(Holstein Friesian Cows)
1. Animal shed for 140 cows
@ ₹ 40/- per cow - 5,600 F2
2. Shed for heifer, calf
and sick animals - 500 F2
3. Milking parlour - 500 F2
4. Store room for feed
and equipments - 500 F2
Total area - 7,100 F2
Cost of construction
@ ₹ 1,000/- per F2 - 71,00,000
5. Office cum m usilk retail
sales room - 400 F2
Cost - @ 1,500/- per F2 6,00,000
6. Residence 3 rooms with
toilets - 450 F2
Cost @ ₹ 1,500/- 6,75,000
7. Workers' shed with
toilets, kitchen and dining
space - - 1,000 F2
Cost 1000 F2 @ ₹ 1200/- 12,00,000
Total cost - 95,75,000
(Cost includes plumbing,
electrification and painting)
Cost of well, storage tank,
pipe lines, motors including electrification, cow dung pit
with cover and
waste disposal pit - 6,00,000
Furniture and fixtures, lap
top, utensils etc - 6,00,000
Total 1,07,75,000
1. Milking equipment
double bucket - 20 sets
@ ₹ 45,000/- per set - 9,00,000
2. Milk chilling unit
5,000 ltrs cap. - 5,00,000
3. Chill tank 3000 ltrs. 3,00,000
4. Chaff cutter - 2 nos 40,000
5. Compressor for shed
cleaning - 1 no. 25,000
6. Sprinkler system - 1 no. 50,000
7. Spade, sickle, cutters etc15,000
8. Solar water heater - 35,000
9. Platform balance - 1 no. 20,000
10.Pick up van with
trailer - 1 no 5,00,000
11. Tata 407 truck
2.5 ton cap. 11,00,000
12. Motor cycle - 1 no. 70,000
Total 35,55,000
Milking cows HF, landing
cost @ ₹ 80,000/- each 80,00,000
for 100 nos
Heifer cow HF
@ ₹ 60,000/- 36,00,000
for 60 nos
Total 1,16,00,000
1. Veterinary exp. per
cow @ ₹ 15,000/- 24,00,000
2. Insurance charge
@ ₹ 450/- per cow - 72,000
Total - 24,72,000
Average feed per animal
during lactation period
a) Concentrate @ 4.5 kg
per day @ ₹ 20/- per kg - 90.00
b) Green fodder 20 kg per
day @ ₹ 3/- per kg - 60.00
c) Dry fodder 4 kg per day
@ ₹ 5/- per kg - 20.00
Total per day per cow 170.00
Exp per annum
100×170×365 - 62,05,000
a) Concentrate feed
1.5 kg @20/- per kg - 30.00
b) Green fodder 15 kg/
day @ ₹ 3/- per kg - 45.00
c) Dry fodder 5 kg/day
@ ₹ 5/- per kg - 25.00
Total per day per cow 100.00
Exp per annum
60×100×365 - 21,90,000
Total cost of feed
per annum - 83,95,000
1. R&M of vehicles - 7,20,000
2. Electricity charges 6,00,000
3. Exp for lease of
land 3,00,000
Total - 16,20,000
MAN POWER (Salary per month)
1. Veterinary Assistant 1 no. 30,000
2. Skilled workers 4 27,000
3. Semi skilled workers 3 22,000
4. Unskilled workers 2 18,000
5. Cook 1 30,000
6. Driver 1 30,000
7. Helper 1 18,000
8. Manager cum Acctt. 1 35,000
9. Security guards 3 18,000
Total per month 3,77,000
Per annum 45,24,000
Food exp for 20 persons
per annum 10,00,000
Total 55,24,000
Building, furniture etc 1,07,75,000
Equipments 35,55,000
Cows 1,16,00,000
Total 2,59,30,000
Feed 83,95,000
Veterinary, insurance etc 24,72,000
Other exp 16,20,000
Staff wages 45,24,000
Food expenses 10,00,000
Total 1,79,91,000
Grand Total 4,39,41,000
Collateral security offered to the Bank:
Property owned by one of the partners
Sri Santhosh, located near Puthukkad,
1. Land with tar road frontage
2 acres @ ₹ 2 lakhs per cent
= ₹ 4,00,00,000
2. Land with tar road frontage
near township - 90 cents
@ ₹ 2 lakhs per cent
= ₹ 1,80,00,000
Total value of the property
= ₹ 5,80,00,000
Existing bank loan against the
property - _ ₹ 1,00,00,000
Loan required from bank for the
Dairy project - ₹ 2,50,00,000
Repayable in five years.
Fund to be brought by the promoters
of the project by way of margin money,
working capital etc =
Project cost 4,39,41,000
Less term loan 2,50,00,000
Promoters contribution 1,89,41,000
1st YEAR
Milk (organic)
100 cows × 20 ltrs each ×
₹ 75.00 per ltr ×
365 days = 5,47,50,000
Cow dung:
10 kg per day × 160 cows
× 365 days × ₹ 0.60 per kg
= 3,50,400
Total income = 5,51,00,400
Less expenses = 1,79,91,000
Balance = 3,71,09,400
Repayment to bank:
Principal 2,50,00,000 ÷
5 years = 50,00,000
Interest @ 10.5% p.a = 26,25,000
Total payment to bank = 76,25,000
Loan balance 2,00,00,000
Closing balance 2,94,84,400
2nd YEAR
Opening balance 2,94,84,400
Milking cows 100 nos
@ ₹ 80,000 each 80,00,000
Shed for 100 cows
@ 40 F2 each = 4000 F2 ×
₹ 1100 per F2 44,00,000
Equipments and
vehicles 10,00,000
Total 1,34,00,000
Balance 1,60,84,400
160 × 20 × 75 × 365 = 8,76,00,000
Cow dung
260 × 10 × 365 × 0.6= 5,69,400
Total 8,81,69,400
Milking cow @ ₹ 200 each
160 × 200 × 365 = 1,16,80,000
Heifer @ ₹ 130 each
100 × 130 × 365 = 47,45,000
260 × 15,000 = 39,00,000
260 × 450 = 1,17,400
R&M of vehicles = 15,00,000
Electricity charges= 8,00,000
Misc exp = 5,00,000
Salary and wages = 55,00,000
Food exp = 14,00,000
Total expenses 3,01,42,400
10,42,53,800 -
3,01,42,400 = 7,41,11,400
Payment to bank:
Principal 50,00,000
Interest 21,00,000
Total 71,00,000
Closing balance 6,70,11,400
3rd YEAR
Opening balance 6,70,11,400
Purchase of 5 acre
land 1,75,00,000
Milking cow 100 nos
@ ₹ 90,000 90,00,000
Construction of shed 50,00,000
Truck with chiller tank 25,00,000
Total 3,40,00,000
Balance 3,30,11,400
200×20×75×365 = 10,95,00,000
Cow dung
360×10×365×0.6 = 7,88,400
Total 11,02,88,400
Milking cows @ ₹ 200/-
200×200×365 = 1,46,00,000
Heifer @ ₹ 150/-
160×150×365 = 87,60,000
360 cows @ ₹ 15,000/-
360 × 450/-
R&M of vehicles 20,00,000
Equipments, tools and
other misc exp 5,00,000
Electricity 10,00,000
Salary and wages 60,00,000
Food exp 16,00,000
Contingency exp. 10,00,000
Total 3,54,60,000
Balance 10,78,39,800
Repayment to bank
Balance of principal 1,50,00,000
Principal repayment 50,00,000
Interest 15,75,000
Total payable 65,75,000
Balance of loan 1,00,00,000
Net balance 10,12,64,800
------------------------------------------------------------ 4th YEAR
Opening balance 10,12,64,800
Purchase of 5 acre
land 1,75,00,000
Construction of shed 60,00,000
Vehicles 25,00,000
Equipments 25,00,000
Milking cows 100 nos
@ ₹ 90,000/- each 90,00,000
Total - 3,75,00,000
Balance - 6,37,64,800
Milk 260×20×75×365 = 14,23,50,000
Cow dung
460×10×365×0.6 = 10,07,400
Total = 14,33,57,400
Balance 20,71,22,200
Feed, milking cow
260×200×365 = 1,89,80,000
Heifer 200×150×365 = 1,09,50,000
Veterinary exp
460×15,000/- = 69,00,000
460×450 = 2,07,000
R&M of vehicles = 30,00,000
Electricity = 11,00,000
Salary and wages = 66,00,000
Food expenses = 18,00,000
Contingency = 12,00,000
Total 5,07,37,000
Balance 15,63,85,200
Bank payment
Balance principal 1,00,00,000
Interest 10,50,000
Principal repayment 50,00,000
Total payment to bank 60,50,000
Balance loan 50,00,000
Closing balance 15,03,35,200
5th YEAR
Opening balance 15,03,35,200
Construction of shed 70,00,000
Misc construction 10,00,000
Milking cows 100 nos
@ ₹ 90,000/- each 90,00,000
Vehicles 25,00,000
Equipments 20,00,000
Total 2,15,00,000
Net balance 12,88,35,200
300 cows ×20×75×365 =16,42,50,000
Cow dung
560×10×365×0.6 = 12,26,400
Balance available 29,43,11,600
Feed milking cows
300 cows× ₹ 200×365 = 2,19,00,000
260 cows× ₹ 150×365 = 1,42,35,000
Veterinary exp
560×15,000/- = 84,00,000
560×450/- = 2,52,000
R&M of vehicles = 40,00,000
Electricity = 12,50,000
Salary and wages = 75,00,000
Food expenses = 20,00,000
Contingency = 15,00,000
Total 6,10,37,000
Bank payment
Balance principal 50,00,000
Interest 5,25,000
Total payment to bank 55,25,000
Loan outstanding Nil
Net balance available 22,77,49,600
1) Cost of semen to be brought from
Denmark and charges for artificial insemination are not included above.
Financial provision is made.
2) Since some concessions are likely to be made in agriculture income through dairy farm, IT payment is also not included above. However financial provisions are made every year.
3) Farm is likely to be located in Vettampara of Keerampara village,
Ernakulam Distt. Motorable tar road, 3 ph power connection within the land and enough water is available.
4) ID cards of promoters namely:
Sri Ananthakrishnan, Sri Mahesh,
Sri Santhosh and KV George shall be sent separately.
Prepared by
KV George
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