After the conference of the priests of the Church, the Apostolic Administrator was to be escorted by police to come out. How pathetic the priesthood have fallen in the minds of the ordinary members of the Church and public as a whole. It is not the first time that similar untoward things happen in the Church. A few weeks earlier, according to a video spread in the society, in an identical circumstance a good number of people were fighting each other with wooden logs and iron bars in front of the office of the Cardinal. Subsequently many were reported to have admitted in the hospital with injuries. Another video shows that a priest performing a holy mass was pushed out from the Sanctum Sanctorum and the Holy Books etc were thrown out from there. What went wrong with the Church? The simple answer would be - the excess wealth of the Church. Where wealth is accumulated, power and corruption are likely to be flying around there. Sometime back, as per media repor...