The State of Kerala is struggling hard to match the earnings with spending. Things are reported to be getting worsen every passing day. The successive governments ruled the state have made no any appreciable efforts to raise the income of the state. Instead they all depending on sale of alcohol on a very high price, selling dreams to the people in the form of lottery tickets or availing loan from all available sources. They all did the same mistake of not repaying the money they have taken as loan. Instead they passed it on the successive government. Now it has reached to a red hot state that no one can handle it.

None seemed to have given due consideration to this money, as it is not theirs but belongs to the people as a whole. Unfortunately the people too  have not come to question the lavish spending of their money. At least now they should wake up and try to find the source of every rupee received in the exchequer and where it is being spent. And also keenly watch the spending of each rupee.

Why is it that when an ordinary Indian politician become a minister of a poor state of this poor country wants to have a posh life?  They want brand new costly model cars.; high class furniture, good number of servants etc. Could they not avoid these extravagant expenditure?

The people of Kerala may come forward to oversee the income and expenditure made by the state government. At first the government should find ways and means to enhance the revenue of the state considerably. The following are suggested in this regard for the consideration of the government and the people of the state.

1. In the tourism sector, the record earnings made by the state about Rs 45,000 crores was in 2019. While evaluating the top earning countries in the world from tourism, Kerala has a wide scope to raise the target to a Rs 2 lakhs crores per annum. (How to achieve this shall be spelt out in detail) The state government need not have to spend much on this account.

In order to attract tourists state may be kept clean. No waste should be dumped at any public places. Writing on walls should be stopped forthwith. Pasting posters all around should be stopped. Flags and decoratives should not be allowed at public places. No public protests should be allowed to close shops or suspend vehicular movement anywhere.

2. Another area to enhance the revenue is to start a minimum of above five thousand SME in the private sector. Priority should be given for export oriented industries. Government need not spend anything for this. Just organise things properly. There are enough scope.

Alongwith these,  government should take stringent measures to bring down the expenses under various heads. The prime area is expenditures on employees on government roll. At first bring down the strength by a minimum of 10%. Encourage teleconference to avoid travelling expenses. Purchase of new vehicles should be suspended for the ensuing few years. Fuel expenditure should be curtailed the maximum possible. The ministers may try to remain in office as far as possible. Foreign travel may be suspended for a minimum period of three years. Kerala house, New Delhi may be used for the maximum liaison work with central government offices. Decorative expenses of ministerial residences may be avoided as far as possible.

There are many more avenues left to enhance the income and to reduce the expenditure of the government. Further to all these the government may stop availing further loan from anywhere unless there is a clear source of repayment.

K V George 



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