Arunachal Pradesh meaning 'the Land of Rising Sun' is for long recognised as the territory of India. During the British regime this area was known as North East Frontier Agency until it was part of Assam and then it has become Union Territory of India in 1972. It became an Indian state in 1987. This region was recognised as the Indian subcontinent receiving mention in the ancient Hindu literature like the Kalika - Purana and the epic poems like the Mahabharata and Ramayana. This Indian state has an area of 83,743 and a population of (2011) 1,382,611. Arunachal Pradesh is a home for many distinct ethenic group. Most of these groups are either related with the people of Tibet or West Myanmar. Two third of the population compromise of Scheduled Tribes. China claims Arunachal Pradesh primarily because of its historical and ancient relation with Tibet. Tawang an adjoining district of Arunachal Pradesh has always held a unique place in the culture of Tibet. It is be...