Life can be briefly explained as the state of existence that is different from inorganic matters. Death is the permanent end of the organism of the life beings. All that exist today, according to scientific principles, never cease the existence but only transformation take place. It must be the same with human life too. Once the life depart from the living body all the cells in the body cease to function. Hereafter innumerable counts of new life forms come into existence and consume the body quite fast.

According to Hinduism, after the death of a person the soul is reborn in another body and it continues. However some thoughts suggest that the soul may exist in other realms after death and enter heaven or hell for a period before the rebirth in terms with the good and bad they had committed during their lives in the world. It is also believed that according to the intentional action of each person, they may take rebirth in the form of animals and other life forms. "Even as water becomes one with water, fire with fire and air with air, so the Atman (soul)  becomes one with the Infinite Atman (Brahman - Supreme One) and thus attain final freedom." - Maitri Upanishad 6.24.

Christianity also holds more or less similar beliefs. "He is true to his promise of mercy a thousand times over; shame or sin or guilt is none but he forgives it; yet, before him, none can claim innocence in his own right, and when he punishes, the son must make amends for the father's guilt, to the third and fourth generation." (Exodus 34:7) This verse from the Old Testament suggests rebirth in Christian faith too. Christianity also say that every soul will finally rest in the Supreme One. "When that day comes, you will learn for yourselves that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." (John 14:20)

Now let us find the scientific view of this matter. Most scientists have the opinion that the universe came into being from a Big Bang. The whole energy was jammed into a tiny point. This tiny point or tiny particle exploded with unimaginable force creating matter thrown away outwards. All that are in the universe came into being consequent upon the Big Bang. The expansion still continues. At one point of time, may be after several million years, the expansion may cease.  The return journey start from the very point may continue for long stretch of time. All of them shall be moving towards the same point where the Big Bang occurred. During this return journey, when nearing the centre point the cosmic bodies may continuously become black holes. These black holes one after the other may join together. Finally when nearing the centre the number of bodies may be kept on reducing and at last there will be one left. And the last one may be shrinking continuously and ultimately become the original tiny particle. If we can see God in or as this tiny particle we may get answers to many of our questions including God, life and death and post mortal life.

KV George


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