
Showing posts from August, 2022


India is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Crime rate of our country is very high. India is one of the most unsafe country for women. These three facts show the quality of life of 1.39 billion Indians. Despite having adequate resources and competent man power, even 75 years after independence India could not reach the level of advanced countries of the world. Can we Indians do anything to correct the situation? Yes, we only can do the correction, no one else; but under one condition. We must make sure that some amendments are made in our constitution. Under no circumstances we should try to do it by any forceful means, but only by democratic means as provided in the existing  constitution of India. If we can make free our country from monetory corruption, our economic development efforts can have a quantum leap. Followed by, if we can get rid off criminal nature from our people, the people as a whole shall feel safety and security within our great land.  As su


Politics mixed with socialism and communism made Kerala a graveyard of industries. During the last 50 years, countless number of industries have been closed in this state. If counted, good industries alone can be estimated to be over 10,000 numbers. Few million people were left jobless. What is the outcome of this act by political parties? Billions of rupees that would have come into state exchequer have been lost. Millions of people have lost their jobs and many of them are still roaming around. However, political parties got people for wall writing, erect flag posts across the state, conduct rallies all over, close more and more industries (if left anywhere) What is the outcome for the government? No money for paying salary, repair roads and all poverty related things.  Is it not the time to rethink on our political ideologies and also the waywardness? We must do some corrections somewhere. Otherwise these helpless people will fall into deep ditches and recovery may becom


Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and      Research Centre, New Delhi     Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital Mumbai                      We have umpteen number of bodies for the development of agriculture in India. Whether it is the development of rice, wheat, vegetable or fruit, it should be finally destined for the development of the people. However, most unfortunately, our agricultural development is ultimately leading to the retrogression of humans in our country. Cancer patients in India is projected to increase to 29.8 millions in 2025 from 26.7 millions in 2021. Many chemical contents in pesticides and chemical fertilizers  are potential enough to cause cancer. Pesticides used in vegetables and fruits have devastating elements to make people infected with cancer. Over and above these some business people adamantly make healthy people into cancer patients. They produce and supply packed food contents . Many such food packets found to have contained harmful substanc


Indian economy is the fifth largest in the world with the GDP at $2.94 trillion. World Economic Outlook of IMF (April 2021) was projected the GDP per capita of India as $2,191. This makes India on 144th position among 194 countries in GDP (nominal) per capita. Countries with highest GDP per capita are Luxembourg ($1,31,302), Ireland ($1,02,394), Switzerland ($93,515), Norway  ($82,244), USA ($69,375).& Iceland ($68,844) While the per capita income of India remains at 1.7% of Luxembourg and 3.16% of USA, the GDP is at the fifth position. Huge disparity can be found between the GDP and GDP pci of India. While one denotes the economic strength of the country, the other denotes that of the people. After the prime analysis of this any economist may find the reason for this as the large population sharing the big GDP. Since the truth is different, one cannot ratify this  economic theory. Economic strength of any country is determined by the natural resources and the manpower


One of the prime causes of human killings in the world for one way or the other is in the name of God. The simple reason for this is that man neither know God nor try to learn Him. Some earlier societies have shaped the shapeless One in their own imagination. And that was followed strictly by their successors, giving no provision for the slightest variation either on the shape or of the colour. The foremost power behind shaping God and defining the Almighty One is the religion. Religion is fundamentally a group of priesthood. We must feel pity on them. They are the people who do not know much about their own body, trying to explain all about God who consist of the entire universe. These people forget the fact if they travel thousands of generations continuously they cannot reach the endline of the universe. However, the basic purpose behind all their theories is to muster the people and amass wealth. Behind the theory of every religion there is a common principle and that i

IF THERE IS A HELL ON EARTH IT IS .................

.  (Images above are Dharavi                               Slums) Mumbai has an estimated population of 2.1 crores. Over 65 lakhs of this population are in slums in Mumbai. Many of them do not have independent toilets and water connections. Dharavi, Bhanganga and Antop Hill are the biggest slums. Amongst these Dharavi may be the biggest slum in the world with about a million inhabitants in it. If one has a close look of these slums, he would be forced to say that if there is a hell, that is these slums. While India has largest number of billionaires after China and US, Mumbai is rated as the 10th wealthiest city of the world. Mumbai has about 1600 ultra rich people with an estimated networth of $30 millions. While we all talk very high about our country with our high GDP, pace of development, defence strength etc, should we not do some thing to eradicate the slum living in Mumbai. Let's start with Dharavi. First we must find suitable land in diff


Political opinion depends upon the place where one sit. ******** Political opinions are formed between dusk and dawn. ******** If ambition is Everest peak, certainly it cannot accommodate 760 crores people. ******** While people vote for democratic government, the ruling generally goes like monarchy regime. ******** Political ideology is the expertise to convert any wrong to right and any right to wrong. ********* Democracy is the most flexible imaginary concept which can be shaped in to any forms. ********** Political flag is the thickest curtain to prevent the view of all that take place behind it. ********** K V George 


Now it must be an unworthy attempt to find the cause of the fall of KSRTC.  Once stood at the centre stage as one of the most prestigious establishment and recognised by the whole country as an excellent road transport network has at last fell in to a deep crater from where the recovery is near impossible. It all looks like a healthy young man falling sick and despite the availability of good hospitals and qualified doctors, but could not have treated and saved because of lack of medicine. Our state government is like this. Now  many people may come up to conduct an autopsy of the dead one to find out the cause of the death. Such ones should be laughed at and turned away. Can we do something now? Yes we can do something to retain the memory of the once reputed institution. Given below is how to do it. Give the buses to private operators  on specific routes on rent per km basis. Buses should strictly run on such agreed routes for agreed period of time. The drivers should con


After  a long 190 years of slavery India gained freedom from the British on 15th August 1947. But that was not a mere freedom we have won. It was a freedom to do anything, anywhere and anytime! If we go through the media reports of our country for the past 75 years we can see the extent of freedom the 143 crores people have today. Soon after securing independence we killed the one who fought his whole life for freedom of India. Again we killed a prime minister who brought up the country to a very high level. Do we say these are freedom of expression? While going through the criminal history of our country, as per various media reports there were 41,330 homicides in India in 2021. Can we say it freedom to kill? There is a growth of 70.7% crime against women between 2005 and 2018. An average number of 25,000 plus rape cases every year were reported in the past decade. Do we call it freedom to destroy women of our country? Anyone can shout slogans against our elected prime min


Kerala must be the headquarters of public protests in the world. For anything and everything we protest in our own ways by inflicting maximum injuries on ourselves. There are cases of people met with accidents and thereby injured seriously were prevented on the way from going to hospitals by protestors and consequently falling dead. Similarly women with serious labour pain were blocked enroute to hospitals. So many KSRTC buses were severely damaged. Large number of private cars and buses were damaged. Closing of shops is a must do item. Anyone refuse shall be dealt with severely. Pelting stones on shops and creating maximum damages is an inevitable part of the protest. Whatever may be the protest for, schools and colleges shall certainly be kept closed. During these days, protesting against anything by preventing the traffic on roads, closing shops and educational institutions etc are the most outdated way. Now, think about the outcome of these protests. Many have been doin


America became independent from the British on 04 July 1776. American economy always stood on large natural resources, wide infrastructure and high productivity. India got independence 171 years after, in 1947. While the current GDP of USA is $20.89 trillion which keep them on top of the world, the GDP of India stands at 6th place with $2.66 trillion. In geography USA holds 3rd position in the world while India is in 6th position. In geographical area USA is 3 times bigger than India. In the case of infrastructure, in roadways, India has 3.37km road per 1000 inhabitants USA has 19.85km of the same. In railways, India has 0.05 km per 1000 inhabitants, USA.has 0.85 km for the same. In the case of waterways, India has 0.01 km per 1000 inhabitants, USA has 0.12 km of the same. In total number of harbours, India has 0.001 nos per 1000 inhabitants, USA has  0.011 nos for the same. In the case of total number of airports in the country, India has 346 nos and USA has 13,513 nos (ba


(Image courtesy: Manorama online) There  are many elected as well as appointed institutions in the state for the periodical maintenance of the roads at the prescribed standard. Despite bearing the expenses of these establishments people are brought to such a dangerous state by these bodies. There are many cases of accidents on our roads due to lack of maintenance. Of late cases of deaths are also reported. Without having sufficient money in hand no government can do the maintenance at the required way during the required period. Under the existing situation, it appears that there is no way for bringing in the required fund for development and maintenance of the roads of Kerala. Finally, the honorable High Court warned all concerned to fill up atleast the pot holes within seven days. What we see in Kerala is the outcome of the financial mismanagement by the successive governments. Governments continuously availed loans from all available sources without finding proper resour


(Chinese spy ship Yuan Wang 5 research vessel: image courtesy - The New Indian Express) (The Hambanthota Port - image courtesy: The Business Standard) Chinese spy ship 'Yuan Wang 5' is reported to be heading towards Hambanthota port of Sri Lanka. The ship is likely to be docked there by 11th. China Merchant Port made an investment of $1.12 billion and bought 85 percent stake in Hbanthota International Port Group under an agreement with Sri Lanka Port Authority in 2017. This agreement also created an economic zone  of 15,000 acres land which comes under Chinese control. Surprisingly this lease agreement is valid for a period of 99 years. Had India gave adequate diplomatic attention before arriving at such a situation it could have been safely avoided. Now making some sounds here is not likely to yield any results. Whatever is happened is happened. It cannot be corrected now. The only possible solution to overcome this unwanted situation is to have a secre


The following news reports were appeared in print and visual media from time to time. When these news bits are connected together it becomes  jokes. Please find  whether these are jokes or mere statements. Many Volvo buses are not plying on routes but kept idle in Ernakulam depot (News)                    .............. KSRTC has suspended many routes due to shortage of diesel (News)                    ............... KSRTC is planning to buy 300 new buses (News) ********************************** Due to financial scarcity salary for staff is delayed (News)                     ................. Colour of all white buses are going to be changed into red (News) ********************************** Advanced folding seats are used in newly introduced buses to Bangalore (News)                       .................. KSRTC official entered into these buses parked in Bangalore bus station in the night and damaged the seats of these new buses (news) *********************************


Many of us possess land, building, pool, trees etc on this earth. All these are unequivocally belong to us. We hold sufficient documents to confirm these belongings. All those around accept and admit our ownership. Here comes a question whether these ownership rights and claims are real or imaginary. The simple answer is none of these belong to any of us. The sole owner of all these including the 'You and I' bodies too are owned, nurtured, managed, converted and reconverted by Mother Earth. All have come from her, fed by her and shall return to her. The Mother is taking the help and protection of other great bodies of this universe. Nothing on this earth belongs to man. Each one of us may ask himself as to what is the most precious possession for him for the time being. It is neither land, building, metal, automobiles nor any such things we imagine are our valuable possession. Our most valuable possession for the time being is nothing but the air in our lungs. If it


Soon after the end of second World War Japan handed over Taiwan to China in 1945. Chaina earlier too took over Taiwan in the 17th century and ruled over them for two centuries. While China now claims that Taiwan is a province of the People's Republic of China, the existing government of Taiwan maintenance that it is an independent country as Republic of China. When China is trying to strengthen its stand with arms power, Taiwan is doing its best to take help from US and some others. There are about 60 countries including USA, UK, Germany, France, Japan and other members of the European Union offering support to Taiwan. Even Hong Kong and Macau have made unofficial deplomatic relationship with RoC. Surprisingly Russia too join the list of countries who have made unofficial diplomatic relationship with Taiwan. As on 2020 USA had an investment of $31.5 billion in Taiwan in different sectors like manufacturing, trade, finance, insurance etc.Taiwan has an investment of over


Estimated  religious growth in the world during the period 2010-2050 as per the findings of Pew Research Center, USA,  gives an insight to researchers of growth of religions the world over. The important findings are: * The number of Muslims will equal the number of Christians around the world. *The Hindu and Jewish population will become larger while the Buddhist population remain the same  * India will retain a Hindu majority while the Muslims will become the largest of any country in the world, surpassing Indonesia. * In USA Christians will decline from more than three quarters of the population of 2010 to two thirds in 2050. *Muslims will be more numerous in US than people who identify as Jewish on the basis of religion. * Four out of every 10 Christians in the world will live in Sub-Saharan Africa. The projected change from  2010 to 2050 Christian - 2.17 to 2.92 billion Muslims - 1.6 to 2.76 billion Hindus - 1.03 to 1.38 billion In percentage Christian - 31.4% to 31.4%


Every limb of our society is affected by this cancerous growth for quite long. No cure can expected in the near future as no healer could found anywhere near. However there is still a skeleton amount of people still left who are searching for a fast cure for this most destructive ailment. Sometimes it burns in the mind that why this so called spiritualists fall into the hands of this demon. When we look at it deeply we can find that it is not the poor who take a glance into others pocket. It is always by the rich who have an unquenchable thirst for wealth. But, unfortunately, these inhuman souls do not understand that many of their coming generations shall have to suffer for this robbery. These wealthy people around us do not understand the mythical fact of money. After a certain quantity it's value is lost, the happiness and comforts it provided is lost. It becomes an unbearable burden. It may keep squeezing these people. They will not be allowed to find the joy in any


Converting a massive population into voting instruments by a handful of people representing different political parties with common interest is made to be called as 'Democracy' in India now. For a good number of people it is an easy way to amass wealth with the so called consent of people. Every action by these 'People's representatives ' deemed to have consent of the whole people. Yet the people do not react. Because they have not taught what is democracy and how to react upon. May be the least preference given in some of the Indian states is for education. Even after about a century of self governance the literacy rate of our country is about 78% with Kerala 96% and Bihar 47% (2011) on both ends. However, in reality, the average literacy of our country must be below 50% because the definition  given for literacy is, anyone above 7 years who can read and write (one's name) is literate. The literacy criteria should be changed upwards every year to th