Marriage divorce is multiplied the world over during the past few decades. Since 1960 global divorce rate have increased upto 251.8%. According to the available reports, countries with highest rate of divorce are:
Number of
divorce per
1000 population
Russia 4.7
Guam 4.2
Moldova 3.7
Belarus 3.4
Latvia 3.1
Countries with lowest divorce rate are:
Guatemala (0.4), Qatar (0.4)
Peru (0.5), Ireland (0.6)
Malta (0.8)
Rate of divorce in major countries:
USA - Marriages in US last for an average of 12 2 years.
France - 13 years is the average married life in France. 55% of marriages end in divorce
Canada - Marriage life of the Canadians are 13.8 years and 48%
go for divorce.
Italy - Italians have an average of 18 years married life.
Australia - Average married life last here for 12 years.
Japan - Marriage life in Japan usually last for 11 years and 36% of marriages end in divorce.
England - English people too do not believe in the comfort of longer marriage life. 11 years are the average marriage life and 42% end in divorce.
India - India have one of the lowest divorce rate in the world with less than 1%. Out of 1000 marriages only 13 result in divorce. Divorce rate in north east states are relatively high in India. Mizoram with 4.08% is the highest. In India divorce among Buddhists are higher than other religions.
Profession wise divorce rate in India are: Dancers and choreographers (46.8%), Dispatchers (46.6%), Textile workers (46.5%), Ambulance drivers (46.3%), Small engine mechanics (46.2%). Top divorce states in India are: Mizoram, West Bengal, Gujarat, Chattisgarh and Kerala.
(Note: In the case of professional needs the figures above may be got reconfirmed)
K V George
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