
Showing posts from April, 2023


(Indebted to India Today for the image) Arikomban the wild tusker was finally translocated to Thekkady region from its birth place, Chinnakkanal forest area. The elephant have attacked so many houses and shops in search of food grains. Due to it's violent attacks about seven people have been killed so far. While we want to maintain forests and wild animals on one hand, we do not ensure their food and drinks in adequate quantity and maintain their habitats trouble free. Since long man is encroaching the habitats of animals and drive away the poor beings more and more inside th forest and finally they do not find adequate natural area with necessary resources. This prompt them to get into human inhabited region in search of food. Now we don't have large forest area. What ever we have should be maintained very well. No encroachment should be allowed. Offendenders must be strictly punished. Unless we take care of the wild animals the way they want, there is no meaning i...


The  New Testament has 27 books written between AD 50 and 100. The Old Testament which is the origin of Bible written in Hebrew language, which is the fundamental scriptures of Jewish faith believed to have written between 1200 BC and 165 BC. The fundamental scriptures of Hinduism, the four Vedas Sama Veda, Atharva Veda, Rig Veda and Yajur , Veda were written by Vyasa. Though a definite date cannot be said, it is believed that these Vedas were written between 1500 BC and 1200 BC. Faith,  rituals and commandments are the fundamental principles of religion. When it is democracy, the prime principles are liberty, fraternity and equality. But when these two join together the common principles become damage, demolish and destroy. We have been finding this throughout the world for centuries. Of late, we Indians have also joined in this destructive games. Here it is the very strong against the very weak; 79.8% Hindus against 2.3% Christians. It cannot be called a communal...


Confidence or trust in a person or thing is called faith. Faith need not come with the support of proof. It could be even blind. Since we are discussing here about faith in God, we must know more about it. In Bhagavad Gita 9.3, Sree Krishna says: "Those who are not faithful in this devotional service cannot attain Me, Oh conqueror of enemies. Therefore they return to the path of birth and death in this material world." According to the Bible, Hebrew 11.1 says: "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."  In Mathew 17:19, Jesus says about the unbelievable power of faith. "If you will have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there', and it shall move. And nothing will be impossible for you." When we look for faith in God, we must know that if we can acquire little faith in the Almighty One, it provides us infinite power. Nothing become impossible for us...


Kerala is standing erect primarily due to the NRI remittance of Rs 1.5/2.2 lakhs crores per annum. This generally get a well balanced distribution among almost the entire population. In fact this source of income keeps the people fed. This makes the long queue in front of the beverage outlets. And this money makes our roads filled with two, three and four wheelers. Because of this income, people do not create any problems for our government and political parties. Now the trend is set to deteriorate this inflow, may be a bit fast. Once the people's pockets become empty their mood may not be what we are seeing now. Alongwith this shutters of many business houses also shall be brought down. Unemployment may rise terribly. In such a situation, people may abuse the political system that forcefully closed hundreds of business houses across the state during the past decades. It may be recollected that during the regime of one of our earlier governments, a reputed international...


While many believe that this mantra; "Lokah Ssmastah Sukhino Bhavantu" is from Rigveda it seems to be found from a stone inscription of the Sangama Dynasty (1336 AD - 1485 AD). This mantra appears to be the master piece of every Indian's outlook towards the rest of the world. Of course there may be some sections of people wish from their hearts this mantra, many modern Indians do not like to chant this for the comfort of the world, especially the people of Kerala. Malayalees must be the sole community in the world who find joy from the fall of his neighbour. There are many such negative things make these Super Malayalees happy. These extra ordinary humans love only themselves and their family members. Other than those if anyone is found progressing economically or earn some name and fame it would be difficult for these Malayalees to tolerate it. If a Malayali prays for his well being he will certainly find time to pray for the collapse of his neighbour too. In...


(The first Indian Budget was presented by Mr James Wilson on February 18, 1869. He was the jin the Finance Member of India Council that advised the Viceroy) The ultimate aim of democracy or government is  comfort of the people. The indicator of that comfort or economic development of the people is the annual budget. Budget is used as the criteria to measure the economic growth of a country, is evaluated and presented  annually to the people. According to the assessment of the year 2020,  the first three positions among the countries in the size of the budget is held by  USA, China and India.  As per the web source analysis the best 10 countries in PPP are, Germany, USA, Brazil, China, Japan, Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia and Russia.  The per capita income  is the average earning per country men every year. PCI is calculated by dividing the annual GDP of a country by it's population. When PPP indicates the purchasing power of the peopl...


       (Jerusalem Temple) Other religions have only one complaint against Christians that they convert people from other religions into Christianity. In order to maintain a better religious harmony should we not agree to this and stop conversion from other religions forthwith. In fact conversion itself is an expression of unfaith in Jesus Christ. The following verses from the Bible confirm this. "And Christ died for all, so that even those who live might not now live for themselves but for him who died for them and who rose again." (2 Cor 5:15) "And he is the propitiation for our sins. And not only for our sins, but also for those of the whole world." (1John 2:2) " ... by the grace of God, he might taste death for all." (Hebrews 2:9) These verses confirm that Christ's sacrifice on the cross was not for a category of people or certain community holding any particular faith, but He died for the entire mankind. The fruit of His sufferings and ...


There are many countries in the world where religious turmoil is a routine affair. Even it goes to the extent of eliminating people belonging to the minority religion in those countries. The prime reason for such activities to uphold the respective faith of the majority community is nothing but sheer ignorance of such communities in realising the Almighty God. The moment we realise the Supreme One we shall be filled with love. There will be nothing else like hatred, envy, competition or any such things shall be left in our heart. When we do not know God, we are ruled by the negative energy. All that comes into our minds shall be negative thoughts only; for doing destruction against our fellow beings. You may call Him by any name, but he is only One. It is not what matters is how many times we visit the place of worship or how many times we read the Holy Books but what really matters is whether we could realise the Almighty One or not. Let us seek Him among the poor, downtro...


We  call our home state Kerala 'God's Own Country'. During 2022 the revenue from tourism to the state is USD 552.69 million (Rs 4,500 crores) Projected earnings from Tourism in top countries of the world are: (In billion USD) USA - 190.4 China - 154.1 Germany - 66.23 Japan - 40.28 UK - 39.14 (Published by Statista Research Department on March 15, 2023) From the above list it could be found that how paltry is the earnings from Tourism in Kerala in comparison with the above countries. Our concerned departments and tourism specialists may have enough explanations to substantiate our poor performance. However, before straightening our backborn we must ask ourselves about what we have done to enhance the revenue from tourism. When we individually take the tourist destinations like beaches, forest with wild animals, boating through lakes, large greenary filled land, series of green and black hills etc,  there may be many better beaches, forests etc in different countr...


While some sweat blood to get a few chips of money, there are others who do their level best to spend the large money in hand but they are unable to do so. Some years ago during a train journey, a co-passenger, might be a recently retired government official, during casual discussion, said the following. Some parents give over Rs 10,000/- to their young children studying in high school every month as pocket money. A family of husband and wife with young kids and old parents have six new cars in the house. A person  who is doing business abroad visit his home town in Kerala a few times every year. Before every visit he sends his high cost car ahead of him and takes it back when returns. I am told that there are many families who are going abroad every year for a period of one week to three weeks. It is a routine affair for them. I was surprised to hear that there are many people around us who can get Rs 100/- crores or more in cash any time . I have heard about a foreign...