
Showing posts from February, 2023


People  of a democratic country elect their representatives to various levels of governance. It can be Panchayat, assembly Parliament or any such bodies. As per democratic norms these elected ones represent the people and expected to serve the people. Above all once they are seated at the so called power center they are expected to see the people as one ruled by them. In our country, whether they rule the country or state the ruler is keen to see the beneficiary belong to their political party, at least in many cases. Over and above these, of late, we find that the rulers, to defend themselves, give false statements either orally or in writing. Further to these, when the need of defence become more and stronger they even do not hesitate to use filthy languages in public. Can all these be considered as disrespect to the people and therefore, warrants punishment as deemed fit. Then comes the normal question, who bells the cat. There is only one answer to this; the rat. No...


The  money which is not brought into the books of Income Tax department is said to be black money. In fact we do not have any accurate account of this money available in the country. It is the aftermath of the historically recognised ways and means of corruption. However as per various estimation the amount is considerably varied. When one estimation shows it is over Rs 900 lakh crores, another shows it is over $10 trillion that is held illegally in Switzerland. In an unconfirmed report of the World Bank says it is about 20% of our GDP. The currency  in circulation as on 23 December 2022 is Rs 32.4 lakh crores. Part of this is being added to the black account every year. If our government can take the risk of an earnest effort to account for the black money and bring into the use of the people of the country, India can make a quantum leap in the economic front. The government may select the following fronts for investment under a new scheme exclusively devised for ...


Nebuchadnezar of Babylon (604 - 562 BC) was one of the most wicked kings of the known history. He was also known for his egoistic behaviours and idiotic actions. During his regime he levied huge taxes on the people for his comfortable living. Anyone who utter a word against him was heinously murdered by his soldiers and gave paltry sum to the family members as a help. The king and the family members were living in utmost comfort. Those who were close to the king were also allowed little bit comforts. Such one were allowed to commit crimes against the people of his country. He always used to shout at high pitch voice, "I am the king of this great country." But the people never considered him as a king. There was another man named Hammurabi was living in that country in the same period. He had plenty of land in that country. He was one of the major sources of food for the people of the country. He deployed plenty of people in his agriculture field. He gave them wide...


We  shall find here the cars on Kerala roads during 1960s Studebaker (1956 Sky Hawk) Beetle Ford (1950s) Plymouth (1950-60s) Morris Austin 1957 Chevrolet Chevy Impala 1960 Buick 1960s Image courtesy: Web sources K V George


Hindu Concept Narak (Sanskrit) is the equivalent for hell in Hinduism. This is the place where sinners are tormented after death according to their doings when they lived in this earth. It is described as located in the south of the universe and beneath the earth. This is the abode of Yama the god of death. There is also a belief that there are 28 types of hells. According to the intensity of the sins committed, hells are selected for different sinners. Hindus believe that no one is sent to the hell permanently. After the prescribed duration of stay in the hell the soul is sent back to earth for another term of life in a superior or inferior form than the earlier life as per the current status. Nowhere in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna said, heaven or hell is permanent. Krishna also did not say that those who disobey him would end up in hell. Chapter two of the Bhagavad Gita also says; for soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not c...


 (Kautilya Pandit the six years old 'Mini Encyclopaedia') Truptraj Pandya  born in Mumbai  performed in All India Radio at the age of three. He thus became the Guinness Book of World Records holder for being the youngest Tabla player. Akrit Jaiswal  from Himachal Pradesh performed his first surgery at the age of seven years. With an IQ of 146  he is looking to find a cure for cancer. Priyanshi Somani   participated in the Mental Calculation World Cup 2010 at the age of 11 and won the overall title with 100% accuracy. Kautilya Pandit popularly known as 'Google Boy', 'Mini Encyclopaedia' and 'Memory Prince'. He has an IQ of 130. He can answer almost anything from world geography to per capita income to politics, all at the age of six. Ajay Puri became the youngest web designer at the age of 4 years when he has designed his own web page. Sushma Verma  is from Lucknow. She is now 14 years old and pursuing masters degree in microbiology. She has...


      (Brooklyn, New York) Successive governments in Kerala are following only one method whenever fall in short of money, i.e hike tax rates and charges. They choose this option when standard option of availing loan from all available sources are closed. When taking loan, if we don't have viability for repayment in time, in domestic or business term we call it economic indiscipline. In the case of governments this word does not suit. It is surprising that these governments make no attempt either to reduce  administrative or other hap hazard expenditures. Considerable amount can be saved under these heads. A flat 25% reduction should be targeted on salary and wages. Many departments have more than the optimum strength of work force. New recruitments should be stopped. Whenever any requirement is needed in any department, suitable candidates may be got transferred from other departments, Voluntary Retirement Scheme may be introduced gradually. Anyone found...


"Therefore, if you offer your gift at the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there, before the altar, and go first to be reconciled to your brother, and then you may approach and offer your gift." (Mathew 5:23-24) With heartfelt pain I am constrained to write this. This is neither against the Church nor against any individual but I strictly feel bad about the hierarchical system that try to mislead millions of faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Of late we find that two groups have been developed in Syro Malabar Church. While one say the Holy Mass should be performed in a particular way, the other say no to it. This is just the dispute. Either side is not prepared to concede a little. And the Church is at the verge of a split. The form of mass we have today was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on 3 April 1969. And now we want to refine to the modern level. What for? For man's convenience or God's acceptanc...


There are Satanic Churches and Satanic Temples in different parts of the world. However, they do not believe in building or such establishment for performing their rites. Satanists do not believe in any form of gods. They, however, say that Satan is a symbol not a being. Their youth assemble in the nights, black clad and listening to death metal music. They also sacrifice animals. Satanism is said to have founded in 1960. Though they call themselves Satanists, many of them do not worship Satan in any form. In fact they are atheists. They look for individual freedom, community activism and performing bizarre rites. When founded, they explained themselves as, "Satan to us is a symbol of pride, liberty and individualism and it serves as an external metaphorical projection of our highest personal potential. We do not believe in Satan as a being or person." They also say, 'the name Satanism is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and...


Most of us quite frequently repent on the behaviour we had with others. This is because we do not try to understand the value of our smile, our talk, our expression etc that we make on others. A hearty smile or a pleasing talk make positive impact on others. It doesn't cost anything for us but we are reluctant to offer the same. The reason for this is nothing but our ego. Most of us always want that others to lift their hands to first, say a 'hello' or give a smile. Let us be contented, happy and peaceful in life. That should be our prime concern. For that, the best way is to dispose off the ego. Also we must think that no other human beings are inferior than ourselves. All of them are made with the same raw materials. All the lives are pumped into from the same source. All of us have come from the Supreme One and shall finally return to the Supreme One and become One with Him. Let us not, therefore, try to be superior than all around us. K V George 


In Indian democracy, the people are nothing but mere voting machines. People have no role to play other than casting the vote once in every five years. What is prevailing in India is something like political monarchy. The political parties in power become unchallengeable. And that must be the reason for corruption become rampant here. Indian money is reported to have pumped out by the corrupt to other countries. All said and done, people have lost confidence in our political parties. However people still have trust in judiciary. It is suggested, therefore, that the judiciary may involve themselves to refine the democracy. If we take a close look at the legislative and executive functioning in different states, we can find shoddy and below average behaviour by the 'democratically' elected members. Even violent activities including destruction could be witnessed in the legislative assembly. What is suggested here is that, the most trusted part of the Indian Democracy,...


If a human is looked at another human as God, is to a Doctor. For centuries Doctors hold this status across the world. "Where the art of medicine is loved, there is also love for humanity." Hippocrates. "Medicines cure diseases, but only doctors can cure patients." Carl Jung. "People pay the doctor for his trouble; for his kindness they still remain in his debt. (Seneca 4 BC - 65 AD)  Of late, it is continuously being reported about two types of corruption by the medical community. One is the bribery by the government doctors and other is the unaffordable charges of medicine and medical services by private medical community. Dear Doctors, these are unfit for this noble profession. If you are not contented with what you are received and then causing pain to the poor and trying to extract more, your own coming generations shall be asked to pay for your wrong action. When people vest divinity in you, try to be stainless at least. K V George   


The  State of Kerala is passing through some of the worst times in it's financial history. The successive governments have not done anything considerable to enhance  the revenue of the state. For decades our revenue is primarily centred on taxes, liquor sales and lottery. Something is received from tourism too. We are practically more depended on loan that too without any available resources for repayment. If the reports are reliable the state of Kerala has a liability of 48 lakhs crores which is the highest among all states. Taxes imposed on people have almost reached an unbearable stage. Yet no measure is being taken to check the expenditure.  There are a number of Commissions active in the state with a good number of staff and with other administrative expenses. Some of these can be dispersed forth with. Traveling expenditure of ministers and other government staff may be brought down considerably. Expenditure towards entertainment by various offices can be...


(A still from  KPAC drama   "Ningalenne Communist Aakki". Image courtesy, The New Indian Express) Karl Marx was born in Trier, Germany on 5 May 1818. His books Das Kapital and Communist Manifesto laid the foundation for Communism in the world. The world's first constitutionally formed Communist state was in Russia in 1917. With the amalgamation of other  territories of the empire the former Soviet Union was formed in 1922. Altogether Communists could rule 42 countries in the world. Only Cuba, Laos and Vietnam are presently ruled by the Communists. Though North Korea is said to be a Communist country, what is prevailing there is Dictatorship. Political parties have no role to play there. Similarly China is also treated as a Communist country by some. Though they call it People's Republic of China, since people have no role to play there, it is a sheer Monarchy type government in China. Since over 70% of their GDP belongs to private sector and s...


Neville and Erskine Ebbin , two brothers died at the age of 17 years in a taxi accident. The chilling part is that both of them died  in the span of a year, when both were riding the same moped. What is more surprising is that Erskine's accident occurred by the same taxi that killed Neville. And guess what, the taxi driver was the same man who killed Neville. Unbelievable, but true. The news paper clipping is shown above. All that are happening around, it seems, are not haphazard but pre-set and well timed! K V George


                      (Vijay Mallya) Patricia Kluge John Kluge was once the richest in the world. His personal wealth in 1990 was $5 billion. At the time of divorce John's wife Patricia Kluge was left with $1 million in alumni and she also received the lavish estate in the Virginia country side. She developed the estate into winery and vineyard. She then took a loan of $65 million to start a real estate business. She built over a dozen luxury villas. Patricia was forced to default on her loans after the banking and housing crisis in 2008. That led to the sale of Virginia estate and her other valuable possessions. She came to the rock bottom level. The Virginia estate, winery and vineyard of Patricia Kluge was purchased by Donald Trump. Vijay Mallya Vijay Mallya took over the business from his father at the age of 28. He turned this into a multi-billion dollar business firm. He himself became the "King of Good Times." His...


The news report really give pain to a good number of people who love this beautiful landscape exclusively provided to us by the Supreme One. At any cost we must stop this heinous act and punish the culprits as a model for others, if any left. The best punishment would be to keep them away from the public for a long period, say a minimum of 15 years. The Chief Minister, Tourism Minister and Finance Minister may look at this matter at the gravity it deserves. Kerala is now facing absolute financial problems. We are not looking for any means to bring in more revenue to the state exchequer. While the government is confined to the sources of revenue from taxes, sale of liquor and lottery primarily, manage to withstand the situation because of the income of around Rs 1.5 lakhs crores from our people from abroad. While Kerala has large scope of multiplying the income from tourism, no result oriented efforts are being made towards this end. If properly organised a good amount of un...


According to Christianity everything is created by God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word." (John 1:1) Here the Word has broad and extensive meaning. The 'Word' denotes God the unseen One, Christ the God with flesh and blood and everything that is in the whole universe. Hinduism says that the universe was created by Brahma out of himself. That is, all that is seen and unseen in the universe is created by Brahma and all those are He Himself. Now, if we get into the modern science, The Big Bang theory is the widely accepted theory of the creation of the universe. It says that at the beginning of the time a tiny particle exploded and all that is found in the entire universe including time, space and matter was  brought out from this tiny particle. If we closely look at these three theories of origin we can find that all three say the same things except the name of the source. Christianity says about the Word as th...


We  may travel through different fruit cultivation fields around the world.  K V George