
Showing posts from 2023

അയോദ്ധ്യ ക്ഷേത്രപൂജയും അനുബന്ധ വ്യാഖ്യാനങ്ങളും

ഇന്ത്യയിൽ, പ്രത്യേകിച്ച് ഉത്തരേന്ത്യയിൽ, വ്യാപകമായി ആരാധിക്കപ്പെടുന്ന ഹിന്ദു ദേവനാണ് ശ്രീ രാമൻ. 1980 ൽ ഇറങ്ങിയ രാമാനന്ദ സാഗർ ന്റെ ഹിന്ദി സീരിയൽ രാമായണം ആണ്, രാവണനെയും  സൈന്യത്തെയും ഓരോ തവണയും തകർത്തു കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുമ്പോൾ ഹനുമാൻ വിളിച്ചോതുന്ന 'ജയ് ശ്രീ റാം' ഉത്തരേന്ത്യൻ സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങളിൽ വ്യാപകമായ ജനപ്രീതി നേടിക്കൊടുത്തതു. ദേവ നാമങ്ങൾ നമ്മുടെ ക്ഷേത്രങ്ങൾക്കു പേരും പെരുമയും വ്യക്തിപ്രഭാവവും നൽകുന്നതു പോലും ഇത്തരം ഒറ്റപ്പെട്ട സംഭവങ്ങളും, കൃതികളും, കഥാപാത്രങ്ങളുമാണ്. മഹാവിഷ്ണുവിന്റെ അവതാരങ്ങളായ ശ്രീ രാമന്റെയോ, ശ്രീ കൃഷ്ണന്റെ യോ, മറ്റാരുടെയോ നാമത്തി ലോ, അനുവദനീയമായ സ്ഥാനങ്ങളിൽ ഇന്ത്യയിൽ എവിടെയും ക്ഷേത്രങ്ങൾ നിർമ്മിക്കുവാൻ ക്ഷേത്രങ്ങളു മായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഏവർക്കും കഴിയും . അങ്ങനെ നിർമ്മിക്കപ്പെട്ട ക്ഷേത്രങ്ങളുടെ ഏതൊരു ചടങ്ങിനും ക്ഷണിക്കപ്പെട്ട ഏവർക്കും പങ്കു ചേരുകയും ചെയ്യാം. ഇതു തികച്ചും ഒരു സാധാരണ സംഭവമാണ്. എന്നാൽ ഇവിടെ ഇതു അയോദ്ധ്യ ക്ഷേത്രവും, അതിനു ബാബരി മസ്ജിദ് മായുള്ള ബന്ധവും പരിഗണിച്ചു ഈ ചടങ്ങിന് അമിതമായ രാഷ്ട്രീയമാനം കൈവന്നു. എല്ലാത്തിനും ഉപരിയായി ഒരു രാഷ്ട്രീയ പാർട്ടി ഈ അവ...


        The great Wall of China China has since long been creating troubles to India. Some of our land they claim as their own. China has 22,800 km border with many countries like Mongolia, North Korea, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines. Some of the above counties have disputes on sea. It seems from these long standing disputes that China alone is right and rest all others are wrong. India and Tibet signed a convention in Shimla on 3 July 1914, specifying boundary line covering parts of Bhutan to the extent of 890 km on the west and 260 km east to the Brahmaputra river in the east. (The exact length, destination, marking etc may be got confirmed from the concerned records of the Government of India) This line of control is known as Mc Mahone border line between India and China. In case they have any disagreement with this line, they have al...


2024 Paris Olympic competition Venue. The   forthcoming Olympics will be held in Paris from July 26, 2024 to August 11, 2024. India's performance in the Olympic history is below par. We could not compete with even small countries in the sports arena. Unfortunately neither our successive governments nor the large number of sports bodies our country is taking adequate and result oriented measures to enhance the standard of our country in the field of sports. Our performance in the past three Olympics are given below. (P - participants, G - gold, S - silver, B - bronze, T - total and R - rank) 2012 (London) Countries 204 P 83, G 0, S 2, B 4, T 6, R 55 2016 (Rio de Janeiro) C 207 P 117, G 0, S 1, B 1, T 2, R 67 2020 (Tokyo) C 206 P 124, G 1, S 2, B 4, T 7, G 48 The top six countries in the 2012 medal tally are given below (in the order of country, gold, silver, bronze and total) 1. USA - 48,26,30,104 2. China - 39,31,22,92 3. G Britain - 29,18,18,65 4. Russia - 18,21,2...


According to the census report of 2011, percentage of Indian families own house is 86.6. This percentage in selected states/UT is as below. Damen and Diu - 38.3 Chandigarh - 47.7 Delhi - 68.3 Karnataka - 74.3 Tamil Nadu - 74.6 AP & Telangana - 78.5 Maharashtra - 81.1 Gujarat - 83.9 Punjab - 88.9 W. Bengal - 89.3 Chattisgarh - 90.2 Odisha - 90.4 Kerala - 90.7 UP - 94.7 Kashmir - 96.7 Bihar - 96.8 As per available information no country in the world have 100% families possess own houses. However there are many countries where over 80% families have own houses. Our government may seriously view this aspect. We may make plans on top most priority to provide houses for all those who do not have own houses. The houses made available should be compact, spacious, beautiful and with all modern and essential facilities. Government need not spend money for this. It may have to arrange loan and feasibility for repayment by the occupants. With little efforts all Indians can be said ...


There are about 30,000 components in an average petrol car including the tiny hose connector, bolts and nuts of different sizes and upto the large engine block. A petrol/diesel car has ove 200 components in the combustion engine whereas an electric car has only 20 components. When we make a simple assessment, this 90 per cent reduction in parts may bring considerable reduction in the sale price. But it is not so. We may find here the Tata Tiago (petrol) ex show room price in Kochi, that is Rs 5,59,900. Tiago Ev, Rs 8,69,000, 19.2 KWh. We may find here a hike in  price for about 55 per cent from petrol car to ev car. The reason for this price increase is said to be for the following. One is the high price of battery and the other is lack of manufacturing facilities. If a new battery is fitted in a Tiago it cost between Rs 4.1 to 5.1 lakh. Lithium reserves in our country was comparatively low could be one reason for the high price of Ev in our country. However, recently a...


As per available reports the Ministry of Forest, Kerala has decided to kill the Man Eater Tiger appeared in Kalpetta, Waynad region. According to experts openion, a tiger normally becomes man eater when the wild beast becomes instinctively incapable of hunting the natural prey. It can be due to problems with the teeth, front legs or any othe body issues. As such as a wild life theory it cannot be ratified to eliminate an animal for any physical deficiency. I would like to request the animal lovers around to interfere in the decision of killing the Tiger. The animal may be caught alive and gifted to some zoo anywhere in India. The Minister of Forest is also requested hereby to look into this matter mercifully. K V George   


We Indians have a peculiar charector. To think anything serious, Indians, especially politicians need microphone with them. Without microphone he cannot think about the security of his own parliament today but the microphone in hand he can talk about the security in pin point details for over hundred or thousand years. Should we, therefore, see this as a mere microphonics lapse but 'not any real security lapse.' However, if we still prefer to have a thorough enquiry into the security lapse we should certainly hold a fine piece of microphone in hand so that the result will have the required accuracy! We Indians political life have become too microphonic, too difficult to detach. This does not pertains to any party or any leader or any ideology but common to all! K V George 

ഏകീകൃത കുർബാനയും, മാർ പാപ്പയുടെ കല്പനയും.

എല്ലാ സീറോ മലബാർ സഭാ വിശ്വാസികളുടെയും പ്രത്യേക ശ്രദ്ധക്കായി സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നു. ഇതു വായിക്കുന്നവരിൽ ഏകീകൃത കുർബാന സമ്പ്രദായത്തെ അനുകൂലിക്കുന്നവരും എതിർക്കുന്നവരും ഉണ്ടാകാം. അതു എന്തു തന്നെയുമാകട്ടെ. തത്കാലം എല്ലാവരും ഏക മനസ്സോടെ ഒരു തീരുമാനം മാത്രം എടുക്കുക. നമ്മുടെ കുടുംബനാഥനും, സഭാ പിതാവും, സാക്ഷാൽ പത്രോസ് ശ്ലീഹായുടെ പിൻഗാമിയുമായ മാർപാപ്പയോട് നമുക്ക് ഓരോരുത്തർക്കും ഉള്ള അകൈതവമായ അനുസരണ രേഖപ്പെടുത്താം. അതനുസരിച്ചു ഡിസംബർ 25 ന് പിതാവു ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നതു പോലെ നമുക്ക് എല്ലാവർക്കും ചേർന്നു ഏകീകൃത കുർബാന അർപ്പിക്കാം. ഈ ഒരു കുർബാനക്കു ശേഷം ഓരോ വിഭാഗത്തിനും തങ്ങളുടെ താല്പര്യമനുസരിച്ചു കുർബാന അർപ്പിക്കാം. ഇതോടൊപ്പം സഭ രണ്ടായി മുറിയാനുള്ള യാതൊരു അവസരവും ഉണ്ടാക്കാതെ നോക്കുകയും വേണം. PS: In case any of the readers need the copy of my letter written to  Rev Archbishop Cyril Vasil, SJ, Apostolic Administrator sometime back on this matter, please contact me at the below given mail. K V George


Most Indians try to bring up their children to become rich and powerful. According to a report  by a leading newspaper of India, the top rich of the country consisting about 1% as of 2018 have annual growth of wealth by 39% whereas the lower half of the population has an average growth of wealth by 3% per annum. This can be called as the consequential impact of our democracy. But if we have a practical approach of the matter, we can find from our own neighborhood that the youth of today who have become alcoholic and narcotic addicts, political thugs, antisocial criminals etc are the creation of their own parents and the educational system they have undergone. Can we find any effort from anywhere to reform a spoilt one. Our political system prefer a criminal one than an educated and intelligent one. When we take a list of most intelligent and knowledgeable students in the world we may find the names Singapore, Hong Kong, Estonia, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Japan etc. Indian...


Many people in the world think that money can bring happiness. About 60% Americans believe that money can certainly bring happiness. Their targets for this is $1.2 million (say about 10 crores rupees) We Indians must also be believing in this happiness theory. For that each one has his own goal. Let us now look it through another angle. A very rich man in his comfortable a.c. room is sweating and losing sleep in the night, whereas a poor agriculturist is enjoying a sound sleep in the night in the open veranda even without a fan. This shows that the money and happiness theory is not a standard one. Someone with any amount of money cannot attain happiness and some others with no much money with them remain happy most of the time. We may set a measurement for Happiness from 0 to 10. Those who indicate '0' has no happiness and those who indicate '10' is having total happiness. I don't think that there is anyone in the world who is having '0' right th...


The purpose of our hard work in life is to attain contentment, happiness and peace. Every country in the world is doing everything for their people to attain these three. But how many individuals and how many countries could realise even any one of these? According to the World Happiness Index 2023 the following are the top ten  countries in the world in happiness. Some of these countries are in the top ten list for many years. The top countries are: 1. Finland             2. Denmark 3. Switzerland     4. Iceland 5. Netherlands    6. Norway 7. Sweden            8 Luxembourg 9. New Zealand 10. Austria India ranks 125 in the list consisting of 145 countries. Population of Finland is 55.4 lakhs (2021). Only 34% of the population believe in God. Population of Denmark is 58.6 lakhs (2021). Only 30% of the population believe in God. Population of Switzerland is 87 lakhs (2021). As a whol...


India may be one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The prime reason for this is that there is no effective laws and the strict follow up of those existing laws. Untill the law become intolerable, the corrupt may continue with their trades. If the corruption is committed by a government employee, he should lose his job for ever. He should be asked to pay penalty of about ten times of the amount involved in the corruptive activities. Such ones should be never considered for a government job in the future. He should also undergo a minimum imprisonment of five years. Same punishment should be triggered in the case of an elected member too. Therefore, the government has to take  two steps immediately. First is to frame the law. The second is to strictly implement the law.  If this could be done without any reluctance we can make our country corruption free. According to some studies conducted by Vito Tanzi in India and in some other countries, corruption is ca...


The State of Kerala has reached the rock bottom stage of economic status. And this must be an all time record. Who is responsible for this pathetic state of affairs?  This abnormal situation cannot be attributed to any individual or group. The people of Kerala as a whole is responsible for this. This situation is caused by the people of this peculiar state consisting a huge population of 24×365 politics. Keralites eat politics, drink politics, sleep in politics, talk only politics and pray politics! Finally the political god heard the prayer and showered political answers! The state has no money. Nothing to think about development. Crime is being spread. Despite all these, the people have not learnt anything. In another couple of years the external remittance may fall from 1.2 lakh crores rupees to a a paltry few chips! And that will be the learning point. It is quite surprising that neither the government nor the people are taking any interest in bringing in more money...


We are finding here the GDP of the five Southern states. GDP of 2019-20 Andhra Pradesh - Rs 10.8 lakh cr Karnataka - Rs 15.88 lakh cr Kerala - Rs 8.75 lakh cr Tamil Nadu - Rs 20.54 lakh cr Telangana - Rs 9.69 lakh cr. Per Capita Income of Southern States 2019-20 Andhra Pradesh - $2,400 Karnataka - $3,082 Kerala - $3,040 Tamil Nadu - $3,200 Telangana - $3,049 Along with the above, we may also find the report of Niti Aayog. Kerala is the most investment friendly state in India. In terms of Human Development Index and Life Standard of the people, Kerala is ahead of all other states of the country. In certain development indices Kerala is on par with some of the developed countries of the world. The GDP of Kerala is mostly based on NRI remittance. It is also found that Kerala has scope to become the IT centre of India. The Vallarpadom Container Transhipment Centre is reported to be capable of contributing significantly for the.economic development of the state of Kerala. The on...


Irrespective of the religion one follows, he/she can get healed from the illness suffered from prayer. It is a truth. Any sickness, poverty, failure in life etc are nothing but severe impact of the negative energy contained in us. Negative energy is accumulated in us from the wrong doings of our ancestors. Until we get these negative forces evacuated from our self, it's impact shall continuously affect us. There are two ways to get rid off the negative forces from us. One is that we ourselves to suffer the entire impact and consummate this energy. The other is to pass on this energy and it's impact upon God. As the former is ratified by the Holy Bible and the Bhagavad Gita, the latter is endorsed by the whole New Testament as well as by the Rig Veda. Rig Veda is believed to have written between 2500 - 1700 BCE. It says about the Supreme Sacrifice of the Prajapati for saving the humanity from all sins committed by each one of us and our predecessors. Such a sacrifice...


The  State of Kerala has reached the rock bottom stage in the economic front. There is nothing left to expect for the development of the state. Despite it is bestowed with natural beauty and many abnormal views and experience the successive governments could not show case the so called God's Own Country in front of the world. Even the scattered number of tourists came here were discouraged by our people. Neither the government nor the people know how to market the gifted state across the world and earn huge money. Can we believe that USA have annual income of $1.9 trillion from Travel and Tourism sector. We Malayalis are contented with the few chips we get from our so called tourism. We have one of the most intelligent youth of the world. Unfortunately we cannot provide them suitable avenues to come up in life. They are forced to escape to other countries for a living. Our name sake governments are of no use to these educated youth. As per available information Kerala h...


Of course, now there is no meaning in trying to find the pros and cons of final fiasco. A team which has won all the matches until this stage, just collapsed with no resistance. After winning the toss Australia sent India to bat first. Before doing this, they had a perfect homework on all our top batsmen and they practically explained it. And they expected similar returns from us. Though they have not fully overcome the situation, they managed to stay on. They also studied well about the pitch. While our Captain Rohit Sharma had significant contribution as a Captain in winning the earlier matches, he could not train his boys to meet the extraordinary situation. While our bowlers have bowled well, they didn't know how to snatch a wicket. Our fielding was not upto the mark. When the very first ball itself offered a catch and we failed to pick it. Had we taken that, may be it would have turned the table. Ok! It's part of the game. Let's wait for another opportunity...


Norway ranks top in the world for safety of women. Women can travel through the isolated streets or busy cities any time during day or night without the slightest apprehension. Can an Indian women ever imagine about this in her own country? Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland,. Sweden, Austria, UK, Netherlands etc are also safe countries for women. Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen are in the bottom of the list as far as safety of women is concerned. The Women's Peace and Safety Index shows the worst countries in the world as per their rankings below. 1. Afghanistan 2. Syria 3 . Yemen 4. Pakistan 5. Iraq 12. Somalia  17. Bangladesh 22. India.  This list is not a honour for our country. We may be looked down by the world. Who are responsible for this situation? Not one but many. The number one is our successive governments. If proper identification and stringent punishments were ensured we could have ensured safety for women in our country. If safety of wo...


I am not a musician, but I love music. I have been listening Malayalam film and drama songs for over seventy years. During my career I lived in different parts of the country. I could attend many musical programmes and could listen to music of various languages. Now coming back to the subject. I have watched many musical competitions in different Malayalam TV Channels. I have seen many judges evaluating the songs sung by the competitors. There was nothing unusual in the comments by those judges. But what is being seen in the Star Singer programme in Asianet TV is totally different. The judgement made by Smt K S Chitra is absolutely astonishing. When she evaluate each performance in a few words, I just ask myself that how could one pick a song in such minute details, that too such amount of songs, quoting from all 74 musical terms, every spelling mistakes, each error of pronounciation etc. All these are done by her without hurting the contestant in any way. On the other hand...


"The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die."  - Juliette Lewis (Various awards winning, renowned American actress, still active in films) We   may first go through the suicide scenario in the world. According to various studies, about 15% of the human population in the world have at least once in their life time get the tendency to commit suicide. An estimated 7,03,000 people commit suicide around the world every year. Over 1.3% of total deaths in 2019 was the result of suicide. The global suicide rate is twice as high among men than women. 58% of all suicide deaths are before the age of 50 years. South Korea, Russia and South Africa are the countries where suicide rate is high in the world. Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Italy and Slovakia have lowest rates of suicide in the world. The prime reasons found for people committing suicide are Depression, Psychotic, Impulsiveness (for drugs and alcohol) The state of Kerala with the suicide rate ...


Article  356 of the Indian Constitution provides various options to enforce presidential rule in a state. The state of Kerala is undergoing such a precarious situation for quite sometime. The state do not have adequate finance to meet the day to day needs. In the absence of pension few people reported to have committed suicide and few others have started begging. In some department, salary too is held up. According to media reports many government hospitals do not have medicine to treat the patients. Surgery is suspended in some hospitals. Road accidents are mounting due to lack of maintenance of roads. There are such umpteen number of cases in the state. There is nothing seems to be at hand to overcome the existing dilemma. There is only two ways to subdue the present situation. One is that the Central Government may discuss with the state and assess their financial needs and extend assistance accordingly. The other option is to impose President rule in the state and d...


The Church of Nativity (where Jesus was born) in Bethlehem in Palestine  The people of India, especially those from Kerala, representing different religions are supporting one side or the other from the Israel Palestine conflict.While one community openly supports Palestine most others support Israel. While the dead ones on either side remain to be same and those bodies do not bear any faith and the departed soul is not known to have any faith too, it is not faith that matter but human life that matters. When we go through the history of Palestine, we may come to know that the whole region was under the control of Israel and Judah. Then the Assyrians conquered the region in the 8th century BCE and then the Babylonians in 601 BCE and subsequently by the Persians, followed by Alexander the Great. Later it went to the hands of Romans. And when Rome became Christian in the 4th century Palestine became the centre of Christianity. Consequent upon the conquest of Levant by Mu...


As per the Central Pollution Control Board, Air Quality across Delhi is in 'Severe' category. As per 8th Nov 2023 report AQI US in many parts of New and Old Delhi is in HAZARDOUS level (between 405 and 488) AQ Index below 100 is considered to be within safe level and above this is unhealthy. Under this circumstance one may imagine about the health condition of those residing in the severe and hazardous levels obove 300 and 400. The Central Pollution Control Board under the Central Government is responsible for Pollution Control in the country. When we talk high about our country, we are proved to have failed to  provide clean air to our people is a serious default. If it is allowed to continue like this people from other countries shall be reluctant to visit us. Our tourism sector may be collapsed. We must immediately take the following measures as the primary steps. 1) Carbon emissions from vehicles may be brought down to the lowest possible level. 2) Encourage man...


Solution for Israel - Palestine Conflict  The Israeli -Palestine issue must be the longest unresolved dispute in the world. An attempt is being made here to resolve the issue for ever. All available options have been evaluated. Based on the following data pertaining to the West Bank and Gaza Strip the proposal have been arrived at. West Bank: Area - 5,860 km² Population - 2.23 million (Muslim 75%) Gaza Strip: Area - 365 km² Population - 7.78 lakhs (Muslim 99%, Christian - 1%) The Proposed Solution a) Israel may be asked to divide the West Bank into two sections of equal area. Palestine may be be allowed to pick one section for them. The remaining section may be taken by Israel. The Muslims in the Israeli owned land may be asked to move to the land owned by Palestine. The non-Muslims in the Palestine owned land may be given the choice to move to the Israeli section or to remain in the existing area. b) The Gaza Strip may be given in full to Palestine. The non-Muslims liv...


St Peters Basilica in Vatican City is the biggest church in the world. According to UN estimate the  world population at the mid year 2023 is 805 crores. As per the broad estimate by the sociologist Phil Zuckerman, there are about 75 crores people in the world do not believe in the existence of a God.  Therefore, the remaining 730 crores people believe in some form of God and follow some religion and their prescribed observance. There are about 4,000 recognised religions in the world. About 83% of the religious population in the world would fall in 12 major religions. When these are the basic statistics of the religions in the world, we discuss below whether religion and it's God are an individual matter or a social one. No man in the world has ever seen God or spoken to Him. Religion is scripted by man within his knowledge as per his needs. Almost all religions are revolving around imagination of primarily illiterate men comparing with the knowledge of today. Whet...


        Image courtesy - NDTV During the Second World War, Hitler and company massacred over 8 million Jews. After wandering around the world for centuries the Jewish community could land at their own place.  On May 14, 1948 the head of the Jewish Agency, David Ben Gurion proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. US President Harry S Trueman recognised  the new nation on the same day. The declaration of independence of Palestine was written by their poet Mahmoud Darwish and proclaimed by Yasser Arafat on 15 November 1988. Palestine does not belong to any particular people or community. The land was under the control of various empires like the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and eventually the Islamic Caliphate and the Ottoman Empire. Throughout history a great diversity of people have moved into the region and made Palestine their homeland. They were Cananites, Jebusites, Philistines from Crete,  Ana...


                    Part III         History of the Dispute          The Jerusalem Temple   The  partition plan of Palestine of the United Nations in 1947 was not implemented and this caused the 1947-49 Palestine War. The Israeli -Palestine status quo began following Israeli military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, known as the Palestine territory, following the 1967 Six Day War. And this is now said to be the world's longest conflict, despite many peace processing attempts time and again. Public declaration of the effort to see a Jewish home land established in Palestine, including the First Zionist Congress of 1897 and the Balfour Declaration of 1917 caused abnormalities in the region after continuous Jewish immigration. Following the World War I, a mandate was issued on Palestine a binding obligation for the establishment in Palestine of national home for th...


                                      Part II                  Palestine     Today's image of Jacob's well Palestine is officially a state located in the Southern Levant region of West Asia. Jerusalem and Ramallah are considered as the capitals. According to an estimate by the World Bank in 2021 it has a population of 49.2 lakhs. It has an area of 6,020 km². Arabic is the recognised language. 15 November 1988 is the officially declared formation date. While Islam is the major religion, there is a negligible population consists of Judaism and Christianity. Christians are found to be more highly educated population among Palestinians. Palestine is the cradle of Christianity, and the West Bank and Jerusalem form much of the Holy Land of Christians. As of July 2019, 138 out of 193 member states of the United Nations and t...


                     Part I                       Israel  The room of the Last Supper at Mount Zion  Israel is a middle East country located on the Mediterranean sea. This region is regarded as the Biblical Holy Land by the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Estimated current population of Israel is 91,74,520 which is 0.11% of the world population . The area of the country is 22,145 km², which is less than the Indian state of Kerala (38,863 km²) Hebrew is the prime language of Israel which is spoken almost by the entire population. About 70% of the population constitute Judaism, 18% Muslim, 2% Christian and the remaining 10% are Druze and other unclassified religions. GDP (nominal) of the country is (2023) $564.15 billion and GDP pci (nominal) is $58,273. Another notable poinotnt is that since 1966, 13 people from Israel has won the most prestigious Nobel Prize....


India has a road network of 63.73 lakh km which is the second largest in India in the world. This can be bifurcated as below. a) National Highways - 1,44,634 km. b) State Highways - 1,86,908 km. c) Other  roads - 59,02,539 km When we take Kerala,the state has 1,812 km National Highways, 4,342 km of state highways numbering about 72 and 25,394 km of major district roads. As per the quality of the roads, the following countries hold the top rankings. 1. Singapore 2. Netherlands  3. Switzerland  4. Japan 5. Denmark 6. Spain. As far as road accidents are concerned, as per available information, about 1.5 lakh people die in road accidents in an year in India. In other words it is 1130 accidents and 422 deaths every day. In 2021 there were 4,12,432 accidents reported taking 1,53,972 lives and causing injuries 3,84,448 people in the country. Now coming back to Kerala there were an average of 12 people died in road accidents every day in 2022. During the period of 201...


   UN Headquarters in New York  The ongoing tussle between Israel and Palestine have already taken the lives of over 3,200 people from both sides and injured over 11,000 including a good number of children. Since no any solution is in the vicinity it is requested that UN may interfere strongly. UN may ask both countries to put down the weapons as is where is basis. Also warn that no third country should interfere directly or indirectly. After that bring both of them across the table and UN may remain as the mediator. Try to find a practical solution from the meeting. We may not allow large number of innocent people and children to die in the name of any sorts of disputes. None other than UN can do anything in these matters. At present  UN is acting as mere data provider only according to our view. UN may, therefore, actively interfere in this Israel-Palestine war on top most priority. K V George 


Image courtesy - Hindustan Times  The final medal tally of the Asian Games 2023 at Hangzhou, China. (Gold, Silver, Bronze & Total) China 201 - 111 - 71 : 383 Japan   52 -   67- 69 : 188 S Korea 42 -  59- 89 : 190 India      28 -  38 - 41 :  107 Uzb-stn 22 -  18 - 31 :   71 We Indians are proud of our record breaking performance in the Asian Games. Is this an appreciable performance? I may prefer to say it a deplorable attainment. China has bagged almost four times of medals received by us. In gold alone, when we got 28 they could get 201. Both countries have more or less same population to pick from. Chinese are not born athletes or talented in sports by birth . They train their people well in time and then send to the games venue. Most of our people have no set goals. Just send for the games; that's all. In the athletic disciplines, how many of our athletes have reached the bronze medal level of the p...