People of a democratic country elect their representatives to various levels of governance. It can be Panchayat, assembly Parliament or any such bodies. As per democratic norms these elected ones represent the people and expected to serve the people. Above all once they are seated at the so called power center they are expected to see the people as one ruled by them. In our country, whether they rule the country or state the ruler is keen to see the beneficiary belong to their political party, at least in many cases. Over and above these, of late, we find that the rulers, to defend themselves, give false statements either orally or in writing. Further to these, when the need of defence become more and stronger they even do not hesitate to use filthy languages in public. Can all these be considered as disrespect to the people and therefore, warrants punishment as deemed fit. Then comes the normal question, who bells the cat. There is only one answer to this; the rat. No...