Contrary to the continues growth for centuries Christianity shows a negative tendency for the past some decades. Church attendance is diminishing constantly in some European countries and America. More churches are sold or closed than the new ones constructed. In many countries the youth are keeping themselves away from church activities. In some European countries, which were considered as the citadels of Christianity, Sunday mass is attended mostly by old people and on weak days the attendance has come down to 10 to 15 people.

It is informed through reliable sources that seven Catholic Churches have been sold in the recent past in a European country which are now converted as Orthodox Churches. Sale of churches are taking place in USA, UK etc quite frequently. From 1990 to 2000 the combined membership of all Protestant denominations in the US declined by 5 million members (9.5 %) while US population increased by 24 million (11%) Christianity is on the decline in UK, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Norway, France and the Netherlands. Church attendance  have come down considerably in UK since 1970s. The younger population of the US is becoming more secular. Those who do not believe in any religion have risen from 8.2% in 1990 to 14.2% in 2000 in US alone. In 2013 this figure shot up to 16%.

Things are bit different in India, particularly in Kerala. Most of the youth, especially the male ones, are going to church merely to appease the elders. Most of the youth do not have basic knowledge of Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ. There is a blind belief amongst the priesthood that by pouring the baptism water one become Christian. In fact the first seeds of Christian philosophy is planted in a child during the preparatory classes for the first Holy Communion. There must be deep rooted syllabus and well trained teachers for these classes. This is the basic knowledge provided to all Christian children and this knowledge remain with them right through their lives. Another significant aspect is the reading from the gospel during liturgy. There are some selected verses being read during liturgy for decades. Many Biblical verses from the gospel remain as hard nuts to crack for a very large number of believers. The clergy put no effort to prescribe these verses for the Sunday readings. The syllabus prescribed for the catechism classes too do not touch many such gospel contents. Unless more detailed knowledge is provided for the younger generation in terms with the contemporary culture it would be difficult  to retain the sheep in the fold.

As a whole, church has gradually picked up a corporate culture from love and forgive culture of Christianity. Jesus Christ has become the largest selling commodity in the contemporary faith market. Unless the top priests reach the poor and the down trodden it would be impossible to maintain a unity within the church. The negative approach by the clergy will only make to help the drop faster.

It may not be out of place to mention that when a religious matter pertaining to the Catholic community was brought up for discussion in the visual media, there were strong criticism from some nuns against certain systems prevalent in the church. There were also widespread voices against the leadership of the church when a house wife committed suicide after the refusal of the church to concede the sympathetical request by the family. Reluctance to unify the observations of the church is also causing differences among members. The church leadership is keeping themselves away from sensitive matters since long. This will only help to widen the difference.

Love, love and love alone can keep the unity within the church and among churches!

KV George


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