
Showing posts from July, 2023


            Rashtrapati Bhavan  The  government of Kerala is facing a tough situation to meet the day to day expenditures. The successive governments have not done anything positive to enhance the revenue adequately for the state. The governments are totally depending upon alcohol and lottery for revenue other than taxes. It is quite surprising that a state like Kerala, having adequate resources like one of the best infrastructure and manpower available in the country putting no efforts to utilise those. On the other hand, the trade unions helped to close down a good number of industries and prevented many businesses houses and industrial units from setting into the state. Instead of finding fault with the governments, it is always better to find faults with the people as a whole. Other than looking for the competence of the people, we are looking for their political backgrounds to rule us. We cannot expect much from such people. For instance, the highest income made by the


Every Indian proudly say that our India is the largest democracy in the world. We proclaim to the world about our age old culture and civilization. Alas, what is happening in this country! It is reported to have motivated by some people who seemed to have taken the oath to break the unity and fraternity of this great country for their own personal achievements. A country, believed to have given birth to countless number of gods, believed to be respecting the women as the ' Aadi Para Shakti', paraded our beloved and respected women naked through the Manipur streets and then the whole crowd raped them. One of these women is the wife of the Hero of the Kargil war! Should we not bow out head with shame? Countless number of women from children to old aged were raped in Manipur. Around 150 were reported to have killed. Many hundreds are seriously injured. Houses of over 60,000 people were destroyed. And they were forced to run away from their homes. What is happening in M


            View of the Galaxy  We  are travellers. We keep traveling always. Our journey is at a very high speed. Our earth rotates on it's axis at a speed of 1,600 km per hour and revolves around the sun at a speed of 1,07,000 km per hour. Our solar system is travelling around the galaxy at a speed of 7,20,000 km per hour. It takes 230 million years for the solar system to travel around the galaxy once. Then the galaxy rotates at a speed of 9,70,000 km per hour. It takes 200 billion years to complete one rotation. And above all these, everything is moving away from the centre of the universe at a speed more than the light. When we sit idle at one place, we are moving at an unimaginable speed. This is about our real travel. Then there is our mystic travel. In this travel we do not know where we are coming from, where we will end the journey and when we will end the journey. Let us make the journey a memorable one. We may well behave with our fellow travellers. Say some


While comparing the earnings from Tourism by different countries India stands much below. Our country has a vast collection in store to show the world. Our highest earning from tourism stands less than 6% of our GDP. If properly handled this can be multiplied in a short span of time. The best way to enhance the revenue from this sector is to bring in qualified youth into it. Government need not make any huge investment in this. Government must make it easy for them to secure loan from banks and other financial institutions. A separate wing in the bank may be created to follow up the utilisation of the fund properly. Government can also organise frequent seminars, exhibitions etc on tourism. Many new schemes can be introduced to attract more tourists from different parts of the world. When the government is taking the lead role, they may ensure the active participation of the youth. While put efforts to develop tourism we must also concentrate on the following matters that c


Prices of many grocery items and almost all vegetables have become unaffordable to common man. If there is a reason for this it is the Central and State Governments together to sort out the matter. When a democratic government do not allow it's people to eat their food within their paltry incomel, such governments are admitting their failure to rule the country. Since we have created, may be over a billion people, who cannot resist and even respond to whatever atrocities are created against them, they may subside to these and finally cease to exist. Earlier in Kerala, some political parties write all over the available places about the price rise and conduct umpteen number of meetings and asked the ruling government to quit. Now such writings or meetings are not found anywhere in the state. This shows that such parties were not showing sympathy to the people and trying to help them. It was mere political publicity! Whatever it may be, all concerned departments of the st


It is Panchayat election in West Bengal. And the human killings related with election is 20. Can it be defined as democratic killings? One should feel pity for our country and the umpteen political parties rule the people individually and unitedly. I wish to appeal to the judiciary, as the strongest pillar of democracy, to actively interfere in eradicating the election related, rather, political violence. Even permanent ban of the offender party may be considered. We do not have any considerable benefit with over 2650 political parties playing their games throughout the country round through the year. What is the motive behind the killing is unknown to an ordinary citizen of the country. Probably no killing is done without the knowledge of the head of the concerned party. Despite committing the worst crime the offenders are roaming around in public smiling at the police and the judiciary. Should we find an end to it? If so, who will take the initiative? We must find an answ


Answer to the question 'Can God be contained in human brain?' is undoubtedly a straight 'No'. According to scientific estimation the distance of the universe from one end to the other is 93 billion light years. Can we conceive this distance in our minds? Absolutely not. And there can be countless number of universe like ours. And the Creator of all these and the One who manages all these must be beyond time, space and matter. We cannot gather these to our minds in our wildest imagination! While this remains the fact, there are 'superior humans' who know all about God. His shape, sound, reach, relations etc are known to these priesthood. However, surprisingly they do not have any knowledge about the human beings on the earth. They know what please, anger and make Him sad. They may even say who are the father and mother of God. This is a system called religion. It has its own rules and regulations to be followed compulsorily by all members. Any breach


    ( Prayer for peace in Manipur) If  the videos and whatsapp messages spreading are correct, Manipur is being brought into, I repeat brought into, UP.  What was seen,  a large church being attacked by a group of Hindus and the images worshipped are brought out and damaged. After seeing this, naturally one get the feeling rather get convinced that what is being happened in Manipur is not a tussle between two tribes; Meitei and Kuki. It could be neither seen as ethenic violence or tribal dispute. It is certainly a brawl between Hindus and Christians. And it could have originated at somewhere else. Most confusing is that even after two months violence killing over hundred people, injuring a few hundreds and displacing several thousands, no concerned authority has taken the trouble of calling a meeting of the leaders of the fighting groups. It further confirms, therefore, that the tussle is meant for a purpose. I am again reluctant to believe that it is an open fight between


We  Indians can be broadly categoriesed into two standards. One is Indians in India and the other is Indians in other countries. While the latter is minutely watching the country and are able to detect all wrongs taking place and can suggest corrective measures to improve the country to the international level, the former are not bothered about any thing. They will however say good about a party and bad about all other parties. Generally these people do not know anything about the party other than it's name and a few leaders of it.  There are instances of parties failed in many fields but these followers are not at all concerned about such failures. On the other hand, those in other countries are terribly upset over the present conditions of our beloved country. As per available records, India's GDP per capita nominal- 2023 is 139 and GDP per capita PPP is 127. This shows how much our people has grown up economically. According to a report by Global Finance on Poore

മണിപ്പൂർ - ഹിന്ദു ക്രിസ്ത്യൻ ശത്രുതയോ?

(മഹാ പ്രപഞ്ചത്തിലേക്കു ഒരു എളിയ നോട്ടം ) ലഭ്യമായ വിവരങ്ങളനുസരിച്ചു മെയ്‌ 3ന് മണിപ്പൂരിൽ ആരംഭിച്ച കലാപത്തിനിരയായതു ധാരാളം മനുഷ്യരാണ്. ഇതുവരെ നടന്ന 4,305 സംഘട്ടനങ്ങളിൽ 121 പേർ കൊല്ലപ്പെടുകയും, 352 പേർക്ക് പരുക്ക് പറ്റുകയും,. 60,152 പേർ വീടുകൾ ഒഴിഞ്ഞു പോകുകയും ചെയ്തു. 37,177 പേർ ദുരിതാശ്വാസ ക്യാമ്പുകളിലാണ്. മെയ്തി കളും കുക്കികളും തമ്മിലുള്ള സംഘട്ടനമായി ഇതിനെ കാണുന്നുണ്ടെങ്കിലും അനുബന്ധ സംഭവങ്ങൾ സൂചിപ്പിക്കുന്നത് ഇതു ക്രിസ്ത്യൻ സമൂഹത്തിനെതിരെയുള്ള ഒരു ആക്രമണമായാണ്. കാരണം 120 ക്രിസ്ത്യൻ പള്ളികളാണ് ഇതുവരെ തകർത്തു കളഞ്ഞത്. ഇതോടൊപ്പം വാട്സ്ആപ്പ് ൽ പ്രചരിച്ച ചില ചിത്രങ്ങളും, ഹിന്ദു ആചാര്യന്മാരുടെ പ്രസംഗങ്ങളും ഈ വാദഗതിക്ക് അടിവര ഇടുകയാണ്. ബി ജെ പി പാർട്ടി യുടെ യോഗത്തിൽ ഇവർ പ്രസംഗിച്ചത് ക്രിസ്ത്യാനികൾ ഹിന്ദുക്കളുടെ ശത്രുക്കൾ ആണെന്നും ഇവരെ നാടു കടത്തണം എന്നുമാണ്. ബഹുമാന്യ ഹൈന്ദവ ആചാര്യന്മാരുടെ ശ്രദ്ധ താഴെ കാണുന്ന വിഷയങ്ങളിലേക്കു ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു. BCE 3300-1300 കാലഘട്ടത്തിൽ നിലവിലുണ്ടായിരുന്ന ഹാരപ്പൻ അഥവാ സിന്ധു നദീതട സംസ്കാരം ദ്രാവിഡരുടെന്നാണ് അനുമാനിക്കപ്പെടുന്നത്. എന്നാൽ മദ്ധ്യ ഏഷ്യയിൽ