
Showing posts from April, 2024


Wealth and man have an age old robust relationship. Most people in the world do something for their daily living. While some work in their own field, others work in others fields and earn wages from them. While the highest majority of the people work and earn in these two ways, a very few get an opportunity to make a quantum leap forward in amassing wealth. Then comes the shortest way to earn wealth; and that is theft. Thefts are of two kinds. One is snatching others valuables secretly or forcibly and the other is forcing a person to pay the money to a government servant or an elected representative. We call the latter bribe, corruption etc   There are people who hold large amount of wealth for generations. Let us ignore them. Let us focus on those who earn by cheating, stealing and by corruptive practices and become rich overnight. This is called, amassing wealth by illegitimate means. These earnings are always accompanied with the curses by the givers. In most ca...


Part V (Continued from yesterday)   Presidential Palace of India   No  confidence motion in the Indian Parliamentary can lead to a mid term election. Only by impeachment in the American senate can unseat the President. While the Prime Minister appoints the cabinet ministers in India, the president nominate the cabinet and send for approval to the senate. In India, as a country there is only one constitution. In US every state has it's own constitution. The basic difference between India and the USA is that India has a parliamentary form of government while US has a Presidential system of government. As far as the system of government is concerned we Indians have excessive freedom, but the benefits of it goes to the extremely wealthy and those holding the power. As such despite over seven decades rule by different political parties, the three major issues we have discussed could not be sorted out and contrary to this these are growing up. Corruption has become ...


Part IV (Continued from yesterday) According to Abraham Lincoln a democratic government is - of the people, by the people and for the people. As per the report of Economic Times there are 94.5 crores voters for the ensuing Lok Sabha election. As per democratic norms the government to be formed after the election will be of the 94.5 crores voters and their under aged family members, and that government will be said to be by the people and again it is is believed that it is for the people. If the government is within true democratic norms it cannot become corrupt. That is, the tax money of the people cannot be swindled by a few people in front of all preventive systems. In our democracy we cannot ensure safety of life of about half of the population (women). The GDP - PCI growth cannot remain disproportionate and a section continue to remain below poverty line, if the government is truly and fully of the people, by the people and for the people. The so called democracy is onl...


Part III (Continued from yesterday)   (Nehru and Patel, courtesy     Getty) There are three things that can be seen as the most adverse in the level of assessment of a country. Number one amongst those is the widespread corruption in our country. Number two is the safety of women in our country. The threat faced by women is not confined to any part of the country but throughout. According to the report by NCRB rape cases reported in 2020 were 3,71,503, in 2021 it went upto 4,28,278 and further went upon 2022 to 4,45,256. Women in India is in a pathetic state. As a corrective measure as we we have discussed earlier this issue should also be included in the school syllabus. While counting the serious issues of our country another important aspect is our per capita income. As we have discussed earlier in PCI we rank 120 out of 179 countries whereas we are in the fifth position in GDP. Based on 2019s PPP International Comparison according to the United Nation...


Part II Continued from yesterday           Dr B R Ambedkar Panchayats , Municipalities, State Legislators and National Parliament put together there are 2,77,671 elected members who are entrusted with various decision making. If they fail to take the right decision at the right time some time it may cost heavily to the country. Further to this there are innumerable media reports about some politicians in power swindle huge amount of public money. Though there are ways and means to find out the truth behind the media reports in many cases the people get a feeling that the media reports are not effectively enquired upon. Why it is happening so? The reason behind these are that in most cases the corruption is not a single hand action. It is a chain of action and therefore, the sharing the sum involved in by a large number of people. However, there are absolutely honest people can be found everywhere. And that make the crime leaked out and sometimes reac...


    The Parliament of India.   Image courtesy, India Today   Despite having the required means in the form of natural resources and with a large strength of young manpower we are not able to reach the top layer of wealthy nations. According to Forbes India report dated 7.2.2024 of the top 10 largest economies in the world for 2024, India stands at number five while USA, China, Germany, Japan are ahead of us. When it is  brought into per capita income (ppp) of 2022, it is totally shaken. In a list of 179 countries India's ranking is 120. Our PCI is $ 8,379. Luxembourg ($ 1,42,214), Singapore ($ 1,27,565), Ireland ($ 1,26,905) Norway ($ 1,14,899) Qatar ($ 1,14,648) etc are on top of the list. In women's safety index of 146 countries of 2023 India stands at 127.  All these are the after effect of corruption in our country. Various estimates put the amount of black money from India anywhere between $ 181 billion and $ 1.8 trillion. If this mone...


Political parties come to the people before the election with plenty of promises. The long experienced Indians have heard such promises time and again. They know that these are never going to be fulfilled. The reason for this is something like this; the people are very hungry and as usual they want some chapati and onion slices to appease their hunger. But the experienced politicians offer them five star meals within an year. And surprisingly after five years these people continue to remain hungry. Since it is continued for many years, the people are experienced enough to assess the worth and compatibility of these promises. For instance during these election speeches we all here many promises and programs for uplifting the women of India. On the other hand what we are seeing around  is really unimaginable. According to Frontline magazine 4.45 lakhs crime against women were reported in India in 2022 as per NCRB report. Uttar Pradesh registered maximum number of FIRs in ...


Nowadays the entire Indian atmosphere is filled with election speeches of different political parties. Instead of one's own political ideologies, every party takes maximum time to speak to stain and hurt the opposition parties. What they gain by vote from these speeches are not got measured by anyone so far. The reason for it is that no any professionals are nominated to analyse the response of these speeches. Nowadays we repeatedly hear the speeches of the nationally recognised leaders of various political parties. They utter such language, probably knowing all consequences. Just by these nonsense utterance neighbours stop talking each other, friends do not look at one another and that is the power of these harsh words. Finally these countless number of people together are knowingly or unknowingly use these sharp words to break this great country into pieces. Most unfortunately, large number of our people do not understand the impact of it. Whichever party may come, wh...


It is a memorable chapter in the history of Kerala police. A large theft case was reported from the house of Cinema Director Sri Joshi. Police started enquiry immediately. And came the thrilling success of Kerala Police rather Indian Police in a few hours.  The Champion Police picked the Bihari thief from our neighbouring state within no time. The man drove over 2,500 km in a car for the big theft. The so called Robinhood lost all that he stolen, his car and himself to the Super Police of Kerala. This thriller story teaches us something big. If political interference is not there our Police is one of the best in the world ! K V George 


As on 23 March 2024 there are 6 national parties, 57 state parties and 2,764 unrecognised political parties are in India. There are countless number of politicians engaged in the day to day functioning of these parties. The people of the country never asked anyone to form any party or requested anyone to come and serve them. The people both individually and collectively and the political after the other voluntarily came forward to offer their services to the people. In this election it is estimated that an average of 15 candidates are contesting for each seat. One may doubt why so much people are rushing to serve the people. The prime factor is that our parliamentarians are getting handsome emoluments. No academic qualifications or experience is prescribed. In some cases their brilliant school mates who went for engineering or doctorate and then passed the civil service exam become subordinates of these less educated politicians. The rush found in Indian politic...


Amazingly a good number of Indian voters going to the polling booths with no much knowledge about the candidate or the party for whom they want to vote. In some cases the voters have a traditional feeling that their father and grandfather voted to this party, so that they too will vote for the same party. In some other cases the village heads reported to have advised the whole villagers much about voting including the procedures, to which the people strictly adhere to. In some cases the God Himself is brought to the scene and according to the advice of the Supreme One they decide the candidate.(No one may agree this openly and it would be difficult to prove the purity of our democracy. There were also what's app message showing chicken and something else distributed to the public. It would be difficult to prove that the receivers are prospective voters) As per the Census report of 2011, 39.4 percent of the population are illiterates, 37.6 percent...


Largest democratic election process in human history is being taken place during these days in India. Once in five years this 'Himalayan Task' repeat. This year it is performed by about 970 million Indian voters. This number is larger than the US, EU and Russian population put together. While many advanced countries of digital technology have not adopted EVMs for democratic franchise we Indians have fast made friendship with this new system. Most of the parties who have fielded their candidates for this election have circulated the election manifesto amongst the people. While some intelligent people take these as something to befool the people, the illiterates and the ignorants dream that they are going to become mega rich people.  When these manifestos are filled with imaginary promises, none of them say about the most important things. Many people are below poverty line but no one seems to have said that they will be brought above this wretched line. Many youngste...


This question must have been asked since the beginning of human life on this earth. Lot of interpretation have come through religious thoughts, but nothing came up so far with absolute clarity. Science has so far not touched this subject and said anything with authority. As such each one of us are free to find an answer. Here is my answer. Huge energy was needed to explode the tiny particle in the beginning to create time, space and matter. There is only one energy in the universe and that is the Creator Himself. Part of it is spread in the entire solar system. And some of it is in this earth, sea, wind, with every life being including every human on earth. This energy is with man right from day one of the Big Bang, but in different forms and finally concentrating on man, may be within a group of men. This energy may be rotating in the successive human generation of the certain group. This energy is carrying negative and positive energies too within it in different circles....


    We Indians are very busy in the 2024 election for the parliament. We have around 2,500 political parties across the country. Out of these only 10 are holding about 86 percent of seats in the parliament. Yet many of them are doing their level best to secure such number of seats so that they can make some good bargain at the appropriate time. However at this time we the oppressed and suppressed common man of this country may take a glimpse of our beloved country and a few around the world. In the case of literacy Russia, Poland, Ukraine and some more countries have the record of having 100 percent literacy in the world, some others are following them with 90% and above. However talking high on our age old culture and civilization we Indians are hanging on 77.7% (2022) literacy. The highest per capita income of the world is earned by Luxembourg with USD 1,26,426 (at conversion rate of 83.6, this world out to INR 10,569,213) Some more countries  are closely fo...


According to the estimate of Ojha 190 million (44%) people of India were below poverty line in 1961. While the extreme poverty line in our country went from 60% in 1981 to 33% in 2010. People below poverty line in India in 1999-2000 came to 26%. Poverty line recorded in India in 2021 was 11.9%. India's poverty line declined to 4.5%-5% in 2022-23 with rural poverty declining to 7.2% and urban poverty down to 4.6%. By 2024 the poverty level is found to have come down to 2.4%. (The above informations are gathered from various websources. In case the readers want total accuracy in the above reports, they are requested to approach the related government sources) Further to the above information, here it is submitted - National Multidimensional Poverty Index, A Progress Review 2023 of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) According to the report, 135 million people escaped multidimensional poverty between 2015-16.and 2019-2021  The country registered a significant decli...


Merely by going through the reports of the contemporary media, it can be almost safely concluded that a good number of politicians in India are not loyal to their profession. It must be a fact that no person were ever solicited by the people en masse to be a politician and serve them. Each one of them entered into politics with their own will to serve the people.  After becoming an elected member they become like an authority and everything in the country becomes their own and the people become their servants. If a honest office in the country make a quick, secret and widespread enquiry the depth of political corruption in the country can be found. In order to get out of this dangerous situation it is necessary that the entire Judiciary, CBI and such other offices entrusted to conduct enquiry into monetory corruption should be detached from the government control and make them independent offices, but answerable to the people with the help of the law. Stringent action i...


In many people the decision to vote to which party is influenced by their parents and grandparents. The time is changed and the world around us too is changed considerably. Along with that every bit of information is at our reach. We can evaluate each party, their past performance, the charector of their leaders, the fundamental nature of each party, their promises for the future, their efficiency and resources to achieve the promise and such many other aspects.  We should not go for any petty consideration. Our nation should hold the prime significance. Corruption is the deadliest weapon held by many parties. If we do not get out of this all-round corruption prevailing in our country it will destroy the people and country one day. When your vote is a clean one, it should be received by a clean one too! K V George 


LPG  price in India (based Chennai) from 2014 to 2024 are given below on yearly basis (unit -14.2 kg cylinder)                           (Rs) 1 May 2014   - 410.50 9 Dec 2015    - 621.00 1 Dec 2016    - 593.00 1Nov 2017     - 750.00 7 Nov 2018    - 960.00 1 Dec 2019    - 714.00 15Dec2020    - 710.00 6 Oct 2021     - 915.00 7 May 2022   - 1068.50 Dec 2023       -  918.50 Apr 2024        -  918.50 (Indebted to for the above information about prices) K V George 

THE BEST PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA!ഇന്ത്യയിലെ ഏറ്റവും നല്ല പ്രധാന മന്ത്രി!

This is not being written for any comparative studies or for the sake of any appreciation or depreciation of any great ones who held that most respectable position. It is also not to praise or otherwise any political parties of the country. It is simply a personal analysis or a general evaluation of this writer alone. It has no other purpose than a mere personal expression. After this 2024 election if the INDIA bloc wins and Sri Rahul Gandhi becomes the Prime Minister of India, we may see him as the best Prime Minister of India. Sri Rahul Gandhi will be known as the Prime Minister of the common man of India. No allegation of corruption shall be raised against him. All other countries shall acknowledge him en masse. K V George                     Free translation                 (സ്വതന്ത്ര തർജമ ) ഭാരതത്തിന്റെ പ്രധാന മന്ത്രി പദം വഹിച്ചിരുന്ന മഹാഥൻമാരായ ആളുകളുടെ താരതമ്മ്യ പഠനത്തി...


Despite having large resources to exploit, and large number of young and qualified manpower available, for one reason or the other, we could not tap those resources and deploy the manpower. Had we exploited those adequately we could have brought our unemployment level to zero, the per capita income of our people could have been brought up to a much higher level. Our export earnings could have been carried to a higher level. Similarly the import could have brought down considerably. We could also looked for a zero population below poverty line. We must not ignore certain facts prevailing in our country. A good share of our population do not have their own houses. Many of our people are suffering from serious diseases and they don't have enough money to avail proper treatment. There are countless number of parents in our country who cannot provide education to their children. However, despite collecting large sum from the people our governments do not focus their attentio...


The BJP government led by Sri Narendra Modi came to power in the Centre on 26 May 2014. Prior to that when Dr Manmohan Singh was the Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi promised to the people that if his government come to power he would ensure that petrol price would be brought down (During May 2014 crude price was USD 108.05 per bbl and petrol price in India was Rs 71.41 per litre) Since 2014 we may find below the price of oil in the international market. Prices are shown below the lowest/average price per bbl in USD on the given year. 26 May 2014 - 108.05 2015 average-   48.66 2016 average-   26.68 2017 27 Mar -   49.41 2018 average-   65.23 2019 average-   56.99 2020 average-   39.68 2021 average-   70.86 2022 average- 100.93 2023 average-   82.49 2024 lowest  -   70.38  Prices of Petrol and Diesel in India per litre in INR Date/year.   Petrol      ...


Gujarat holds an area of 1,96,024 km² among the Indian states. The current estimated population of the state is 7.27 crores. The population ratio of the state is 110.503 male to 100 female. Literacy rate of Gujarat in 2023 was 83.3 percent. Male literacy was 89.5 and female literacy was 74.8 percent. GDP of the state for 2023-24 is Rs 25,62,975 crores. PCI of Gujarat in 2023 was Rs 2,73,557.51. People  below poverty line in 2023 was 9.03 percent. Gujarat is reported to have the highest number of custodial death for the successive years. 2020 - 15, 2021 - 23, 2022 - 14. When it comes to prohibition law the criminal incidents in the state àre very high. 2021- 2.83 lakhs and  2022 - 3.10 lakhs. Crime rate in Gujarat stood at 438 in 2022 and 405 in 2021 per lakh of population. Crime against women too is quite high in the state. The reported number of crime against women in the state in 2019 - 8,799, 2020 - 8,028, 2021 - 7,348, 2022 - 7,731. Rape cases reported from the...


Rajasthan is geographically the largest state of India with an area of 3,42,249 km². In fact Rajasthan is larger than Italy, Norway and Poland. In 2023 the population of the state was 8.36 crores. Literacy rate of the state in 2024 is 66.11 percent with male literacy 79.19 and female literacy 52.12 percent. GDP of the state in 2023-24 is Rs 15.7 lakh crores with the PCI for the same period is Rs 1,66,560.  Total crime registered in Rajasthan under IPC during 2023 was 1,49,116, in 2022 was 1,47,231 and 2021 was 1,26,233. During the period 2018-2021 the reported crime was 2,50,546. Crime rate of the state was 331.2. Crime against women in 2020 was 34,535, 2021 - 40,735 and 2022 the figure was 45,058. Rape cases in Rajasthan was 2019 - 5,997, 2020 - 5,310, 2021- 6,337 and 2022 - 5,399. The total number of Lok Sabha seats in Rajasthan is 25. In 2019 election all 25 seats were won by NDA (BJP -24 & RLP -1) Number of seats contesting by BJP for the ensuing election 2024 i...


The  estimated population of Madhya Pradesh in 2024 is 8.77 crores. The area of the state is 3,08,000 km². The literacy rate of the state is 69.32%, with male literacy rate 78.73 and female 59.24. The GDP of MP in 2023 was 13.87 lakh crores. GDP per capita of the  state was Rs 1,55,583.49. Indore is the financial hub of the state. This district has a significant economic growth. Crime rate of the state has a consistent growth from 2013 with 303.8 per lakh to 358.3 in 2021. As per NCRB report MP stood 3rd position in India for crime against women with 3,046 women and girls being raped and gang raped in the state in 2022. There were over 25.8 lakhs registered unemployed youth on 1 April 2022. As on July 2023 poverty rate in MP is very high with 43.50 per cent. There are 29 Lok Sabha seats in Madhya Pradesh. Parties won in 2019 Lok Sabha election from M.P. BJP - 28 INC -    1 Party position in 2024 election from M.P. BJP - 29 INC - 28 & SP - 1 Final list...


The current estimated population of West Bengal is 10.42 crores. The state has an area of 88,752 km². The state has a total of 42 seats for the Lok Sabha election. GDP of the state for the year 2023-24 is Rs 17.19 lakh crores and the GDP Per Capita is Rs 1,21,267. As per available information 8.60% of the population of the state is living below poverty line in 2023. The unemployment rate of West Bengal as of March 23 was 4.84%. Cognisable offences registered in the state during 2020 was 1,58,060, 2021 - 1,57,498 and 2022 - 1,56,503. During 2022 there were 56,59,787 IPC cases under investigation in the state. Crime rate against women in West Bengal is 71.8 per cent against the national average of 65.4 per cent. Election results of 2019: AITC - 22 BJP -  18 INC -     2 Parties contesting in 2024 election. As per the latest available information TMC, NDA/BJP, Left parties and Congress are to contest in all 42 seats each. Pre-poll survey by different media: I...


The state of Odisha has an area of 1,55,707 km² with a population of 4.64 crores. The state holds 21 Lok Sabha constituencies. Per Capita Income of the state for 2022-23 is Rs 1,50,676. As per NCRB report of 2022 molestation cases registered in the state was 7,327, rape and murder 14. Odisha was 4th highest in crime against women in India in 2022. As per the report of 2024 the literacy rate of the state is, Male 81.59%, Female 64.01% and the average is 72.87%. The outcome of 2014 election of Odisha for the Lok Sabha was: Total seats -21 BJD -12 BJP -  8 INC -  1 Seats won in Lok Sabha election 2019 BJD 13 BJP   8 Lok Sabha election 2024 Parties contesting and their number of seats. Biju Janata Dal -21 NDA/BJP- 21 INC -18,CPI-1, CPIM-1 & JMM-1 Pre-poll survey results: ABP News - C Voter BJD-11 NDA-10 India TV-CNX BJD-11 NDA-10 India Today-C Voter BJD-11 NDA-10 K V George 


U.P. always get a royal touch in Parliamentary elections in India as it has the highest number of seats in it's custody. This big state can turn the table in elections. Now the state has a strength of 80 Lok Sabha seats. Current population of U.P. is 25.7 Crs  The state holds an area of 2,43,286 sq kms. For the Malayalis this huge state is more than six times of their state Kerala. Therefore, this 'big' consideration is always given to this big state. Crime rate in U.P. is high. According to NCRB report of 2022 there are 3,491 murders in the state. 3,690 cases of rape, crime against women 65,743, crime against children 18,682 and sexual crime against women 8,136. People below poverty line in U.P. in 2022-23 stood at 17.4% of the population  Seat position in 2019 Lok Sabha election of U.P. BJP-62 & AD(S)-2 BSP-10 & SP-5 INC-1 Seat position in 2024 election of U P. NDA (80) BJP-75, Apna Dal -2, Rashtriya Lok Dal - 2 and Bharatiya Samaj Party- 1 INDIA(80) S...


Bihar is a state submerged in politics, not the whole state but the entire politicians of today and yesterday. Majority of the people, as in many other states, do not know the meaning of politics. Many of them even do not know even why to vote or whom to vote. Over seven decades after independence the state of Bihar remains below the level of many Indian states on per capita income and literacy. On the other hand crime rate is comparatively high and safety of women very low. Above all corruption is reported to be rampant in the state This election is very significant for the economic and social development of the state of Bihar. Parties from Bihar in the outgoing parliament is as below. The state of Bihar has 40 seats in the Lok Sabha. In the INDIA alliance, RJD is fielding 26 candidates, Congress 9 and Left parties 5. The NDA group has BJP 17, JD(U) 16, LJP 5, HAM 1 and RLP 1. In the 2019 Lok Sabha election Congress won only one seat (Kishanganj) and the remaining 39 seats...


In  a big building there are many walls. In each wall there are many bricks. Each brick is thinking that it holds the wall and the building. Each one of us thinks similar way. We are the one that holds the family together, and the society and the country. When we imagine about our absence, we may understand more about ourselves. Our absence may have its impact in our family, sometimes may be in the society. And it ends there. Every passing day we are getting erased from the people known to us. Our absence does not make any impact in most of the people among those we moved around . Some of us might  have interacted with a good number of people in some institutions during the course of our lives. How many of them is remembered by us and how manyn could remember us. Supposing that we record our whole life into a day and have a glance of it, we be able to see the impact created by us among our so called close ones. Sooner or later we may become a body with no motion. W...


The Police  records the different crimes taken place within the country in categorised manner and publish the same through media annually. The people, the media and the government watch these reports of the national and state bureau and become aware of the crime situation of the country and take appropriate actions. It is quite helpful for the society as a whole to take corrective measures wherever possible. But by closely observing the progressive status of the crime,  it can be safely concluded that no effective follow up action is being taken by the concerned to check the crime rates.  As the ultimate aim of crime reporting is to prevent crimes in the country, we must use the reporting most effectively. In any country there are two common agencies to prevent crime and those are police and judiciary. Above these two there are three primary powerful establishments that can eliminate crime from the whole society. Those are parents, school and religious institu...