
Showing posts from September, 2024


 Just think about  When you feed a hungry one, you can see God on his face  ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  വിശക്കുന്നവനു ഭക്ഷണം നൽകുമ്പോൾ ആ മുഖത്തു ദൈവത്തെ കാണാം. K V George 


Answer to the question 'Can God be contained in human brain?' is undoubtedly a straight 'No'. According to scientific estimation the distance of the universe from one end to the other is 93 billion light years. Can we conceive this distance in our minds? Absolutely not. And there can be countless number of universe like ours. And the Creator of all these and the One who manages all these must be beyond time, space and matter. We cannot gather these to our minds in our wildest imagination! While this remains the fact, there are 'superior humans' who know all about God. His shape, sound, reach, relations etc are known to these priesthood. However, surprisingly they do not have any knowledge about the human beings on the earth. They know what please, anger and make Him sad. They may even say who are the father and mother of God. This is a system called religion. It has its own rules and regulations to be followed compulsorily by all members. Any breach ...


Finally the communist government have forced to impose curbs on the Trade Unions in the state to mitigate the unbearable actions taken by them. Trade Unions have come into being when employees were put on hardships by the employers. The time have been changed since then. Now it is our own government and our own laws. All safety, security and welfare measures are ensured for the employee of all types. No third party is now required to safeguard justice for employees. Appropriate forums are established for employees to register their complaints either singularly or jointly. Therefore, as far as employees are concerned, they do not need any assistance from Trade Unions today. Trade Unions are now functioning as power centres of political parties. If the government is willing to stand with the people, then they can ban all Trade Unions activities in the state/country. Trade Unions today make negative contributions to the economy of the state and the country as a whole. Infact t...


Requirements of electric cars all over the world is shooting up. Global use of EVs is estimated to grow up from 10% in 2021 to 25% in 2025. The requirement of EVs in US is estimated to be 26.7 millions by 2030. There will be considerable demand for EVs in third world countries too. Why India cannot make use of  this  bright opportunities ahead? We have no dearth of technology in automobile manufacturing. We have no dearth of resources or skilled manpower either. Then what we are waiting for? As per reports we have recently found a huge availability of lithium in Rajasthan. In February  2023 Geological Survey of India have located 5.9 million tonnes of lithium in Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir. Lithium reserves also have been discovered in Jharkhand. All these findings put together makes India the seventh largest resources of lithium in the world. Deploy our resources including the huge man power for manufacturing of electric vehicles for our internal use ...


According to 'Women, Peace and Security Index 2021', India ranks 148 out 170 countries in the world in safety of women. In 2019 it was 133 out of 167. As per NCRB data of 2021 India registered 86 rape cases daily and 49 cases of crime against women every hour. The report further reveals that while 3,71,503 cases of crime against women reported in 2020, it became 4,28,278 with a 15.3% increase in 2021. Crime against women in Kerala are given below: 2017 - 14,263 2018 - 13,643 2019 - 14,293 2020 - 12,659 2021 - 16,418 2022 - 10,932 Narcotics might be having a significant role in crime against women. Hence it goes to the police and excise departments other than the government to ward off the menace from the country. School teachers and religious leaders role to prevent narcotics from the society can have unbelievable results. Others who are responsible for the pitiful condition of women in our country are the educationalists, sociologists, religious leaders, politician...


Just think about  When we are proud of what we know about all those around us, looking at ourselves find that we do not know much about ourselves. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  ചുറ്റും കാണുന്നതെല്ലാം അറിയാമെന്നു അഹങ്കരിക്കുന്ന നമ്മൾ സ്വയം തിരിഞ്ഞു നോക്കുമ്പോഴാണ് അറിയുന്നത് നമ്മെ പറ്റി വളരെയൊന്നും അറിയുന്നില്ല എന്ന യാഥാർഥ്യം. K V George 


You may have a glance of old cars in India mostly pre-seventies. Ford Ford Fiat 1100 (1961) HM Hindustan HM Hindustan 14 HM Landmaster HM Ambassador HM Contessa HM Trekker Herald Triumph Morris Oxford Station wagon (1960) Lincoln Comopolitan Convertible Lincoln Comopolitan 4dr Sedan Bedford PC Utility Pickup Hillman drophead Coupe (1948) Wolseley 1500 STD (1962) Morris Oxford VI STD (1964) Morris Minor Willys  Jeep M38 (1972) K V George 


Just think about  If we do not expect help from anyone our frustration in life will be less. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  ആരിൽ നിന്നും സഹായം പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കാതിരിക്കാമെങ്കിൽ ജീവിതത്തിൽ നിരാശയുടെ അളവ് കുറഞ്ഞിരിക്കും. K V George 


Just think about  If you help a deserving one, the Almighty One help you whenever you deserve. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  അർഹനായ ഒരുവനെ നമ്മൾ സഹായിച്ചാൽ, അർഹതയുള്ളപ്പോഴെല്ലാം സർവ്വശക്തൻ നമ്മെ സഹായിക്കും. കെ വി ജോർജ് 


Before answering the question, 'shall we ever have peace?', we must know what is peace. The outcome of our efforts yield us contentment. When we are fully contented with our efforts we become happy. When this happiness mount we become peaceful. Peace is a state of mind that most of us have not enjoyed. We do not get peace because we are always pushed away from acquiring it by our fellow men and the materials around. We are normally more concerned about unearned things than those earned by us. We set our targets to things that are away from us. We keep endeavouring to acquire those. In most cases we do not get contented with these efforts and get despaired. In fact when we have more things we get less peace and when we have less things we have more peace. Finally when we have nothing we become peaceful. This must be the reason that we do not have peace. Above all peace is the one that we can carry from this world when we return. Peace is the one that we can buy too. ...


As  per the available data the current (2023) literacy rate of India is 77.70% . Among the states Kerala holds the top position with 94%. While going through the ratings of education given by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) based on graduation or post graduation or professional courses within the age group between 25 and 64 years among the population the top ten countries with their ratings are given below. Canada 56.27% Japan 50.50% Israel 49.90% S. Korea 46.86% UK 45.96% USA 45.67% Australia 43.74% Finland 43.60% Norway 43.02% Luxembourg 42.86% As per the survey by another agency India ranks 72 in the world in education. However  as shown above we rated ourselves high in literacy. Since our own literacy rating is either imaginary or mythical, this cannot be compared with the ratings of advanced countries. We may, therefore, restructure our literacy ratings gradually to much higher level. At present the standard set for literacy se...


   (Penguin on the vast icy land of        Antarctica) Spider silk is stronger than steel Spider silk is too light and flexible. Soldiers can use it to prevent bullets. Though it is very strong as steel and can be used for different purposes, it cannot be widely used as producing and harvesting of spider silk is found very difficult. Antartica is a desert Icy terrain with mountainous topography, Antartica is actually classified as a desert. This southernmost continent get little moisture falls from the sky. It is the coldest, windiest and driest continent. By area it is one and a half times of United States. Antartica is the best place on earth to observe space for it's dry climate and free of light pollution. (Indebted to the article by Alex Daniel, Bestlife, Yahoo Life dated October 2018) K V George


Just think about Ambili ammavan! (Uncle Moon) What an address filled with love. Situated lakhs of kilometres away and with an unimaginable size of millions of tonnes. And that is love! Unlimited love! ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ  അമ്പിളി അമ്മാവൻ! എത്ര സ്നേഹം നിറഞ്ഞ വിളി!  ലക്ഷക്കണക്കിനു കിലോമീറ്റർ ദൂരെ സ്ഥിതിചെയ്യുന്ന ദശലക്ഷക്കണക്കിനു ടൺ ഭാരമുള്ള ഒരു മഹാ ഗ്രഹത്തെ നാം സ്നേഹം നിറച്ചു വിളിക്കുന്നു. അതാണ് സ്നേഹം. യാതൊരു പരിധിയുമില്ലാത്ത സ്നേഹം! K V George 


(St Thomas Major Archiepiscopal Church in Palayur. This is one of the seven Churches founded by the Apostle St Thomas in  AD 52. (Image courtesy, Wikipedia) The matter which was confined within the Church for sometime has been now taken over by the police and the press. I, therefore, dare to talk the matter in public. This is meant to have the attention of the entire hierarchy of the Church. I would like to believe that as  true disciples of Jesus Christ they may honestly find ways and means to get over the present dilemma. While getting into the issue, we may find that the present controversy has surfaced consequent upon the decision for a uniform celebration of the Holy Mass. According to this the priest celebrating the Holy Mass will face the faithful at the beginning and end of the Mass and the rest of the time he may face the Altar. In the light of the Holy Bible it can be neither said good nor bad. But the matter that worsen the situation is the urgency shown...


We may find that people lived in sometime in 1960/1950 and before had comparatively less ill health than people who lived later. There may be something to compare with the people of today. They were eating natural food items grown and cooked by themselves. Today we eat a good amount of contaminated packed food. The vegetables and fruits of those days were very clean, but what we get today is with high quantity of dangerous insecticides used fruits and vegetables. A very harmful quantity of destructive chemicals are used by us from food alone. Fish, chicken, egg etc are also said to be harmful to health. Over and above all these there are polluted air and water to damage our health. May be due to lack of intimacy with our mother earth we are not able to push out the negative energy in us. And this must be the answer to the better health conditions of the people of the pre sixty period.  The significant difference between the people of the pre 1960 period and those of tod...


            View of the Galaxy  We  are travellers. We keep traveling always. Our journey is at a very high speed. Our earth rotates on it's axis at a speed of 1,600 km per hour and revolves around the sun at a speed of 1,07,000 km per hour. Our solar system is travelling around the galaxy at a speed of 7,20,000 km per hour. It takes 230 million years for the solar system to travel around the galaxy once. Then the galaxy rotates at a speed of 9,70,000 km per hour. It takes 200 billion years to complete one rotation. And above all these, everything is moving away from the centre of the universe at a speed more than the light. When we sit idle at one place, we are moving at an unimaginable speed. This is about our real travel. Then there is our mystic travel. In this travel we do not know where we are coming from, where we will end the journey and when we will end the journey. Let us make the journey a memorable one. We may well behave w...


We  Indians can be broadly categoriesed into two standards. One is Indians in India and the other is Indians in other countries. While the latter is minutely watching the country and are able to detect all wrongs taking place and can suggest corrective measures to improve the country to the international level, the former are not bothered about any thing. They will however say good about a political party and bad about all other parties. Generally these people do not know anything about the party other than it's name and a few leaders of it.  There are instances of parties failed in many fields but these followers are not at all concerned about such failures. On the other hand, those in other countries are terribly upset over the present conditions of our beloved country. As per available records, India's GDP per capita nominal- 2023 is 139 and GDP per capita PPP is 127. This shows how much our people has grown up economically. According to a report by Global Finan...


If we closely look at many things that take place around us we can find that many things or, may be everything happens in the world are in a given order. Whether it is the journey of our earth around the sun at such accuracy or falling of the leaves from the trees or the annual human death rate around the world, we may be able to find some super intelligence behind all these actions. Over and above these while comparing the life of two people of different times, we may be able to find some amazing resemblance. Each human ever born on this earth, right from the date and time and location of birth, name, parents, siblings, children, profession, friends etc etc are not our choice but are done under some commands or some law. The resemblance in various aspects of lives of two eminent personalities lived in USA in different times are analysed below. They are former American Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Let us now look at the similarities. 1. Both n...


Just think about  Forgiving the fellow beings unconditionally make one contented for the remaining life. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ മറ്റു   മനുഷ്യരോട് നിബന്ധനകൾ കൂടാതെ ക്ഷമിക്കാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞാൽ ശേഷിച്ച ജീവിതം സംതൃപ്തി നിറഞ്ഞതായിരിക്കും. K V George 


Who are you? No one can give the right answer to this question. Instead of answering this question one may comment on others like this; 'he is bad', 'he is useless' etc. With what knowledge and under what authority one makes such comments? He himself cannot answer.                   ************* There they identified a big black rock. They brought a good sculptor to carve an idol for the temple. He carved the rock into the desired shape and placed in the temple for worship. Then some of the remaining rock was cut into shape as foot steps at the entrance of the temple. The remaining rock was used to make a public toilet in the temple. It is the part of the same single rock that is placed for three different purposes. We too are like the same. One may be a ruler of a country, other may be a scavenger or a trader or police man or a thief or with umpteen other brands name.                 ...


The following countries are beyond reachable level for we Indians. Our political leaders, without any reluctance, go to the extent of promulgating our achievements. Now, let us compare those 'would be' achievements with the realities in many countries in the world. Let us think whether we can ever reach those. Highest GDP per capita income:  Luxembourg has the highest GDP per capita income in the world $1,28,820 (Rs 1,04,34,420) One crore four lakhs thirty four thousand four hundred twenty rupees per capita income for we Indians can only be possible in dreams. Lowest poverty: Iceland  has the lowest poverty rate in the world. In 2017 it reached 0% and in 2021 it came upto 4.9% India ranks 111 out of 125 in Global Hunger Index 2023. No crime and no cops Netherlands is a country unimaginable for we Indians.  There are no cops, no jail and no jail staff because there are no crimes and no prisoners. On 31.12. 2021 there were 5,54,034 prisoners in India. We have 13...


    In  order to learn more about plants, one goes to the teachers of Botany, for machinary to the Mechanical Engineers and to know about our own body, we go to the appropriate Doctors. Surprisingly, to learn about the Almighty God, the Creator of everything in this universe we go generally to an illiterate or an unconcerned person. Most of us do not know much about a mosquito or an ant. Many of us do not know about our own body system. Highly qualified Psychologists and Neuroscientists cannot say much about human mind. Despite these facts, when it comes to God, anyone may speak everything about God, as if they know all about God. It is because God is so simple for them. For those, religion is the science of God. In modern India, those who have political status is considered as the authorised one to speak about God and religion. We Indians have a treasure of knowledge stored in the four Vedas and the ten principal Upanishads from the 108 books. These great boo...


          (Image courtesy -                  Dreamstime.  com) Literacy rate of India in 2022 is said to be 77.7% whereas it is 96.2% in Kerala. We may try to find the truth behind these claims. As per the census records of 2011 graduates in India is a mere 8.15% (98.6 million) Countries with highest literacy in the world are Lithuania (99.82), Tajikistan (99.80) and Azerbaijan (99.79) Though the rate of literacy looks to be slightly above the rate of literacy in Kerala, the faculties between them are considerably different. While our standard of literacy is just reading and writing of one's name, theirs are far superior. We must immediately come out of the present idiotic concept of literacy rating and should recast the literacy standard. Currently the literacy standard in India is that of the LKG. Every two years we must upgrade it, i.e. after two years we must fix it to UKG and then to class 1, 2, ...


Just think about  There is only truth in this world; no half truth or untruth. ഒന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ ഈ ലോകത്ത് സത്യം മാത്രമേയുള്ളൂ, ഇവിടെ അർദ്ധസത്യങ്ങളും അസത്യങ്ങളുമില്ല. K V George 


          (Images of Supernova) After death, tiny man on earth and the  gigantic star have something common. In order to make it more clear the spirits of both seem to be acting similarly. Birth of a star can be attributed to the clouds of dust scattered around most of the galaxies. Turbulance deep within the clouds gives rise to knots with sufficient mass that the gas and dust can begin to collapse under it's own gravitational pull. As long as the inward force of gravity and the outward force generated by the fusion reactions are equal, the star remains stable. The clouds are called nebulae and those are spread across many light years and contains enough mass to make several thousands stars as big as our sun. There cannot be much in common with the birth of a man and the birth of a star. However, in both cases there can be one thing that can be said nearly common. The birth take place in both from debris of earlier gener...


(Image courtesy - Pinterest) According to Hinduism one is rewarded or punished as per his deeds in this life. In any faith, one needs a physical body and senses either to suffer the punishment or enjoy the reward. As such punishments and rewards given in this very world either in this life or in a life after this. In the Bible, according to Mathew 7:1 it is said, "Do not judge, so that you may not be judged." It is like this. We misbehave with other one and hurt him much. But God do not punish us instantly. The Merciful One give us oppertunity to repent on our doing. However, during this time we find one misbehave with our close one. And he happily moves around. We then tell God, "Look at him , Oh God! After hurting my people you are allowing him to live happily. Why don't you punish him?" In this instance, we get our punishment instantly for our earlier similar doings, because we are telling God that misbehaviour deserve instant punishment. The Supr...


For 77 years India is an independent country but most of the Indians are yet to attain freedom. Because most of us do not have our self. We do not think and act independently, but think and act the outdated meanless and aimless politics only.  Our politicians, for quite sometime, loudly announce the great achievements of our country. Now we may see here what the people have gained. In the international ranking on the safety of women in the world,  our country holds lowest ranking in safety of women. India is one of the most dangerous country in the world as far as safety of women is concerned. According to Georgetown Institute Women Peace and Security Index 2023 placed India in 128 among 177 countries. The report indicates that the crime rate against women in India went upwards from 64.5 per lakh in 2021 to 66.4 in 2022. As a whole India remains one of the most dangerous countries in Asia. As per the report of NCRB, 4,45,256 crimes were registered across the countr...


Blue  House Pub in Sunderland Hendon, London is a 167 years old Bar in England. Abnormal visitors are coming here for quite sometime. Recently the owner of the bar Darla Anderson, the service bobyys and the customers present there had a shivering surprise. A machine is installed there for filling beer in the glass. When asked  the customer, the service boy pick the glass, place in the filling spot and put the switch on and fill the glass. Contrary to this, a few days back, when a customer asked for beer, the glass moved self to the filling point and got the beer fillled without anyone's help. Similar incident took place 20 years back when the present owner's aunty was running the pub. A few days back a spiritualist came to the bar and said that he felt the presence of a spirit there. The former owner also says that he too had such experience a few times. In his time the glasses were moving by itself and falling down to the floor and broken. In the absence of any cc...


Exchange rate in 1947 was 1 rupee = 1 US Dollar. Since then though it never gone to that level, both remained in close range.  However since the devaluation of Indian rupee in 1992 it kept falling continuously. Today's exchange rate is 1 US$ = Rs 81.96 Now, Indian economy is fairly doing well but our rupee is not picking up at that level. On the other hand, while US economy is not making any quantum leap the exchange rates of USD is keep mounting versus almost all other currencies. It is because of its demands world over. Currency exchange rate is decided like the price of essential commodities under demand and supply theory. If Rupee can reach more heights that will reduce the dependency on the dollar considerably and on the other hand it will provide us better bargaining power.  When this can reduce the cost of export and bring in more earning from international trade. Since this can appreciate the demand of rupee there will be less risk of purchase price of good...