Huge number of people fall die on our roads year after year. Many are injured and become seriously incapacitated. We may find below the number of accidents and deaths in the recent past.
Year No. of No. of
Accidents Deaths
2016 39420 4287
2017 38470 4131
2018 40181 4303
2019 41111 4440
2020 27877 2979
2021 16312 1719
The New Indian Express says that according to Sri Upendra Narayan, road safety expert and visiting faculty in many academic institutions across the state including Kerala Police Academy, motor cycles constitute as little as 1% of the total vehicles in the world, yet these contribute to almost 20% of accidents in the world. He says further that there are several reasons for the increasing number of bike accidents. First, indisciplined and immatured bike riding. Most of the bike riders are young people. Sri Upendra also points out a number of deficiencies in traffic rules in India.
There is a general allegation that most of the road accidents in Kerala are caused by intoxication. The fact is far from it. According to available information, during 2017, out of 38470 accidents, 23 were found under intoxication and that makes 0.06%. In 2018 it was 157 out of 40181 and that makes 0.4%.
In Kerala the chief cause of road accidents must be the attitude of the people on the driving seats irrespective of their age and type and conditions of the vehicles they drive.
(Indebted to: 1) Reports by Crime Records Bureau of Kerala Police.
2) Report by Toby Antony in The New Indian Express dated 27th March 2021)
K V George
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