
Showing posts from June, 2022


We  evaluate the action of others by its final outcome. When the result of an action is good we say the action is good; when the result become bad the action too become bad. There is an energy behind every action. When the output of the energy is good we call it positive energy and if bad, we call it negative energy. There is always an energy behind everything in this universe; either it is positive energy or negative energy. While every virtue is the the outcome of positive energy, every evil is the outcome of the negative energy. When every energy is originated from the Creator of this universe. Positive energy is construed as the creation of God and negative as the creation of devil. When all energy is from one source only, it is from God alone. No one else can create energy. The final outcome is depending upon how the end user convert it into. It is like some good water is stored in a tank with normal temperature coming out through two pipes. One pipe is entering in...


 Air Quality Index average today   in New Delhi shows 226, in Mumbai 71, Kolkata 291 and Chennai 159 . Average AQI today in New York City is 68, Los Angeles 63,. San Francisco 43 and Chicago 62. All these 8 cities in the world are thickly populated and having large number of vehicles on the roads. However, as per the available information the AQI of these two countries have mostly wide variations. We Indians must do something more to keep our air cleaner. Whatever is to be done by the government and the people seperately and collectively to  keep our future generation healthy to be attained at the earliest. K V George 


Mobile  Phone and internet was was introduced in India on the same day, August 15, 1995. Since then the growth was enviably fast. In May 2012 there were 927.37 million mobile users in India. In 2015 India had the second largest telecom network in the world. Communication technology has in fact deeply involved in every aspect of human life today. Mobile Phone has entered into email contacts the world over with wide social networking. Banking transactions, health check up, school and college education, office work etc have confined to internet through mobile phone. While we happily looked at the outstanding performance of this sector, we failed to take adequate security measures in this field. According to NCRB reports there are considerable increase of cyber crimes in India. When it was 27,248 cyber crimes in 2018, it came to 44,546 in 2019 and 50,035 in 2020. Most of these cases are related banking fraud and bullying of women and children. The most significant aspect of...


           (A class room in UK) Strength , peace and happiness of a country is determined by the unity and fraternity among the people. The people of every country is founded on the educational system of that country. Most advanced countries in the world have very advanced  educational system too. Today's children will rule the world tomorrow. They are shaped to that role by the education they have today. Education is an unending flow of knowledge and experience to the mind and body. According to the CEOWORLD magazine top ten countries in the world for educational system (2020) are:  Top 10 countries with quality index 1. UK 78.2 2. USA 72 3. Australia 70.5 4. Netherlands 70.3 5. Sweden 70.1 6. France 69.9 7. Denmark 69.8 8. Canada 69.8 9. Germany 69.5 10.Switzerland 68.3 (33. India 59.1) These rankings were based on three equally weighted countries that attribute a well developed public education system, top quality education, and whe...


Many countries in the world including India, balance of trade is maintained in USD. The normal procedure is that when export revenue of all private agencies received in USD are credited in government account and in turn the payment to the concerned exporters are made in the relevant currencies of the countries. The foreign exchange thus goes to the government do not have any considerable impact on the internal economy but when equal value of local currency is circulated it causes inflation. Though it doesn't stand with the demand and supply theory, excess circulation of money brings down the value of the local currency. This in turn becomes like too much money run after too less number of goods. That causes price rise or inflation. This is the same thing happens in export revenue too. K V George 


As per GNI per capita of 2020 the poorest countries in the world in the top 10 ranking are Burundi, Somalia, Mozambique, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Liberia, Niger and DR of Congo. (Different survey suggests changes in the order of the ranking) Their pci in US$ stands betwee n $270 and $550. Population of these countries put together comes to about 265 million people. On the other hand the top ten richest countries in the world according to the World Bank data as per the GDP are USA, China, Japan, Germany, UK, India, France, Italy, Canada and South Korea. We may now find the richest countries as per GDP (nominal) per Capita ranking. Those  Luxembourg, Switzerland, Ireland, Norway, USA, Denmark, Singapore, Iceland, Qatar and Australia. As per the statistics of 2020 the PCI of these countries stood between $116,921and $52,905. The difference between the former and latter countries are quite huge. If we look at this matter in a humanita...


The Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) has released the list of 12 tourist destinations in the world some time back and Kerala has bagged the 8th position leaving behind destinations in South Africa, Vietnam and the US. Kerala is the only Indian destination that features in the list. Despite the pandemic spread all over the world Kerala had record tourist arrivals and made an earing of over 45,000 cores in 2019.  Among the top ten countries that make most from tourism, USA is the 1st with $299 billion and Japan is the 10th with $48 billion. While the name of India cannot be found in the list, leave alone Kerala. When nature has bestowed so much of beauty over our tiny state, we people are unable to generate a reasonable income from it. We are proudly depending upon alcohol and lottery for our revenue. While USA can make over 22 lakhs crores (in Indian rupees)from tourism can we not set a target of 10% of it and work to achieve the same. The most pathetic aspect...


  Regarding the prayer taught by Jesus Christ, the Bible says: " ... one of his disciples said 'Lord teach us to pray...' (Luke 11:1), In reply to this the most renowned and holy prayer came out from the mouth of Jesus. The prayer indicates: " ... Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, since we also forgive all who are indebted to us. ....." These two verses from the prayer taught by the Lord appears to have been misinterpreted. Since this prayer is taught to the disciples, "our daily bread"  cannot be their food to eat. Since they were  constantly going to the people who did not know Jesus, they were to get the matter to feed those people. These matters or knowledge were to be sought from the Lord, to feed the large number of people through His Holy Spirit. This is to be seen as their daily bread. This is further confirmed by the next verse.  The prayer continues. "And forgive us our sins, since we also forgive all ...


Most of us are praying to God quite frequently irrespective of our religious attachments. We all give shape to the shapeless One under our own preferences as induced by others. Most of our prayers are focusing on some needs. These needs can be fresh asking or prayer to change what is given. We all however believe that wisdom, intelligence and knowledge are originated from God and none hold these more than Him. We also believe that God do not commit any error and therefore need no correction. All the actions of the Supreme One have absolute perfection. We also believe that God is the Creator of everything in the universe. Every human on earth is created by Him. He is our Father and we are His children. There is no bounds for His love. With total love for us He is always taking care of us. He has nothing bad against us to trouble. Let us now look at our prayers.  We abridge our prayers to two categories, those are prayers to the Almighty One to correct Himself and to do w...


Most of the countries in the world are infected with corruption and in most cases the ultimate sufferers are the poor and the innocent people. Generally the first victim recoup the loss through some other means from the common man. However those who have resources for alternative means get escaped and finally the helpless become the prey. When the weaker and the helpless become targets by the rich and the powerful one, they always look for help from the police. Unfortunately, the rulers of many countries in the world use the police force for their preferences. Many reputed agencies around the world have conducted surveys to find the best police in the world. The top ten picked from almost all surveys remains the same with marginal difference in rankings. The list presented below is from by Abayomi Jegede on July 2, 2021. 01. Japan, National Police Agency 02. New York, New York Police Department 03. Italian State Police 04. New Zealand Police 05. France National ...


"I am busy, I have no time." This is something we hear quite often. We too tell this, may be, frequently. The teacher is too busy and take the class quickly. The students do not understand much. The chef is busy and cook fast. The food has no taste. The driver is busy and drives fast and make accidents. Thus goes the busy ones. When people do not find sufficient time to get their routine work done properly well in time, it shows that such people are incompetent to do that work. When one is busy to do something, he has not planned his task well or does not know how to execute it perfectly and share their contentment with others. One day they may realise whether they were really busy or not. If they are fortunate to be on the bed waiting for their death, they would understand that they could have done more things if they were not 'busy.' K V George


Love  is said to be eternal, but picking a bride involves quite strange and tedious custom. A custom exist in Combodia and among some African tribes, where unmarried teens are even encouraged to stay in 'courting huts' to entertain potential suitors away from the parents' gaze. In these huts, they are allowed to explore multiple partners, all in a quest to find that true love. In an annual courtship event, the men of the Woodabe Fula in Niger dress up in elaborate costumes, put on make-up and dance and sing in a bid to win a bride. At the end of the performance it is the women who get to do the choosing. In Wales the lover is presented with a meticulously carved wooden spoon as a gesture that they will always feed and provide for them. If the affections are not mutual, the spoon is returned. If the spooning is successful, the sweetheart must wear it round their necks for a number of days. 'Jumping the broom' means in American Deep South is that the newly...


Media  have two ways to get to the people. One is, reach the people where they are. The other is bring the people where the media is. In the earlier times the former method was preferred but now it is the latter. So long as public activities are there news is part of it. Earlier style of reporting was that the actual situation was made known to the people but now the media decides whether the subject action is to be cut down to size or to flare up. Years ago, a political leader while addressing a meeting vomited on the stage. The style of reporting was: his own party said, the leader after extensive travel and attending a good number of meating could not have timely food and that made the poor soul to vomit. The opposition party mouth piece said that the leader had attended many liquor parties and that prompted the vomiting. However, no one could just report the fact that the person during speaking vomited on the stage. Media has a tendency while reporting a particular ...


"Aging is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." - Anonymous Most people in their 20s and 30s become too instable and carrying lot of stress in finding a job and overcoming the financial burdens. By reaching over 60 these stress slowly fade away and start enjoying a life they have made and, therefore, happiness   and well being  are with you. Semantic memory - your knowledge of the world and experiences, including recollection of facts and figures resist aging. Older people tend to write things down and organise their lives in a way that benifits their memory. Seniors are better decision makers,  more emotionally stable and become less impulsive than their younger peers according to research. Old people know the value of their time, energy and happiness. Stress in life are reduced as their children leave the house, they retire, and they have more time to do the things they really want to do. Comparing to the younger ones, the...


Blood vessels consisting of arteries, veins and capillaries in the human body has a length of more than 1,00,000 km which can be put around the world twice. Human mind that remains unfathomed yet has an estimated capacity of storing a video playing non-stop for about 250 years. There are such innumerable miracles hidden within the physical body of each one of us. All our five senses are absolute marvels beyond imagination. Human heart is really an amazing organ which pumps oxygen and nutrients rich blood throughout the day and all through life. The heart beats 1,00,000 times a day and pumps about 2,000 gallons (about 7600 litres) blood every day. This great organ works smoothly for 60, 70, 100 years or more. There are such inexplicable systems in the human body. According to our belief and available knowledge everything in this universe is created by this Great Engineer. All knowledge, wisdom, intelligence and efficiency are originated from Him. This Engineer never commit a...


About 1,500 people have been shot dead in USA around a period of a decade by people carrying gun for fun. All the killers have licenced guns. In other words they have made the killings by government approved weapons.  The killers have been allowed to carry guns for their safety. By safeguarding themselves with a gun these people  cause the death of others, who have in most cases no connection with these killers. The law of a country should be drafted in such a way that it should in no way take the life of others, especially the innocents. Here it happens that ordinary people who make no harm to the society are killed by these gun players. Anything that threaten the life of common people should be removed from the society. The law may have to be amended appropriately to prevent the recurrence of such killings in the future. K V George 


Most essential items to produce any goods are just two. One is sufficient earth and the other is human labour. We Indians have these two in surplus. But, we are far behind to many countries in producing goods and selling them to other countries. Neither our people nor our governments are focusing on these two to make ourselves wealthy and self sufficient. China is in the forefront in combining these two elements properly and serve the world and serve themselves. We prefer to weep on our poverty. The government is extending subsidies to reduce the poverty than using our surplus resources to eradicate poverty. I would like to call upon my fellow countrymen to form groups one after the other to produce goods and services and sell those in the international market. If we can produce high quality goods in a fast pace and offer at a low price, there may be enough takers and that will remove our poverty. We can also stand among the rich in the world. K V George 


There  is only one profession that can offer one high position and high returns. And that is politics. No prerequisite for educational qualifications, age, health, character verification or any such things. No retirement age too. Over and above these liberal provisions, many things come under free category or under highly subsidised prices. In every other profession the master invite the servants through media ads or other means. In the cases of politicians they are never invited by anyone but jump to the master with a free service offer, pull the chair and sit. Time passes away. The self offered free service servant fix his salary and perks, declare items which are to be provided free and at nominal prices. Then the free service member ask money from the people for the service to be rendered. Members of Indian parliament enhanced their salary from Rs 50,000/- to Rs 1 lakh  per month in 2018. This makes their annual earning to $ 17,424/- (£ 13,188/-) When the annua...


  We  can find good amount of self discipline in US roads which is too scarce in India. When approaches to a road from another road, beyond the entry line the word 'STOP' is written on the road. All drivers reaching that 'T' point stops the vehicle for a few seconds and looks either side and ensures that no vehicle is approaching. It is also ensured that no pedestrian is crossing the road. There is neither a traffic light nor a police person to control these 'T' points. It is a self regulated system. In India no one bothers about such writing at the 'T' points.  In India, even if someone is there to controll the vehicles one may dare to ask him, "Who is that to control me?" The reason for all such public disobedience is that we don't teach our children in schools about discipline in the society including traffic self regulations. Until we include such socially essential subjects in the school syllabus we cannot bring up a discip...