of religions are in the world. Each one of them has it's own heaven. Heaven is believed to be managed by the unseen and unheard God. Though we do not know what is good and bad we say that heaven is a place of goodness. None of us might have ever enjoyed peace, yet we say he heaven is the centre of peace. Heaven is said to be filled with happiness. And goes on and on the decorative narrations about heaven.

Now let us take a scientific look at heaven. Does science say anything about heaven? Unfortunately, no scientific documents have ever revealed anything about heaven; either positive or negative.  We may now find the different versions of heaven. Hindu faith suggests that Omkara is the primordial sound from which he whole universe was created.
According to Bible the Word was the beginning.  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1) The Word denotes Jesus Christ here. And Christ Himself is heaven according to the following verse of the Bible 
"On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you." (John 14:20)

As per Hinduism 'Om' is the first vibration of the universe or the primordial sound of creation. Scientific explanation also far different from these. According to the Big Bang theory, at the beginning of time a tiny particle exploded. Time, space and matter came into being from this. If we sketch this like the English letter 'X', the crossing point at the centre of the letter is the spot where the tiny particle exploded. As seen in the letter the two lines are widening. The universe is expanding continuously with the force of the Big Bang.  As per Newton's third law at one point this expansion will come to an end and every cosmic matters will make a return journey to the original point of explosion of the tiny particle. (Many cosmic scientists do not agree with this argument)

With any amount of assumption one cannot concede that such gigantic mass will reach to a zero state and end there. Therefore, it can be safely concluded that these mass will move to a minus state as per the above 'X' sketch. If so, here comes our scienti fic heaven. Let us look at this world. The survival of one is determined by the destruction of the other. Killings are the approved universal principle now. Abusing and cheating are day to day affairs of human on earth. In short we can say this a negative world. Once the universe is contracted and reach the  'O' point that must be the neutral state. And when it moves further to the minus region that will certainly be the positive world. That world will be the Heaven;  a scientific explanation of the divine region.

K V George 


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