The New Testament has 27 books written between AD 50 and 100. The Old Testament which is the origin of Bible written in Hebrew language, which is the fundamental scriptures of Jewish faith believed to have written between 1200 BC and 165 BC. The fundamental scriptures of Hinduism, the four Vedas Sama Veda, Atharva Veda, Rig Veda and Yajur , Veda were written by Vyasa. Though a definite date cannot be said, it is believed that these Vedas were written between 1500 BC and 1200 BC.

Faith, rituals and commandments are the fundamental principles of religion. When it is democracy, the prime principles are liberty, fraternity and equality. But when these two join together the common principles become damage, demolish and destroy. We have been finding this throughout the world for centuries. Of late, we Indians have also joined in this destructive games. Here it is the very strong against the very weak; 79.8% Hindus against 2.3% Christians. It cannot be called a communal violance but primarily concentrating the destruction of the places of worship and occasionally some attacks on individuals too. According to the census statistics Christian population in India in 1951 was 2.3% and it remained as 2.3% in 2011 too. It is a misconception that Christians are converting people in large numbers. Can the Hindu religious leaders show anything that Christians did against them? There may not be even a single instance to quote. With this preconceived outlook destroying the places of worship of God is really wrong. The God is one. One for all humans. Whether you look through Hindu glass, Christian glass or any other glasses the image of the Supreme One remains the same.  Christians will not fight with anybody, but the Almighty and Ever living God will certainly seek answer from the destroyers.

"Aham Brahmasmi" is chanted by Hindus generations after generations for centuries. This is from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad of Yajur Veda. This gives a clear meaning of God and man. All beings are fully associated with the universal energy and part of it. And it says 'I am Brahaman' or 'I am God'.

Another great chanting from age old Hinduism is from Chandogya Upanishad of Sama Veda. That says: "tat tvam asi". This chant means, 'thou art that' It can be explained as, 'the whole universe is part of the Supreme One, as 'that is you.' There are no difference between one man and another man. Both are equal and the same.' This must be the most comprehensive meaning of God.

Here comes the most significant question about. What is taught by the age old Hinduism is something and what is learnt by the Hindus of today is something else. This is because they don't learn the fundamental philosophy of Hinduism from the great books, but they learn from the political teachings of a group of individuals who have their own interests.

Many so called stalwarts from both Hinduism and Christianity may be reluctant to admit the truth openly that the Vedas written much before the Bible are closely interlinked. The Vedas say about the God the Father, the Son in the form of Human and the Holy Spirit purely in the invisible form of Spirit. There is also reference of mother of Jesus created by the God with His Supreme Self. It is also mentioned in the Vedas about the sacrifice of the Prajapati on a wooden log, with three iron nails. It is said when the sacrificing One asked for water to drink, He is provided with inebriant drinks. It is further said that when He dies His cloth would be shared by those conducted the sacrifice. And, in order to make the sacrifice complete, the One who was sacrificed should come back to life on the third day. In the whole books of Hinduism there is no any such divine one can be shown as said by the Vedas as Prajapati, a person other than Jesus Christ.

Therefore, the Hindu scholars may teach the coming generations more of the Vedas and Upanishads as also the Bhagavad Gita than giving significance to the unbelievable stories. Let us not combat and destroy but have a life of Liberty, Fraternity and Equality in total peace.

K V George 


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