We evaluate the action of others by its final outcome. When the result of an action is good we say the action is good; when the result become bad the action too become bad. There is an energy behind every action. When the output of the energy is good we call it positive energy and if bad, we call it negative energy. There is always an energy behind everything in this universe; either it is positive energy or negative energy. While every virtue is the the outcome of positive energy, every evil is the outcome of the negative energy.
When every energy is originated from the Creator of this universe. Positive energy is construed as the creation of God and negative as the creation of devil. When all energy is from one source only, it is from God alone. No one else can create energy. The final outcome is depending upon how the end user convert it into. It is like some good water is stored in a tank with normal temperature coming out through two pipes. One pipe is entering into a heater and the other into a freezer. The water coming through the heater is hot water and through the freezer is cold water. While the input water is same and the energy used for conversion is same, the final outcome is varied. Similarly the end result we make become virtue or evil depending upon the way we use the energy.
Virtue and evil are direct impact of action and in turn is the result of energy. On completion of everything neither virtue nor evil nor even action remains but only the one remains for ever is the energy. What Bhagavad Gita says about this is very similar to this thought. 'The first reason Krishna mentions is that because atman (the self) is eternal; it is a mistake to think that one can actually kill someone. What actually happens is that people are sent to the next stage of reincarnation - (Krishna speaking) "One believes he is the slayer, another believes he is the slain. Both are ignorant; there is neither slayer nor slain. You were never born; you will never die. You have never changed; you can never change. Unborn, eternal, immutable, immemorial, you do not die when the body dies." (Bhagavad Gita 2:19-20)
The Bible, however presents this in a different way but the ultimate meaning remains more or less the same. The positive and negative energy come to us from the past few generations. These energy is converted into action through our minds. These actions become good or bad depending upon the energy that creates the action. In a way this is ratified by the genetic science. "He is true to his promise of mercy a thousand times over; shame or sin or guilt is none but he forgives it; yet, before him, none can claim innocence in his own right, and when he punishes, the son must make amends for the father's guilt, to the third and the fourth generation." (Exodus 34:7)
"It is from the heart that his wicked designs come, his sins of murder, adultery, fornication, theft, perjury, and blasphemy." (Mathew 15:19)
K V George
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