Arable land holding by countries by percentage of the world. USA 10.48 India 09.22 China 08.80 Russia 07.46 Brazil 03.72 Australia 02.97 Canada 02.64 Ukraine 02.07 Nigeria 01.91 Argentina 01.74 ____________ Some land use data Half of the habitable land of the world is used for agriculture. Till recent past most of the land in the world was dominated by forest, grassland and shrubbery. Now this has changed to agricultural land. The break down of global land area today is: 10% of the world is covered by glaciers, 19% by barren land, deserts, beaches, exposed rocks etc. This leaves half of all habitable land is used for agriculture, 37% forests, 11% as shrubs and grasslands and the remaining 1% - a much smaller than many suspect - is built up urban area whic