Nowadays the entire Indian atmosphere is filled with election speeches of different political parties. Instead of one's own political ideologies, every party takes maximum time to speak to stain and hurt the opposition parties. What they gain by vote from these speeches are not got measured by anyone so far. The reason for it is that no any professionals are nominated to analyse the response of these speeches.
Nowadays we repeatedly hear the speeches of the nationally recognised leaders of various political parties. They utter such language, probably knowing all consequences. Just by these nonsense utterance neighbours stop talking each other, friends do not look at one another and that is the power of these harsh words. Finally these countless number of people together are knowingly or unknowingly use these sharp words to break this great country into pieces. Most unfortunately, large number of our people do not understand the impact of it.
Whichever party may come, whatever ideology they may surface, there should only be one India and one people. No philosophy should be allowed to develop hatred among the people or divide the country. India should prosper as one India to the top of the world. All our prayers and efforts should be for this! Whichever God you prefer or whichever language you speak, the prayer should be the same, ONE INDIA ONE PEOPLE.
K V George
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