It is better, therefore, each of us may find out the cost and price of fuel by our own.
Today's price at Kochi:
Petrol - ₹ 71.726 per litre Diesel - ₹ 65.923 per litre
Now each one of us may try to find out the following and add the the same to find out the purchase price/cost. 1) Purchase price of crude (take any country from which we import crude) 2) Shipping charges (Take for instance to Kochi) 3) Unloading charge at Kochi port. 4) Pumping/transportation charges to refinery. 5) Refinery expenses for processing into petrol/diesel. 6) Storage expenses. 7) Expenses towards loading into tanker and delivery up to the dealer. 8) Add all taxes and duties + profit of the refinery + dealers commission. The total of these may be converted into per litre purchase price. If one gets the above retail price at Kochi it is well and good. If it is less than the above price, the difference, if any, can be treated as the democratic expenses.
KV George
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