actual anatomy of human and animals, tastes fine fruits, listens the best lectures of great people, touches a whale under the sea, holds a venomous cobra deep in the wild, may also reaches moon and mars!

Let us understand the reality behind this. Human brain comprises of around one billion neurons. Each neuron forms about thousand connections to other neurons    and each one holds many memories      at a time. The total storage capacity of the brain may be nearly a million giga bytes. In other words, if the brain is compared with a digital video recorder, the above brain capacity is close to non stop TV viewing for 300 years. Processing capacity of the brain is even though not actually known, is estimated around 0.1 quadrillion instructions per second. The fastest super computer Road Runner is capable  of handling 1.026 quadrillion calculations per second  Human brain is normally 2% 0f the body weight, but receives 15% cardiac output, 20% of total body oxygen consumption and 25% of the total body glucose utilization.

Never can imagine a better education than this. All in a few years and comparatively with less expense. No school going, no tests and no hard work at all!

All we have  to wait is  for a decade or little more.

Have the will? Have the resources? A trillion dollar business the world over!

PS: All the datas given above are at random. Hence donot vouch correctness. The reader may check and confirm the exact figures.



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