Alcoholics cannot be categorised into moderate drinkers and heavy drinkers. Alcohol content in different brands are varying from one another. Since international differences in drink definitions are there, alcohol brands of different countries cannot be compared using any standard pattern. Widely used definitions are based on a certain number of drinks consumed in a specific time period. Further to this moderate drinking of one person can become heavy drinking for another due to a number of reasons like health condition, mental stress etc. The normal concept of moderate drinking  is a specific number of drinks in a given period of time. Beer, wine and distilled spirts fall under alcoholic beverages but the alcohol contents in these are considerably varying.

Now, looking at drinking in India, the drinks can be broadly standardized in terms of quality and quantity. The drinkers mostly consider themselves moderate drinkers regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed by them in one sitting. When we take a quantitative assessment of Indian states Andhra Pradesh is by far India's biggest drinking state with a per capita consumption of 665 ml per week or about 34.5 ltrs per year. Kerala is much behind at 196 ml per week or  10.2 ltrs per year.

There are various reasons for people to drink alcohol. Some people think that alcohol will help to make things positive. For some others drinking removes stress and anxiety temporarily. People also use alcohol for a social norm at least in some societies. Alcohol related cues like TV shows, advertisements etc increases the carving for drinks. On the other hand financial influence, price rise etc bring down the demand. Accessibility is another common reason for people to drink. In the case of youngsters they start drinking alcohol to be a rebel, defy the rules and show that they are different from others. Pressure from the family or society to make one isolated, especially in the case of youngsters, cause to get into alcoholic habits. Then comes a good lot of people especially youngsters drink just for fun. These are the general reasons for most to take refuge in alcohol.

However the worst part of drinking is that for some people emptying the pocket is the limit of drinking. In some instances one may feel pity to find people after heavy drinking lying down on the way side in dirty surroundings. At least few people after a heavy drink use filthy language at public places especially upon women.

If the society wants ito eradicate alcoholism we must focus on the  coming generations, not on advising and treating the drunkards of today. All about alcohol should be included in the syllabus of school children from lower classes upto 12th standard. Not to tell them alcohol is good or bad but tell all about it. Leave the decision to them when they grow up. However,  no government will support eradication of alcohol as it provide considerable revenue for the state. Should not force the people to quit drinking but help them to take that decision themselves.

KV George


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