The countries which have less attachments to religions have less crime and more happiness. This must be a baffling statement for most of us. But it is a truth.

Let us find the Happiest Countries in the world as per the ratings of 2021. As per the Crime ratings of 135 countries of 2021 each country's position is also given below. Top 5 countries in crime rating are: Venezuela, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Afghanistan and Honduras.

01. Finland is the happiest country in the world for the fourth year. The education system of this country is the one  envied by the world. It has a self care culture of saunas and outdoor pursuits. Confidence in the government has paid a large part. Mutual trust and protect lives are strictly adhered to.
Finland's position in the World Crime rating is 114.
As per 2017 survey 55% of Finland's population is atheists.

02. Iceland  The people of this country know how to pull together in troubling times. They always live against adverse climatic and geographical condition. The 2007 financial meltdown plunged the country into crisis. Iceland stands 123 in the world Crime rating.
As per 2017 survey 49% of Iceland's population comprises of atheists.

03. Denmark with such lifestyle choices as the new internationally recognised "hugge" the way of life has been coveted around the world. Respect to the surroundings, well paying jobs, good work-life balance and excellent social security system contribute significantly for the happiness of the Danish people. Denmark stands at 116 in the Crime rating in the world. As per 2017 survey 61% of Danish population is atheists.

04. Switzerland's system of government must be the chief element of their happiness. Referenda on key issue is a regular feature there. Swiss are some of the most politically astute Europeans. Switzerland stands 130 in the Crime rating. As per 2015 survey 58% of Switzerland's population is atheists.

05. Netherlands  Happiness starts here from teenagers and continue till the end. Their consistent satisfaction got appreciated by Unicef, WHO etc time and again.
Netherlands stands at 113 in the World Crime rating. As per survey conducted in 2015, 66% of Netherlands population is atheists. Netherlands had only 19 prisoners in 2013. In 2018 onwards there are no prisoners in this country. Recently they have closed down all prisons and terminated the service of all prison staff.

06. Sweden is a country rated as one of the best places to live in the world. They thank to the well respected education system for all that they have today. Sweden stands at 57 in the World Crime rating. As per survey of 2017, 73%  population of Sweden  belongs to etheists.

07. Germany. Life evaluations have been on the increase in the last two surveys, with greater financial security and family stability being key reasons. Germans have generally been happy with how the country's leaders have dealt with the pandemic. Germany is at 94 in the World Crime rating. As per 2017 survey 60% of German population is atheists.

08. Norway. With one of the best social security systems in the world and thriving economy which is based on the responsible management of its natural resources. This means collectively many in the country feel secure and happy. Norway stands at 99 in World Crime rating. As per 2017 survey 62% population comprises of atheists.

09. New Zealand is the only non-European country to make the top 10. New Zealand rates consistently high for its quality of life and getting the work-life balance. This quality of life led them to overcome the pandemic successfully. New Zealand stands 77 in the Crime rating
28% of the population is either etheists or agonistics.

10. Austria The capital city of the country Vienna is the most liveable city in the world. It is a high income country with good social services, and Austrians put more of a premium on lifestyle and the freedom to enjoy it. Austria stands at 121 in the Crime rating. As per 2017 survey 53% of population is atheists.

As per 2017 survey India has only 5% atheists. Rest 95% are ardent believers of God in some form as prescribed by their respective religions. However, asper the census report of 2011 the percentage of atheists in India stood at 0.27. There were 4,78,600 prisoners in India in 2019. Can all the religions together with our people's government make India a crime free County ever and close down all jails as did by Netherlands?

This raises a few questions in Indian background. What is the contribution of the religion for the well being of the people? The answer must be zero. Almost all religions in India seems to have become some sort of commercial establishments, keenly watching their profit and loss account. In India religions are most effectively used by political parties for their milage.

Does religion propogate a uniform God? Not at all. Together they create hundreds of thousands of god's in different shapes and colours for their own use and teach to hate each other.

Can India ever find a place in the list of top ten happiest countries of the world?

K V George


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