GOVERNMENTS belong to the people. People send their representatives to run the governments. Those who are in the governments are expected to disclose the facts to the people as and when needed. The governments should not hide anything from the people unless warranted by extremely precarious situations. Under no circumstances the governments should lie to the people.

Of late it has been noticed that our governments in India are deceiving the people by sheer false statements. I would like to believe that the good intention and honest statements have been purported by the ignorant people. However I leave it to the people to ascertain the purpose behind these statements by the representatives of the governments. Certain sample cases are presented below.

1) The government asked the people to get Aadhar cards immediately. These cards are essential to draw the subsidy from the banks for cooking gas, we were told. When almost all have got the cards the government have announced that the subsidy for gas is being withdrawn.

2) The government asked that all people should have bank accounts. Encouraging statements from various corners repeatedly came out. Once many people have opened the bank accounts, the banks have told them that if they fail to maintain a minimum balance in their accounts some of the money shall be taken away by the banks as penalty. According to an unconfirmed report banks have become richer by over two hundred crores rupees on this account.

3) The government has told the people that in order to stabilize the price of petrol, instead of reviewing the price once in a while they will review it every day. At the rate of 20 paise/30 paise a day the prices have gone much higher than the occasional hikes.

4) Before revamping the sales tax structure itself the government has told the people that they are going to introduce one tax system for the whole nation under the name GST. By doing so people would have lot of gains, we were told. In practice, contrary to the expectations of the people prices of almost all commodities have gone up. Even service taxes are charged where services are not rendered.

5) Plenty of money belong to the people of India are lying in international banks, we were told. This huge sum which is much more than the country's external debt and, therefore, shall be brought back. The people would be immensely benefited with this operation. Until now, it seems, that nothing has happened and not even one rupee is brought back.

These are some sample cases. There are many such lies were told by the government. Why the government is becoming dishonest to the people. Whatever is said and done by a government is expected to be true and with utmost honesty and above all should be for the well being of the people. I, therefore, request our representatives in the government to be honest and truthful to the people of India and do only such things which are for the betterment of the people.

KV George


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