It is high time that the central and state governments should take firm decision on bribery. There are two options for the governments. (1) Recognise bribery and make it free from any punishments. (2) Enact strict, time bound and simple law for punishments for any bribery involving anyone. Remove all ifs and buts from the law and make it too simple. There should be a penalty of ten times the money involved and a maximum of one month time for the enquiry. If found true the person concerned should be dismissed forth with and the appropriate jail term should be awarded.
Only two categories of people are involved in bribery cases. They are government employees and politicians. Both of them, irrespective of their status, should be dealt with severely. If the governments cannot do this make out a law exempting bribery from any offence.
May take a decision and do it fast.
KV George
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