We are all taught that the universe was originated from a Big Bang. This big bang gave birth to time, space and matter. New research suggests the existence of a multiverse. These other universes may have different dimensions of time, space and matter.
However sticking to our own Big Bang Theory, the matter immediately after birth, exploded and the particles were thrown apart. Each particle, getting relieved from the great compression, started expanding while moving away from the center. These expanded objects traveled a long distance at high velocity and reached the shape of today. According to the scientific laws the velocity of the moving objects get diminished constantly. Finally, may be after millions of years time these objects terminate their journey. May be after a stay for a while, again as per the law, the return starts and acceleration take place in the same sequence.
Here begins our story!
The return means equal and opposite reaction happens. In other words, all that happened till then recreated in the reverse order. Let us look at these happenings. Now the birth of a child takes place in the mothers womb.Then, the birth of an old man takes place in the grave or pyre.Now, the death takes place in the home, hospital, road, war field etc. Then, there shall be no death but all shall return to the mother alive.Now, there are marriages.Then, there will be no marriages but only divorces. There are killings now, No one shall kill any one then. One cannot give pain to others but can only take pain from others.One will not listen any one but will eat ones own words. No music and no abuse!
No eating but only vomiting. Go to the bar, give a vomit, take money and go out with no booze!
No rain, but water will go to the clouds from the earth. Water will return to the rivers from the sea.The sun will come out from the west and set in the east. All the light shall return to the sun.
There will not be any beauty parlors but only ugly parlors
Let us wait for a few more millions of years for these things to happen!
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