We all frequently say about others and sometimes about ourselves the words of praise, the self-made one . If I say that no one is self-made, many of you may disagree with me. Then I may ask you to name a few self-made persons. You are most likely to come with a long list of people who are self-made. 

Okay, now I will come back to you. Is it your choice that you are a man or woman? Is it your choice, the height, colour and shape of your body? Is the eyesight your choice? The hearing power, the functions of all your external limbs are your choice? The working of all your internal organs are your choice? Is the body strength your choice? Are the memory and intelligence your choice? All the answers must be negative, I suppose. Now I shall ask you some final questions. Are your parents your choice? Is the place of birth your choice? The time of birth your choice?

When you or anyone else say 'no' to all these queries, how can one say he/she is self-made? I shall, then, affirm the truth that no one is self-made in this world. When we are not self-made, none of our action too is self made. Then, no word uttered by us is also ours. If you go one step further, the so called good and bad actions too are not determined by us. Then, who is the one under his choice all these are done? 

In such instance, is it right to punish one saying his action is wrong? No man is punishing other man. Punishment is solely confined to the one who choose all. What is chosen as iron will remain as iron and copper as copper and silver as silver. Neither iron can become silver or silver can become copper.

Now let us look at our Mother Earth.  The Earth travels a distance of 149.60 million km to make one orbit around the Sun. The time taken for this journey is 365.256 days. The average speed is 107,208 km/h. That is, during our lunch, we travel about a distance of 25,000 km. Is this precise journey of  our old Mama Earth is determined and managed by this large earth alone or somebody else? If it is by somebody else, the same somebody is managing every minute action of ours too. When that somebody is doing all, there is no scope for any error. No one in the whole universe can do anything wrong. Everything is right. It is, in fact, neither right nor wrong; only an action.

Each one of us is the component of this earth and the earth is the component of this solar system. The solar system, in turn, is the component of the Milky Way Galaxy and this galaxy is the component of the Universe. And finally, the Universe is the component of the One in whose choice all these act.

(I am chosen to write this and you are chosen to read this. Both are chosen to act accordingly.)

K V George


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