How long we can afford the skirmish at the border with China is a matter of serious concern. If we keep conceding our land to avoid a tussle, in the name of peace, they will not stop the encroachment until they reach Kanyakumari. So, let us stop the negotiations here itself. Initially we may go for formal detailed discussion for the settlement of the border dispute. If we can arrive at a peaceful conclusion it would be well and good. If not, without firing a shot, we must ensure that they will not dare to lift the gun against us. It all should be in a peaceful manner.

We must expose China in front of the world. Human rights violation is at its peak in China. There is no freedom of citizens, no freedom of worship, no freedom of religion, no freedom of expression, no freedom of speech and umpteen other no to freedom. A good number of regions within China consisting of a population of around 450 million people (This is the population of about 75 world countries) are demanding for seperate autonomous states for them. Chinese administration ensures that their voice will never reach the open world. While this is the case of the people within their territory, China do not leave those outside their country too. They have border disputes on one way or the other with about 13 countries around China. India is one amongst them. Further to this, they want to take over other countries like Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh etc either by debt trap or sweet promises.

Now, their immediate game is to overtake US. Before that they may play many nasty games to set their foot in Canada. The continuous skirmish at the Indian border is to bring India forcefully to their fold to act as a mediator with other countries on their run to sit on the head of the world. Should all other countries remain as silent spectators, is their own individual decision. China will not hesitate to use their arms against any nation and eradicate any number of people. In the recent Indo China tussle at Galwan India lost 20 soldiers and China 43. While Chinese media highlighted the loss of lives of 20 Indians but were silent about the number 43.

Now, to reform their top man, others need not take weapons, but just isolate them. No trade with China. Their armed ship, plane or soldiers should not be allowed to leave their country. They should not be allowed to attend any international conclave. Think of removing them from UN security council. Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau should be made sovereign countries. Any other regions within the mainland of China want freedom should also be allowed to become sovereign countries. Super powers of the world may sit together and take immediate decision on these matters before the mad country open the doors for a third world war.

US president Donald Trump has accused China for hiding from the world about the early spread of coronavirus. This is now confirmed by the  Virologist who fled to US from Hong Kong, who accuses China of coronavirus cover up. In an exclusive interview to Fox News on Friday, Li-Meng Yan, who has specialised in Virology and Immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, said that China likely had an obligation to tell the world, given their status as a World Health Organisation (WHO) reference laboratory specialising in influenza viruses and pandemics, especially as the virus began spreading in the early days of 2020. It is also found through media that this woman researcher was threatened by the Chinese administration.

KV George


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