We must certainly do something to erase this black mark. Until we clean the present political system of the country we cannot improve the situation. According to the reports published by The Hindu, India Today and the Business Standard 43% of the Members of Parliament have criminal background. In support of this they have quoted Association of Democratic Reforms. As per a report by India Today, from 2009 to 2019, there has been a rise of 850% in Lok Sabha MPs with criminal offences against women. In the last five years, recognised parties have given tickets to 41 candidates who had declared cases related to rape. A total of 572 candidates with declared criminal offences against women related contested in Lok Sabha and Assembly elections during the last five years. Non of these candidates has been convicted yet.
When considerable number of law makers themselves have criminal background, people cannot expect anything good from them. In fact the common man is constrained to believe that crime have legislative sanction here. Each Indian especially the youth should seriously ponder as to how we must clean the situation. A national referendum must be the only possible solution.
KV George
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