Consequent upon the allegation by the US and few other nations about some mystical hands of China in the spread of coronavirus the Chinese have finally taken defensive stance. There are also wide spread reports that this allegation has forced some new investors to retrace their steps. It is also told that some existing units also have moved out. Such community is likely to enter into India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand or Vietnam. This whole thing may make large dent in Chinese economy. In order to distract the attention of the countries on the opposite side and also to try to drag India towards their camp China has come out to irritate us at our boarder. This has to be proved by the future developments.

Other than the new threats China has many internal issues that are boiling for some time. Independence sought by the people of Hong Kong is one. According to Hong Kong Basic Law as ratified under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, Hong Kong is an inalienable part of People's Republic of China. However most of the people want an independent government under democratic norms. Alternatively they have proposed "One Government, Two Systems". This too has turned down by the Chinese government. As per some opinion poll conducted by a Hong Kong based University only 13% of the Hong Kong Population support a Chinese governance there.

Similarly Taiwan and the Islands around are governed by the Republic of China, seperate from the People's Republic of China. They want to have an independent government, The Republic of Taiwan. Further to these China has boarder disputes with Taiwan, North Korea, Japan, Philippines, Brunai, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bhutan other than India. Some of these disputes are related to Islands claimed by two countries.

Time and again China has proved that they are not a trustworthy friend for India. However most of the Chinese look India with a reverance for our culture and tradition. We Indians too have high regard for the people of China. Unfortunately their rulers have different nature. Whatever it may be under no circumstances China will dare to have war with us.  They keep instigating  Pakistan to create continuous problems at the boarder of Kashmir. Also China cannot forego US$ 90,398 million imports by India with a partner share of 14.63%. Another aspect is the delicate balancing act of Nepal between India and China. For centuries Nepal and India remained as friendly neighbours. The people of both the countries have deep rooted relations with one to one contact of kinship and culture. Of late a strange feeling has aroused whether Kathmandu has slipped towards Beijing. There are many things to count in the whole issues. Of late Minister of Education of Nepal has announced that they are introducing Mandarin in Nepal School Syllabus. All these things persuade us to look into what is boiling in our trusted country.

Further to these, it remains a fact that China is country beyond predictions. Their dreams have no limits. If they are dreaming to be at the helm of affairs of the world they may even think wild. US and their allies should always remain watchful.

Now, as far as we Indians are concerned, China is playing a blind fold game. If we too play with equal shrewdness, we can dictate terms to resolve our long pending boarder issues. China is deep in problems. If someone is playing crooked games within their territory what Soviet Union confronted decades ago shall be repeated in China with absolute perfection.

KV George


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