The effective literacy rate as per the working definition of literacy in the Indian census since 1991 is - the total percentage of the population of an area at a particular time aged seven years or above who can read and write with understanding. In order to stand among the advanced countries of the world let us admit this. Unless we maintain a time frame for this, even after hundred years, this will remain as our literacy standard. If we have a positive, realistic and optimistic outlook in this matter we must change the primary definition every 3/4 years. For instance, if the basic literacy standard today is that of LKG after a given period of time it should become UKG and then class I, II, III and so on and later, say after a few decades it should reach the degree standard. Until we raise the level continuously we cannot be called literates and stand among the people of other countries.
The politicians, the senior government officials and the media should concentrate on this matter and must work together effectively.
KV George
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