"Death is definite. Every death has a cause and I am the cause."  According to Bhagavad Gita this is the Gods version of death.

Death is the most horrible thing man ever visualizes. For other life forms it is an experience when it takes place. They do not foresee and hold a fear of it throughout life. We see death as an end to every thing as far as we are concerned. According to a saying, "The world began the day I born  and the world will end the day I die." Since nothing ends in this universe as a whole death too cannot be an end but only a transformation.

If transformed, a series of questions need to be answered. How does the transformation takes place? What is the shape after the transformation? Where is the transformed one now? These questions are being asked by man from day one, but an answer with clarity is still evading. Of course, fake and fade conceptions are plenty but nothing could appease man even today.

Let us look at the cosmic panorama. These transformations are taking place there every day, may be at less frequency. Since very few, may be once in our life time, are at our reach and most are beyond our limits as death of all these giant boattempteddies are not noticed and well studied. Since some of the occurrences in our reach are put to test, though in a limited scope, early questions can be  to be answered with scientific evidence. A large star at the end of its life starts to collapse and become compact. At the end it become very dense and draws everything towards the core and even light cannot escape. We call it a black hole. Since the reflected light does not come back we are not able to see the former star. Here the death of the star is complete.

This is a true transformation. A giant body of mass which was burning and visible till yesterday has become invisible today. When it reached a particular state or point of time it leaves us rather death takes place. However, science say it is still there as a mighty power though we can not see. In other words anything that are arrives at a particular state or point of time it dies and afterwards it cannot be seen though it remains. The magnetic power or the gravitational power it has today is much more than what it had yesterday. Earlier when it was a visible body it could not pull light but now, after death, it can. Let us now imagine that we are standing at a suitable place in the space focusing our eyes towards the dark area where the star disappeared. Further imagine a bright background far beyond the black hole area. We can certainly see the black hole like the moon with sun at the background at the time of eclipse.

Similar is our death. A body which was seeing, hearing, thinking and moving until a moment back become motionless depriving of all the faculties it had. However, the corpse remains here awaiting further transformation. It is evident that something is departed from the body that made the body see, hear, think and move. We call what is departed as life, spirit or soul, unlike stars die in different ways like red giants, super giants, novae and super novae, black dwarf, white dwarf etc. Death of any life form here on earth is life departing from the physical body leaving the body motionless.

Can we find a departed soul as we find a black hole? Yes, if we place ourselves at a suitable point with a suitable background. For instance, when we sit in a room, the room is filled with so much of sound and pictures but we can neither hear nor see any of those. If this noise and pictures get through a TV set we can hear and see. It does not mean, therefore, that without a TV set the room was noiseless and pictureless. We could not perceive those as the wave lengths were not adaptable to our organs. Similarly there can be some thing more in our room which cannot be smelt, tasted or touched  by us as the making of those does not suit to the mode of our body. To apply our senses it is also essential that we are to be in the same space and velocity of that to be applied. When two close friends are traveling in trains moving fast in opposite directions through close tracks they neither see nor hear each other though they come in close range for some time.

Most of us have at least heard about clairvoyance, ojho boards, many forms of witchcraft etc These are not so comprehensive but also difficult to turn down. There are innumerable cases of confrontation with spirit or ghost by doctors, priests, drivers and many eminent persons. There are also evidences from hospital records about people who had clinical death and later came back to life. They could describe the happenings around their physical body between those two points of time, when in coma, which were later examined and found true.

Scientific explanation for black hole is, if the body of matter was very dense, it convulses space into an infinitely deep chasm, called a black hole. This explanation pertains to theory of relativity. If the black hole remains in a chasm it is in a different strata from other stars. Though it is existing within our own universe the nature of the matter changes as it cannot be seen, hear or reach physically. Hence, can we conclude that the life forms on earth too when pass the point of death remain invisible and cannot be perceived by our senses, become adaptable to our sensual organs if a suitable media, as TV in the case of sound and picture, is deployed with the required mode to suit our perception.



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