India is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Crime rate of our country is very high. India is one of the most unsafe country for women. These three facts show the quality of life of 1.39 billion Indians. Despite having adequate resources and competent man power, even 75 years after independence India could not reach the level of advanced countries of the world. Can we Indians do anything to correct the situation? Yes, we only can do the correction, no one else; but under one condition. We must make sure that some amendments are made in our constitution. Under no circumstances we should try to do it by any forceful means, but only by democratic means as provided in the existing constitution of India. If we can make free our country from monetory corruption, our economic development efforts can have a quantum leap. Followed by, if we can get rid off criminal nature from our people, the people as a whole shall feel safety and security within our great land....