While the successive governments might be looking it as a positive sign, if get into it deeply we may find that it may not be so positive. We may see an example for this. Let us imagine about a big family of large members having plenty of fertile land. The head of the family send many members to the rich houses around to work on daily wages. From what they earn, the head of the house, wives and children of the working men are said to be living fairly well. Then comes their brothers, sisters, children and other old and young members of the family try to appease their hunger with the meagre sum given by the head. On the other hand, if the head of the family manages to secure some agricultural implements and get some seeds and ask all the members to work in their land, after a couple of years each one of the family will have food. In another couple of years all will have a comfortable life. They can sell the surplus food and the agricultural implements to the neighbours. This will not raise any competition as most of these neighbours do not have so much of land and so much of people to work on the field and produce to their needs.
This is what the Indian governments have so far not done and may do now. We have such large amount of resources in our country. We also have a large youth population to exploit those. May the government take the lead. Let us have one of the best living conditions in the world. Let us provide necessary facilities to the people. Let us not allow any sort of discrimination. Let us ensure safety to all in our country. There will not be any brain drain.
K V George
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