India and Japan have a long relationship. During the 6th century itself Indian culture had filtered into Japan through Buddhism. In the modern era, after the world war, India and Japan had entered into a peace treaty in 1952. The current population of Japan is 126 million which makes 1.6% of the world population. The present population of India is 1.39 billion which constitute 27.7% of world population.Over 28 thousand Indians are now living in Japan. Most of them are in Kobe.
The land area of India is more than 9 times that of Japan. However the per capita land holding of Japan is little more than India. While India rank 195th in the world in per capita land holding, Japan ranks 190th. In rain fall Japan ranks 46th while India is 83rd. Japan receive 54% more rains than India. India has 23% more agricultural growth than Japan
While India is 53rd in world agricultural ranking Japan holds 154th rank. India has 160 million hectares arable land, Japan's holding is 4.36 million hectares.
In the educational sector, average schooling years in India is 5.1, it is 9.5 in Japan. Over 4,000 children are out of school in Japan, but in India it is 1.39 million. Spending on education in proportion of GDP by India is 3.17% whereas the Japanese spending is 3.78%. In High school enrollment rate India ranked 70th with 85.13, Japan ranked 2nd with 100. Literacy rate in percentage of population India's ranking is 134th with 59.5%, Japan ranked 4th with 99%.
In the area of economy, India has a budget revenue of $172.10 billion with a ranking of 23rd, the Japanese revenue is $1.99 trillion with a ranking of 2nd. The GDP of India is $3.730 trillion ranking 5th. The GDP of Japan is $4.231 trillion ranking 3rd. GDP per capita of India is $2,625.09 ranking 130th. GDP pci of Japan is $33,523.37 ranking 25th. (To be updated)
Here is a comparison of crime of both countries. While the crime levels in India 47.61 with ranking of 45th, the Japanese level is 12.8 with ranking of 18th. Crime in India is 4 times more than that of Japan. Drug use in India is 3.2% with a ranking of 4th, Japanese with 0.1% with 7th rank. Violent crime and rape in India is 22,172 and ranked 3rd. Japan with 1,289 ranked 18th.
(All the data's shown above are not updated. If updated, there may be considerable trend upwards in the case of economy, education etc. Hence it should not be used for latest comparetive studies. Latest version may please be referred to for such purposes.)
K V George
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